Media's Influence on Urban Youths

I remember reading a topic on NT a while back about the influence of rap music on the youth. A lot of NTers were pretty adamant that rap was just "entertainment" and did not have any real, tangible effect on the mindset of the youth. I don't agree with this at all (and I listen to rap.) Anyone else's thoughts on this?

I've already made my thoughts on this known on here and I can't keep typing the same things over and over again. I'll save that for those that clearly have A LOT of free time on their hands.

Anyone who says rap (and rappers) doesn't have a tangible effect on young people is clearly out of touch with young people.

Particularly young people without proper guidance. If you grew up in a cozy 2 parent home in the suburbs, then maybe you have proper guidance.

Not everyone is so fortunate. This obviously then falls back on the bigger issue of parenting. But right now I'm just addressing your point.

Look at it both ways. Rap and rappers can have a negative effect on young people.

On the flip side, guys like Jay Z, Puffy, etc. were clearly instrumental in mobilizing young people to vote in our last election. One way or another, they are influential.

It's a shame they don't chose to be positive influences more often when they can be.
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rap is just a soundtrack to the lives that people are already living based on the environment they grow up in, their family, and how they are as a person. the rationale in shooting up a block, selling drugs, or robbing someone lies deeper than any rapper talking about that. trust me.

This is flimsy at best. And a bit of a cop out. You're right in the sense that rap isn't the reason the things you mention are happening.

But it doesn't diminish the influence that these popular figures have on impressionable young people.

Not every rapper is really rapping based on "how they are as a person". We know this.
To change things for people you have to change their day to day. All that flying kids out and all does mean anything if you cant change how they sleep at night. Instead of all those feild trips and emotionally inspiring crap you do a day to day thing. Nothing would help more then just being there in their day to day. The kids need to report back to you 4-5 days a week. The best thing to motivate the kids would be MONEY!!!!!!! & Jays.

If I ran one the way I really wanted it would be to offer rewards for grades and homework done. I would offer 4-10 dollars on each homework done depending on what it is. A 1-3 page essay would be a $10 thing. I would offer 2 cents on the point for every test with grades over 75. So They can get $50 for a A. That would motivate ANY KID and promote ALOT OF GREAT habits. Make them compete with who every gets the best grades gets a free pair of Jays. It would be awesome. Expensive but I belive it would do alot of good
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