Medical Marijuana Will be placed on the Ballot in Florida !!!!!! Vol. Dont Blow this Guys (Pun Inten

Feb 1, 2002

Florida constitutional amendment calling for medical marijuana will be decided by Florida voters in November now that the state Supreme Court ruled Monday that the proposed initiative and ballot summary aren't misleading.

"Voters are given fair notice as to the chief purpose and scope of the proposed amendment, which is to allow a restricted use of marijuana for certain ― debilitating medical conditions," the court said in a 4-3 ruling in which conservative justices and one moderate dissented.

"We conclude that the voters will not be affirmatively misled regarding the purpose of the proposed amendment because the ballot title and summary accurately convey the limited use of marijuana, as determined by a licensed Florida physician," the court ruled.

If the amendment passes — it takes 60 percent of the vote to do that in Florida —the state would become the 21st to decriminalize marijuana for medical use, though marijuana remains illegal at the federal level.

A host of polls show Florida's measure would pass, with one survey showing support as high as 82 percent.

In issuing its ruling, the court rejected a host of arguments advanced by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford, Florida’s Senate President Don Gaetz and conservative-leaning lobby groups based in the state Capitol.

The opponents claimed that voters would essentially be tricked into legalizing marijuana under the guise of helping sick people.

One of the most-conservative members of the court, Justice Ricky Polston, echoed the arguments of opponents — sure to be amplified on the campaign trail —in saying this proposal is designed to "hide the ball" from voters.

"The normal and common sense meaning of the words used in this initiative‘s ballot summary and title are significantly different than the normal and common sense meaning of the words used in the amendment‘s text,'' he wrote in a lengthy dissent in which fellow conservative, Charles Canady concurred.

The citizens' group that pushed for the proposal, People United for Medical Marijuana, said the opponents were twisting the words of the initiative and ballot summary. People United also pointed out that the Florida Legislature, led by Republicans, has repeatedly blocked medical-marijuana efforts from even getting a hearing in the state Capitol until recently.

But as poll after poll showed outsized and bipartisan support for medical marijuana in the nation and Florida, state lawmakers began giving more consideration to a limited medical cannabis proposal.

That limited proposal is aimed at a niche strain of marijuana that contains a low level of high-inducing THC and a stronger level of a substance called CBD that, parents and physicians say, helps prevent severe epileptic attacks, especially in children.

But that legislative proposal, which is being resisted by some Republican leaders, is far more limited in scope than the proposed constitutional amendment. The amendment targets nine specific "debilitating medical conditions."

Physicians could recommend marijuana for other ailments if, after conducting an examination, they determine cannabis would help patients more

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Feels Good Man.......

Already looking up how to start a dispensary............

View media item 769904
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Am I really considering moving back to Pensacola now???

EDIT: OP you gonna have to back that up with an article or something.
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How bout we make a thread that talks about the trend of legalization with articles and facts.

Starting off with those gifs and tone will be a for sure lock.

Seems like no state wanted to be the first, now that the Superbowl states started the game off, everyone else is falling in line.

Most surprising is to hear Texas governor Rick Perry speak up.

Bill To Legalize Marijuana Introduced In Oklahoma


Medical marijuana headed to Florida ballot after Supreme Court’s 4-3 decision

Read more here:


Rick Perry urges move toward marijuana decriminalization

Please add more
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The crazy thing about this whole wave marijuana legalization is that it has people excited to pay more taxes.
The crazy thing about this whole wave marijuana legalization is that it has people excited to pay more taxes.

People aren't excited to pay more taxes. They're excited to have the peace of mind that comes along with the legalization and taxation of marijuana.
The crazy thing about this whole wave marijuana legalization is that it has people excited to pay more taxes.

It's gonna end up in the same place. It's just gonna help out the states more.

state levels are hurting for the money. War on drugs got them spending hundreds of millions of dollars on the same thing every year with no positive results.

I think all the budget issues are gonna force the whole nation into fiscal responsibility.

Being given billions of dollars to deal with the darkies is a luxury benefit for racist that this country hasn't been able to afford for a long time.

There are enough brown ppl here and jazz music is too old to cause a ruckus.

Also this slow road to legalization makes it easier for the criminal elements involved to find another hustle.

If legalization happened suddenly, it would be a tough blow to the black market.

It's like giving the criminals a grace period to find another criminal enterprise.
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Medical weed is a waste of time because everyone runs to the doctor with fake crap trying to get at a card. They need to just decriminalize it and treat it like alcohol and move on.
what's wild is in VA we already have medical laws.

we just have no dispensaries.

Too close to the feds. :lol:

Here in Minnesota, you can have up to 42g and all they'll slap you with is a $200 fine. Still sack, but better then a lot of states. MN NORML has been attempting to introduce legislation for medical, but nothing has made it to the floor yet.

Its the first step though. I'll be voting in November! :smokin
Honestly its taking WAAAY too long. With the Success in Colorado with handling and the increase in Tax revenue I would thought there would be more states trying to job on it. Tax revenue up from the smokers and Tax spending down from less people going through the system
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