meet Terrence Wise, a 36 year old, 2nd-generation fast-food worker

At least dude is working and not stealing or begging. I respect that. You never know what someone is going through or what led them to be in their current position.
People go into the porn for a lot of reasons. Some seek a career, some want their college paid for and some just need some direction or don't have anything else better going on.

So you feel that all careers are the same as the porn industry? Military service is much more stable than the porn industry and many other industries as well. I think that you may have compared the two just to be inflammatory and disrespectful.

yeah man i'm the crazy one says the guy riding for the 36 year old, second generation fast-food worker.
You probably should have read my posts before you made this statement. Intellectual honesty isn't your strong suit. 
On small businesses:


Myth: Small business owners can't afford to pay their workers more, and therefore don't support an increase in the minimum wage.
Not true: A July 2015 survey found that 3 out of 5 small business owners with employees support a gradual increase in the minimum wage to $12. The survey reports that small business owners say an increase "would immediately put more money in the pocket of low-wage workers who will then spend the money on things like housing, food, and gas. This boost in demand for goods and services will help stimulate the economy and help create opportunities."

My point about regulation of some of these large companies was somewhat about the tax situation, I should have elaborated. Money could easily be pulled from these companies that are skating on taxes, and I would gladly support paying a bit more in taxes if it meant large corporations had to do the same. That's just me though.

I think you have more of a "hands off" approach when it comes to government regulation, but I really believe in some cases it is necessary for the benefit of the country and the people in it. Even with my complete lack of trust and belief in the government :lol: We're dealing with billions of dollars in tax revenue per year that just disappear.

None of this could happen overnight, obviously. Years of planning and gradual implementation would have to be done. But I personally believe it's worth a try. I agree that paying very close attention the cities implementing these wage increases is key in the coming years. They can surely be a guide for a national framework with adjustments for different cities based on what is needed.

I read those links,but there's also this:

"As the implementation date for Seattle’s strict $15 per hour minimum wage law approaches, the city is experiencing a rising trend in restaurant closures. The tough new law goes into effect April 1st. The closings have occurred across the city, from Grub in the upscale Queen Anne Hill neighborhood, to Little Uncle in gritty Pioneer Square, to the Boat Street Cafe on Western Avenue near the waterfront.

The shut-downs have idled dozens of low-wage workers, the very people advocates say the wage law is supposed to help. Instead of delivering the promised “living wage” of $15 an hour, economic realities created by the new law have dropped the hourly wage for these workers to zero.

Advocates of a high minimum wage said businesses would simply pay the mandated wage out of profits, raising earnings for workers. Restaurants operate on thin margins, though, with average profits of 4% or less, and the business is highly competitive"

" Not that there’s going to be a wiping out of employment opportunities, nor that the economy of Seattle is going to become a howling wasteland. Rather, that less human labor will be employed at $15 an hour than would have been employed if the minimum wage had not risen to that amount. And for people who would like to have a job but now cannot find one that’s bad news."

We will see how those states fare over the next few years.
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Thanks for those links. And yes definitely need to keep watching. Maybe through these experiments we'll find a middle ground that actually works for all parties.
On another note, let's say that the minimum wage does cause the companies to downsize and minimize jobs. Wouldn't someone like Terrence Wise be one of the first to go?
:rofl: :rofl:

yeah man i'm the crazy one says the guy riding for the 36 year old, second generation fast-food worker.

You probably should have read my posts before you made this statement. Intellectual honesty isn't your strong suit. 

:lol: whatever makes you sleep better at night.

Do you know why fast food workers only get paid minimum wage? Its because it doesn't take much skills for someone to do it and they can be replaced easily. I can see the fight in raising the minimum wage in general but to argue that fast food workers should get paid more than other minimum wage workers isn't smart…

The biggest part is you don't realize why people don't feel bad Terrance wise. Yeah we get it, he's in a ****** situation but most people think it would be more productive to use his some of his "time", which you think he didn't have with hom working two jobs and raising a family, to find a way to get a better paid job. Will it be tough? Probably. But what's worth having isn't tough. He's been in the same position the last 20 years b. How is that the government fault? After a while you gotta blame yourself for not doing better. We have homeless turning into millionaires in this country. How many other countries can say that? America might not be the perfect country but it does provide opportunities that most countries don't.
Could be wrong but I feel it would be based on performance and how beneficial you are to the location you're employed at.

Also would have to see how/if unemployment benefits would be affected in these kinds of situations.

Somewhat related, have you guys been seeing more stuff about McDonald's starting to fail lately?
Could be wrong but I feel it would be based on performance and how beneficial you are to the location you're employed at.

Also would have to see how/if unemployment benefits would be affected in these kinds of situations.

Somewhat related, have you guys been seeing more stuff about McDonald's starting to fail lately?

I haven't had McDonald's in a min but I have been fiending for a mcchicken since this thread was created lol
Could be wrong but I feel it would be based on performance and how beneficial you are to the location you're employed at.

Also would have to see how/if unemployment benefits would be affected in these kinds of situations.

Somewhat related, have you guys been seeing more stuff about McDonald's starting to fail lately?

Yeah, that's why they brought out the all day breakfast menu. If you get your wish of a higher minimum wage, I fear that we may never again see the return of the 99 cent Big Mac. :lol: :nerd: I don't think that they are actually failing though, they are just not seeing the type of growth that they are used to. I think that the current health food/fitness/organic craze is hurting them more than anything, and the fact that the economy is still in a slump in general. Here is an interesting article about McDonalds:

"Most people don't realize it, but McDonald's (NYSE:MCD) is not a burger-flipping restaurant chain; it is one of the world's best real estate portfolios. Franchisees flip the burgers. McDonald's simply owns the best commercial property all over the world."
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yall have a 99 cent big mac?

its like 4 dollars here in canada 

no wonder americans are so fat 
Could be wrong but I feel it would be based on performance and how beneficial you are to the location you're employed at.

Also would have to see how/if unemployment benefits would be affected in these kinds of situations.

Somewhat related, have you guys been seeing more stuff about McDonald's starting to fail lately?
They aren't really failing, they just haven't seen the growth they would like...They still had profit of somewhere around 5 Billion last year..That's my problem with them and other large corporations,they aren't struggling or losing money at all,they have profits in the billions yet can't afford to pay the people at the bottom of the ladder a few bucks more an hour.
this will all be moot.

McDonalds will not survive unless it replaces its disgruntled workers with robots, fast.
So y'all think ppl with other minimum jobs deserve livable wages, it's just the burger flipper that steers you the wrong way right?
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So y'all think ppl with other minimum jobs deserve livable wages, it's just the burger flipper that steers you the wrong way right?

everyone deserves livable wages. EVERYONE. Id even argue for a minimum basic income (if we can subsidize failing corporations and banks...why not people?)
You dudes are caping for a dude who has worked min wage for 20 yrs!?!?!? Wtf has he been doing? No advancement?!?!

That's all on him...period.
So y'all think ppl with other minimum jobs deserve livable wages, it's just the burger flipper that steers you the wrong way right?

everyone deserves livable wages. EVERYONE. Id even argue for a minimum basic income (if we can subsidize failing corporations and banks...why not people?)
yeah I feel the same way but according to this thread if you flip burgers you don't
So y'all think ppl with other minimum jobs deserve livable wages, it's just the burger flipper that steers you the wrong way right?
everyone deserves livable wages. EVERYONE. Id even argue for a minimum basic income (if we can subsidize failing corporations and banks...why not people?)
yeah I feel the same way but according to this thread if you flip burgers you don't
"livable wage" goes up every time you have a kid. You can't just say everyone deserves a livable wage with just 1 minimum wage job as an end all be all. That amount is different for every situation. Sometimes you need to work 2 jobs or even 3.
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