Meet the $338M NJ Powerball winner vol. Pedro

i know finnns i know.............but eh i rather see this than some old 80 yr old white couple from iowa

i wish him the best. thats A LOT of money to fall into ones hands. him runnin down the block yellin im a millionaire in spanish was awesome

i would move back to DR if i were him and live amongst the rich. put 20 mil in a high interest yielding account and live off that. buy a huge mansion there for like 1 mill put all 5 kids thru the best schooling for another mill. 

if he plays it right his fam is set for generations and generations
id have sexy parties everyday

hire a narrator for my life. every time i do something the person narrates it :pimp:

all this + hire different musicians to play music all day, id have my own theme music.
About time a black guy won it.
You mean Spanish
The amount of problems he's about to have in his life.

I would NEVER EVER EVER announce that I won the powerball.

That dude will have long lost "relatives" coming out of the woodwork
Current law in New Jersey publishes lottery winners in open public record. Not much you can do about that. However, if I was in his situation and a film crew from the 5 o'clock news came to interview me best believe I'd have the ski-mask handy and would hit them with the "no comment" on every question.
i hope dude left that sh*thole of a town Passaic already and doesn't blow all that bread.
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People are stupid to claim it under their name

You live in the hood and you're claiming a 338 million dollar ticket.

This and the fact that he claimed the ticket so quickly tells me that he hasn't set up a trust/contacted a lawyer/attorney yet. Probably couldn't help himself when he found out he won and told his family. After that it was a wrap.

Wish him all the best though.
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id have sexy parties everyday

hire a narrator for my life. every time i do something the person narrates it :pimp:


I could see this happening if I ever won also

"AntBank$81 throws money on the floor at young sexy dancers"

"AntBank$81 leaves his door up as he walks away from the Aventador"
if i hit that kind of of money, id take a cool mil, and wilout. str8 set myself back. blow wild money at clubs, jcrew, OD on american airlines/jetblue. book some venue, hire juicy J, big sean...the fugees, fly out all da homies and be about that yolo life.


upgrade whip to STI. buy girl a whip.

pay fam back for higher education investment at Temple University.

the rest is getting saved/invested.
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