
We tried this once already a while back. Not to say it didn't work as far as debate but it's not going to keep all religion discussion in this one thread. Couple weeks from now when this thread is 30 pages somebody else will make a thread pertaining to religion or atheism or secularism and ppl will move on to that thread. Same shh different title.

I think NTers need to stop complaining about relgion discussion on this forum period. If you don't like it don't participate. There's a number of thread I never enter and never will. When you enter the thread to complain that discussion is taking place you're just trolling like a lame asking what's the point, why do you care if there's no point? Seeing a religion thread on the first page going multiple pages bothers you that much?
Originally Posted by Tony Montana

A universe can't poof outta nowhere so a grand architect HAS to exist.
But a grand architect can poof outta nowhere?
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by vSlackin
Thank god for innovators
Glad everyone doesnt think like this 

So it's innovative to have a story of a man who can do everything? I just think the stories are ridiculous. Your wizard that you speak of cannot be real. Your a victim of so many people in the world who've grown up brainwashed by their families to thinking that, if you put your faith in this man, that he will solve all your problems.
Originally Posted by Tony Montana

A universe can't poof outta nowhere so a grand architect HAS to exist.

Quantum Mechanics has already solved this for the most part.
The most famous account of this to explain it is this talk:

and supplemented by this book:


Oh, and you're neglecting the following question to this claim: Who created the creator, if you assert that one exists?

On top of that, if this creator exists, what standard do you then apply?

What says you have to acknowledge it?

What says you have to talk to it?

What says you have to make concessions to it?

�What says you have to follow its rules?

How do you confirm what it says, if it says anything, and how do you validate its claims?

Essentially, if this creator exists, why do you choose to acknowledge it in the way that you do?

Why do you thank it? Did it ask for that?

Why does it have to verbally hear you speak?

Are you sure you're communicating the right way with it?

What qualifies as�communication?�

Why adopt one story of a creator when all are equally plausible and build upon each other.

If you encounter something that completely disproves a tenet of your faith, where do you reconcile the conclusion? With the evidence or with your creator?

Its about honesty and the ability to stand beside yourself to really qualify what the evidence is saying instead of saying what you want the evidence to mean.

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Tony Montana

A universe can't poof outta nowhere so a grand architect HAS to exist.

Yet the grand architect poofed from out of nowhere
I think what everyone seems to be not considering is that nowhere and nothingness are also states of being. Much like matter being inert yet having the ability to transform into everything we see around us. 

"Nothing" still something. Thats the trippy part.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Tony Montana

A universe can't poof outta nowhere so a grand architect HAS to exist.

Yet the grand architect poofed from out of nowhere
I think what everyone seems to be not considering is that nowhere and nothingness are also states of being. Much like matter being inert yet having the ability to transform into everything we see around us. 
Originally Posted by vSlackin

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by vSlackin
Thank god for innovators
Glad everyone doesnt think like this 

So it's innovative to have a story of a man who can do everything? I just think the stories are ridiculous. Your wizard that you speak of cannot be real. Your a victim of so many people in the world who've grown up brainwashed by their families to thinking that, if you put your faith in this man, that he will solve all your problems.

 Why do yall get so defensive and jump to the you're a christian defense?

Brainwashed? Im not brainwashed by Religion or Science I think for myself. 

The whole Seeing is believing notion is dumb. And if everyone thought like this we would still be cavemen.

People cant see the future yet they plan for it. 
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Tony Montana

A universe can't poof outta nowhere so a grand architect HAS to exist.

Yet the grand architect poofed from out of nowhere
I think what everyone seems to be not considering is that nowhere and nothingness are also states of being. Much like matter being inert yet having the ability to transform into everything we see around us. 

Yea either way the something from nothing argument religious people keep making is foolish, something CLEARLY had to have come from nothing that is my point--either the universe or the creator HAD to have come from "nothingness"--scientists search for answers, religious people make s$$$ up
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Unfortunately God doesn't exactly spark the imagination because religious people know it so well---It clapped its hands and mad woman from a man's ribs end of story, very creative and innovative indeed

People like me on the other hand have a billion ideas of what God MAY or MAY not be

lol how is that the end of story. It's more like the beginning

End of story as far as the explanation for how woman and man were created---good try tho

I thought it was... but anyway how does it hurt that one person believes something different than you?
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by oidreez

lol how is that the end of story. It's more like the beginning

End of story as far as the explanation for how woman and man were created---good try tho

I thought it was... but anyway how does it hurt that one person believes something different than you?
Just stop.

We need to get over this notion that "well I believe my own thing it so thats cool"...

No. Its not.

Let me know when "your own calculus" gets you too the moon or "your own electricity" turns on your TV or "your own medicine" saves you from something that would have killed you a few generations ago.

There ARE facts about certain things and just because you took the effort to think of something, doesn't make it true, real, or valid.

Its not about believing something different. Its about being right or being wrong.

Some answers are FAR MORE RIGHT THAN WRONG. Thats all that matters.

This isn't about opinion. Its about objectivity. Your emotions, your history, your thoughts, etc. DO NOT MATTER.

Its about what is proven and what is not proven. What is supported and what is not supported. What is backed up and what is not backed up.

You don't get points for thinking. You get points for being right.


Do I have all the answers? No.

Do I claim to have all the answers? No.

Do I expect others to have all the answers? No.

Do I accept "god" as an answer? No.

God doesn't answer anything more than it guesses something. When you say god did it, its an assumption. Its a guess. Its a wild shot in the dark because you dont have a better explanation for something.

When there are things that can't be proven either due to the limits of modern technology or because of other discoveries that haven't been made, the ONLY reasonable answer is: "I DO NOT KNOW, BUT I WILL MAKE SURE I FIND OUT"

Stopping at "god" gets you no closer to the answer.

To be honest... with all these postings of religious threads, its actually made me closer to the Lord.  I might even try to go to church Sunday.
I don't think of God or religion much at all but it seems that every time I now go to NT, I am always reminded of it.  
Quantum physicists like Religious leaders continue to make up & change the rules as they go.

The absence of anything is nothingness NOT nothing. An empty room with "nothing" in it obviously has something in it

No.....thing can come from nothingness no energy, no matter.

Eventually in the past there was nothingness so something had to "create" energy from nothingness
Originally Posted by cartune

Quantum physicists like Religious leaders continue to make up & change the rules as they go.

The absence of anything is nothingness NOT nothing. An empty room with "nothing" in it obviously has something in it

No.....thing can come from nothingness no energy, no matter.

Eventually in the past there was nothingness so something had to "create" energy from nothingness

Many scientific discoveries are constantly being revised, science is not a stagnant field but what science has on its side is RESULTS

In medicine we have found cures for many illnesses, but research is never ending because of the never-ending quest for perfection---Religion is laziness
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

To be honest... with all these postings of religious threads, its actually made me closer to the Lord.  I might even try to go to church Sunday.
I don't think of God or religion much at all but it seems that every time I now go to NT, I am always reminded of it.  

Lol word
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

To be honest... with all these postings of religious threads, its actually made me closer to the Lord.  I might even try to go to church Sunday.
I don't think of God or religion much at all but it seems that every time I now go to NT, I am always reminded of it.  
Oh, really?

Couldn't read the bible alone, huh? 


Originally Posted by cartune

Quantum physicists like Religious leaders continue to make up & change the rules as they go.
Oh really?

Like what? Provide evidence of this claim. The only thing really in contention is the multiverse and stuff like string theory. 

You mean those things supported with evidence that allow you to even use GPS or the CPU you're using to compose this message? 

Even if they learned they were wrong about something, their ability to admit their faults and change their errors is 10x better than religious entities just sticking with the first draft and going to put it on shelves.

You act as if making inquiries and being wrong is a bad thing...its when you realize you're wrong and refuse to change is where problems occur. 

The absence of anything is nothingness NOT nothing. An empty room with "nothing" in it obviously has something in it

You both negated and confirmed yourself in two sentences

No.....thing can come from nothingness no energy, no matter.
 E = MC^2 (plus all the other relativity parts of left off the equation)
Yeah, it actually can. 

Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that its not true. 

Eventually in the past there was nothingness so something had to "create" energy from nothingness

A. You don't know that the universe may have always existed

B. You don't know if the universe just expands and contracts

C. You negated yourself. You claimed "nothingness" was not NOTHING, but then said what nothingness

I really encourage you to peep the video. I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't think it would explain this stuff.
is it me or does anyone get annoyed when you watch these award shows and people say "I would like to thank God, without him none of this is possible....."? I always get a confused look in my face when they say that
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

To be honest... with all these postings of religious threads, its actually made me closer to the Lord.  I might even try to go to church Sunday.
I don't think of God or religion much at all but it seems that every time I now go to NT, I am always reminded of it.  
Oh, really?

Couldn't read the bible alone, huh? 
Why be forever alone when I can go to bible study and meet females to help me study?
yawn sillyputty. You act like someone can only believe in religion or science. you will never win yourself no matter how many long posts you make
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by cartune

 Why do yall get so defensive and jump to the you're a christian defense?

Brainwashed? Im not brainwashed by Religion or Science I think for myself. 

The whole Seeing is believing notion is dumb. And if everyone thought like this we would still be cavemen.

People cant see the future yet they plan for it. 

Religious folks are IN FACT brainwashed by definition.
Can you be brainwashed by science?? I mean it's just facts after all..

"People can't see the future, yet the plan for it." Horrible analogy.. We are always   X < .0000000000000001 seconds away from the future, how does this relate?

People in the past used science for racism and other injustices. It isnt a perfect instrument. You can hold scientific facts to a higher standard than religion but following it blindly is not thinking for yourself and using other people's "evidence" as your personal truth
Tomorrow is the future that everyone believes in yet nobody has seen. 
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by cartune

 Why do yall get so defensive and jump to the you're a christian defense?

Brainwashed? Im not brainwashed by Religion or Science I think for myself. 

The whole Seeing is believing notion is dumb. And if everyone thought like this we would still be cavemen.

People cant see the future yet they plan for it. 

Religious folks are IN FACT brainwashed by definition.
Can you be brainwashed by science?? I mean it's just facts after all..

"People can't see the future, yet the plan for it." Horrible analogy.. We are always   X < .0000000000000001 seconds away from the future, how does this relate?

People in the past used science for racism and other injustices. It isnt a perfect instrument. You can hold scientific facts to a higher standard than religion but following it blindly is not thinking for yourself and using other people's "evidence" as your personal truth
Tomorrow is the future that everyone believes in yet nobody has seen. 

Other people's evidence that has gone through a rigorous peer review process you mean? No matter how much I believe in something without hard numbers and without statistical significance it's not getting published

And it's one thing to have an imagination, I believe in time travel, multiple dimensions, distant alien planet,  etc none of these things have been established as fact
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

To be honest... with all these postings of religious threads, its actually made me closer to the Lord.  I might even try to go to church Sunday.
I don't think of God or religion much at all but it seems that every time I now go to NT, I am always reminded of it.  
Oh, really?

Couldn't read the bible alone, huh? 


People go to church to fellowship with one another and be around like minded individuals.

Like a science club. People go and talk science and get to know one another. They also share excitement about science and encourage each other to learn more and more.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Why be forever alone when I can go to bible study and meet females to help me study?

That's cool as long as you don't have premarital sex with them.. 

Well sometimes things just happen... know what I mean?  I really do need a good Catholic girl in my life though!  
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