
Originally Posted by Retro23J

Originally Posted by Jerome in the House

Cool question for the believers that also believe in aliens. Do aliens read the bible too? Do they all have a "savior" "prophets" or whatever?
Very cool question.

Its a very REAL question and not a new one at all. 
Once we encounter alien life we have to consider the possibility that they might have never heard of any religion or faith or gospel.

Then it minimizes the impact of the major religions as they assume that their faith extends beyond the reach of earth.

If those aliens don't believe in any god or have any concept of it, you would have to assert that the claim for god existing gets even smaller.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Its funny how these idiots are supposed atheists and spend a good part of their time on Niketalk defending their idiotic views.

This dude sillyputty posts about other topics JUST to meet his quota to be able to talk about HIS favorite subject, atheism, and how flawed and completely wrong it is.

He is seriously a pest and a grievance to the community. He contributes nothing further than his mechanical argument often repeating the same, tired, public school science curriculum terminology in every rebuttal. It's weak, and exposes the shallowness of western education and his own personal intellect.

You and those who think like you are a waste of human intelligence and the epitome of the same hypocrisy you claim to be so critical of by declaring yourself an 'atheist'.

 It makes it even worse when you perceive yourself to be more intelligent than others when you couldn't be MORE wrong.

So why don't you do us all here on NT a favor and kill yourself and find out. Your annoying as hell.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I like to thank Yahweh for all the success I've had till this point in my life. And to my fellow men who have not experienced the same level of success, tough luck. Everything happens for a reason.

I am a slave to Yahweh and atheists eat children on their spare time and no amount of education, thinking or good deeds can change that. 

Your a joke. You claim an agnostic point of view and 'we don't know', yet your always on NT fighting the good atheist fight spewing your CRAP, while your native country burns to the ground. 

You've got nothing to say about that though do you? Of course not.

You'd rather continue arguing about something you've already determined we don't know exists instead of intelligently discussing what we DO know exists. 

Thats why your nothing but a clown. Continue your attempt to mock true belief,  jester.  
Let me go on further. We want to figure out how something works. If it can't immediately be answered we use experimentation until we figure it out. Take guesses out of the equation and insert hypothesis.

Estimate or suppose (something) without sufficient information to be sure of being correct.

A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

Of course we must go further than guessing or hypothesizing in order to understand things.
LOL B went off.

Son prob held it in.

Dont argue with putty man. Just post his photo.

then remind yourself, he does have a god:

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Let me go on further. We want to figure out how something works. 

If it can't immediately be answered we use experimentation until we figure it out.

Take guesses out of the equation and insert hypothesis.



A Hypothesis is an educated guess.

Lets say I want to show a link between obesity and heart disease. I then assert that more obese people have heart disease. 

I then set out to prove the strongest correlation I can to support that claim.

After I collect data I analyze it.

Either the data supports the claim or it doesn't.

A guess is no different, we just call scientific guesses, Hypotheses.

You guess something like "god did it" is the answer. You must then prove that "god did it." If you don't prove that "god did it" then you can not support the conclusion that "god did it" doesn't say that god did not do just says that you haven't PROVEN god did it.

Estimate or suppose (something) without sufficient information to be sure of being correct.


A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
Like your acceptance of the bible as proof of dinosaurs living with humans 2000 years ago.

Of course we must go further than guessing or hypothesizing in order to understand things.

That is why we test the hypothesis.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Silly Putty what are your thoughts on Judaism? After all Jesus was a Jew.
I should ask you.
You're a christian. You don't even follow their first iteration of the bible (old testament) but the assert the story wasn't over and then come up with the New Testament.

Judaism is just as illogical. Genesis 1 and 2 has two separate "creation" accounts that both conflict with each other...but god supposedly did them both. I mean lets start with page 1.

Jews are interesting since they don't see jesus as a messiah and they dont' believe in there is no mention of it in the old testament.

On top of that, I find it hard to believe that the all knowing/powerful/present abrahamic god is that much of a screw up.

 It creates the gospels of the old testament...then screws up his creation AGAIN after messing up Adam and Eve (and lilith
)...then he decides to bring jesus in the picture...screws that up...AGAIN... then gives rise to you christians....then some how gets in touch with muhammad to give rise to the muslims... 

Jews believe in a god (if we're judging from the old testament) that is a complete and total **** to people. Its a rampant bloodthirsty and vindictive loser that can't even control its own creations. 

Oh yeah, there is NO evidence WHAT SO EVER that anything in Exodus happened. Some of the most pious Rabbis even concede this point. 
Have you seen Simcha Jacobovichi's Exodus Decoded?

Didn't believe a word of it and just basically looked at in the the same light as The Da Vinci Code.

Still an interesting watch though.
The idea of different religions is not that difficult to understand, and the fact that you keep bringing it up is  a weak point in your posts. Look at when the 3 most recent religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) were revealed and the differences in time, behavior, and interactions of humans. Its not that God was imperfect the first time around, it is humans who are not perfect. You keep confusing the two, understandably you do not believe in a God, however I am explaining why this is the case. 
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Its funny how these idiots are supposed atheists and spend a good part of their time on Niketalk defending their idiotic views.

This dude sillyputty posts about other topics JUST to meet his quota to be able to talk about HIS favorite subject, atheism, and how flawed and completely wrong it is.

He is seriously a pest and a grievance to the community. He contributes nothing further than his mechanical argument often repeating the same, tired, public school science curriculum terminology in every rebuttal. It's weak, and exposes the shallowness of western education and his own personal intellect.

You and those who think like you are a waste of human intelligence and the epitome of the same hypocrisy you claim to be so critical of by declaring yourself an 'atheist'.

 It makes it even worse when you perceive yourself to be more intelligent than others when you couldn't be MORE wrong.

So why don't you do us all here on NT a favor and kill yourself and find out. Your annoying as hell.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I like to thank Yahweh for all the success I've had till this point in my life. And to my fellow men who have not experienced the same level of success, tough luck. Everything happens for a reason.

I am a slave to Yahweh and atheists eat children on their spare time and no amount of education, thinking or good deeds can change that. 

Your a joke. You claim an agnostic point of view and 'we don't know', yet your always on NT fighting the good atheist fight spewing your CRAP, while your native country burns to the ground. 

You've got nothing to say about that though do you? Of course not.

You'd rather continue arguing about something you've already determined we don't know exists instead of intelligently discussing what we DO know exists. 

Thats why your nothing but a clown. Continue your attempt to mock true belief,  jester.  

dont bring your taxi stuff here.
my question for silly putty or anyone else who doesnt believe in God who'd like to answer

What if YOU'RE wrong? What if there is a God and He's PISSED you've been disrespecting him?
Because if religious people are wrong when they die no biggie if you're wrong when you die kinda gunna suck huh?
Originally Posted by CashBanks

my question for silly putty or anyone else who doesnt believe in God who'd like to answer

What if YOU'RE wrong? What if there is a God and He's PISSED you've been disrespecting him?
Because if religious people are wrong when they die no biggie if you're wrong when you die kinda gunna suck huh?

I'll take that L if I have to take it. no death bed repentance for me.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

The idea of different religions is not that difficult to understand, and the fact that you keep bringing it up is  a weak point in your posts. Look at when the [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]3 most recent religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) were revealed [/color]and the differences in time, behavior, and interactions of humans. Its not that God was imperfect the first time around, it is humans who are not perfect. You keep confusing the two, understandably you do not believe in a God, however I am explaining why this is the case. 
Those are not the 3 most recent religions established.
John Smith started the Mormon religion in the 19th century.
Scientology ----> 1953
Originally Posted by CashBanks

my question for silly putty or anyone else who doesnt believe in God who'd like to answer

What if YOU'RE wrong? What if there is a God and He's PISSED you've been disrespecting him?
Because if religious people are wrong when they die no biggie if you're wrong when you die kinda gunna suck huh?

So... you admit that you use your own faith as an insurance policy to keep yourself out of Hell?
Originally Posted by CashBanks

my question for silly putty or anyone else who doesnt believe in God who'd like to answer

What if YOU'RE wrong? What if there is a God and He's PISSED you've been disrespecting him?
Because if religious people are wrong when they die no biggie if you're wrong when you die kinda gunna suck huh?
This works both ways.
just name this the large wall of text thread that will never end.

i mean seriously what are both sides getting out of this?

the hopes that someday someone will say "oh wow you are totally right! im totally gonna change my views because you are right! I finally realize that now!"?

this is a battle no one will ever win
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by CashBanks

my question for silly putty or anyone else who doesnt believe in God who'd like to answer

What if YOU'RE wrong? What if there is a God and He's PISSED you've been disrespecting him?
Because if religious people are wrong when they die no biggie if you're wrong when you die kinda gunna suck huh?
This works both ways.

care to explain what you mean?
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by CashBanks

my question for silly putty or anyone else who doesnt believe in God who'd like to answer

What if YOU'RE wrong? What if there is a God and He's PISSED you've been disrespecting him?
Because if religious people are wrong when they die no biggie if you're wrong when you die kinda gunna suck huh?

soooo you post a video of some geezer NOT answering my question thanks for the input
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Its funny how these idiots are supposed atheists and spend a good part of their time on Niketalk defending their idiotic views.

This dude sillyputty posts about other topics JUST to meet his quota to be able to talk about HIS favorite subject, atheism, and how flawed and completely wrong it is.

He is seriously a pest and a grievance to the community. He contributes nothing further than his mechanical argument often repeating the same, tired, public school science curriculum terminology in every rebuttal. It's weak, and exposes the shallowness of western education and his own personal intellect.

You and those who think like you are a waste of human intelligence and the epitome of the same hypocrisy you claim to be so critical of by declaring yourself an 'atheist'.

 It makes it even worse when you perceive yourself to be more intelligent than others when you couldn't be MORE wrong.

So why don't you do us all here on NT a favor and kill yourself and find out. Your annoying as hell.
 Son went ham.
Bruh, dont cha know, these dudes are PIONEERS OF AMERICA! These guys are step ahead, but yet... sit at the keyboards spreading the word pushin ideals cause they are just THAT smart & clever.. ya know? Cause they so against the grain & revolutionary..

YOU @++%*% AINT DOING %$+@ B 
 Stop it with this "Im on  high horse" steez
Originally Posted by CashBanks

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by CashBanks

my question for silly putty or anyone else who doesnt believe in God who'd like to answer

What if YOU'RE wrong? What if there is a God and He's PISSED you've been disrespecting him?
Because if religious people are wrong when they die no biggie if you're wrong when you die kinda gunna suck huh?

soooo you post a video of some geezer NOT answering my question thanks for the input
you deleted my answer FROM the post you quoted son

Sleaze Jar Omens wrote:
Originally Posted by CashBanks

my question for silly putty or anyone else who doesnt believe in God who'd like to answer

What if YOU'RE wrong? What if there is a God and He's PISSED you've been disrespecting him?
Because if religious people are wrong when they die no biggie if you're wrong when you die kinda gunna suck huh?

I'll take that L if I have to take it. no death bed repentance for me.
This is a great thread, it's like sillyputty's little cum rag.... no need to have this mess all over the forum
Originally Posted by CashBanks

my question for silly putty or anyone else who doesnt believe in God who'd like to answer

What if YOU'RE wrong? What if there is a God and He's PISSED you've been disrespecting him?
Because if religious people are wrong when they die no biggie if you're wrong when you die kinda gunna suck huh?

What if YOU'RE wrong? There have been and are millions of religions on this planet, what if YOU'RE wrong? When religious people die, they can be wrong as well!!! They can be wrong about their particular religion being false even if there happens to be a God theirs may be the wrong one--This is another situation were believers share more in common with atheists than they think, the question you just asked applies to the religious as well home boy

It was the Mormons!!!!
thanks for not answering either bro

why is it sooo hard for dudes to answer straight questions without postin a buncha #!%# that doesnt answer either?

dues post a wall of useless #%# text instead
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