Memphis PD leaving The First 48 Unappreciation :(

Mar 16, 2004
Memphis PD is my favorite on the show, and now they wont be anymore new episodes featuring them.
Im gonna miss Lt. Armstrong and my girl Caroline Mason
[h1]Memphis police cut ties with TV's 'First 48'[/h1][h2]Show sensationalizes city violence, council says[/h2]
By Hank Dudding (Contact)
Monday, May 12, 2008

The A&E police documentary that made TV stars of local homicide detectives appears to be DOA in Memphis.

Police director Larry Godwin decided not to renew the department's deal with the company that produces "The First 48" after several City Council members voiced concerns that the show made the Bluff City look like Murder Central.

"I heard out-of-town people say Memphis was out of control," said City Council member Wanda Halbert. "We were exposing the world to the worst aspects of our city."

Godwin told her last week that he'd ended the deal, Halbert said.

"The First 48" follows detectives in several cities from crime scene to interrogation room as they try to solve murders during the two days immediately following a homicide.

The body count is high, although graphic elements and faces are blurred.

In terms of violence, Halbert said, Memphis isn't much different from other big cities. But "that show kind of sensationalizes it, and you have to take that into consideration."

"The First 48" executive producer John Kim, 40, argues that the show's message can be easily misinterpreted.

"It's not about murders," he said, "it's about how homicide detectives solve murders."

The show also builds a rapport between the community and detectives, Kim said, which often leads to crime-solving tips.

Kim said he was told in a phone call earlier this month that the deal wouldn't be extended because of "pressure from certain members of the City Council."

That's a first, he said. "We've never had a situation where city politics came into play."

Four Memphis episodes of the series are still in the can, including one that follows detectives inside the notorious Lester Street crime scene. Jessie Dotson is charged with six counts of first-degree murder and three counts of attempted murder in that case.

"When people see this episode, they'll see how much time investigators put into solving this crime and charging somebody with it," Kim said.

Several Memphis detectives built national followings on the show, including Maj. Toney Armstrong, whose table-pounding, come-to-Jesus interrogations coaxed confessions from more than one wayward suspect who came to see the detective as a father figure.

Armstrong's work in the Dotson interrogation is particularly noteworthy, Kim said. Watching him "extracting a confession from the suspect, it is just amazing."

Other detectives who became known through the show include Sgts. Tony Mullins, Caroline Mason and Connie Justice.

Kim hopes his production company can meet soon with the council in hopes of renewing the relationship. And, he said, fans have started an online petition at

The show also plans to put a message at the end of each episode directing viewers to victims' support organizations.

Halbert said the chances of a renewal are extremely slim.

"For me, right now, I think Memphis needs to focus on cleaning the image of our city."

In addition, the contract paid nothing to Memphis.

"When you have a TV show, somebody's making money," she said.

"They didn't even put money into our victims' fund."
awww booooooooo!!! Memphis PD was the *%#*! I didn't read the entire post, will there be a replacement PD? Or are they just gonna stick to one case a show?
> All
Memphis aint no joke like real talk, ahha they got Armed officers and security in like every building and store, haha dudes guarding wendys and crap
Originally Posted by ShannonsCrooks

> All

Miami>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Any other city on the First 48

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]None of ya detectives will ever have the swag of Lt. JoeSchillaci[/color]

caroline is my girl.

first 48 is one of the best shows on tv

City Council members voiced concerns that the show made the Bluff City look like Murder Central

what a bunch of morons.

of course they're gonna show murders... it's a show about homicide police division of certain cities.

murders occur in every city, if anything it shows memphis and it's PD in a positive light because almost all the murders featured on that show are SOLVED.

we have the biggest morons in the highest positions.

"They didn't even put money into our victims' fund."

get the hell outta here.

don't tell anyone else what to do when YOU haven't jack @#$%.

it's a tv show, not a fund raiser.
Who cares about the image of your city.. People already know how %%%%+% up Memphis already is so whats the big deal. I bet people see Chicago and say !#! isgoing on over there, even L.A. and wherever else that they do it!!!

Stop Crying MEMPHIS!!!
Thats WEAK!

LT. Tony is the **++ !!!!!
My dude be breakin down kids so easy.

He cares about victims and the offenders. I feel like he can relate to both sides.
I can't say I get that feeling from anyone else in any other city

and wassup with Crime 360, everytime I go to watch it, its the same 3 episodes,
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

and wassup with Crime 360, everytime I go to watch it, its the same 3 episodes

crime 360 sucks.

it's just like first 48 except they add a few computer generated bs.

first 48 + intervention are the only good shows on A&E.
tony mullons looks just like detective holley
from the wire.

out of all the first 48 cities, detriot is the worst. their headquaters/main office looks like an old run down building.

and there are no detectives i really got attached to.

memphis was my favorite but i guess i would have to live with miami (my 2nd favorite).

det. schlaysee (sp?) the one with the slick back hair is the @@#%
Its in Philly now I think, which is cool cause its my hometown, but they're gonna have a lot of episodes to air smh.
I am trying to find a clip of the episode where Schillaci says he has to go back undercover in order to solve the murder. It ranks up there with the True Life:Jersey Shore Time Share as some of the greatest TV I have ever viewed.
Originally Posted by JoRdaN DoN

Originally Posted by ShannonsCrooks

> All

Miami>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Any other city on the First 48

None of ya detectives will ever have the swag of Lt. Joe Schillaci
Yeah I have to agree Schillaci is the man.
well it cant be oakland or SF cuz aint no one there solving murders.
sad but true.

and wassup with Crime 360, everytime I go to watch it, its the same 3 episodes


truth be told, all of these shows are just really sad and its really difficult to watch anymore. it hurts me to see so many young black and brown men throwtheir lives away over straight up BS. Most of these dudes aint even real killas, they're just dudes who killed somebody because they had access to a gun. You can tell that these cats aint as hard as they try to be because they break down crying as soon a one of the detectives punch a hole in their story.
just sad man, just sad.
at wasted lives.
they should get a squad from LA, but that might require the LAPD actually solving a murder once in a while
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