men and vday

Jul 18, 2012
Are there any guys that actually enjoy the idea of Valentine's day? Like if it wasn't almost a lock to get laid would you go through it all (gifts, money spent, etc.) Discuss
If you're not smashing on valentines day, and you spent more than 1$ USD on a gift for any woman not named mommy, you doing it wrong.
No. I hate the pressure people put on that day. I could treat a woman right weekly, not do it on that specific day and its an issue. p*****.
Stop being stingy and thinking about the money 

I like to show my significant other that I appreciate her. However, I try to do that regularly and not just on Hallmark Holidays. 

Same. But, to me, Valentine's day is the day to especially show how much you appreciate her. It's an excuse to use your love more than any other day. With that said, I don't go all out with material things like dinner, presents, flowers, etc. What I do every year is make her a homemade Valentine's day card and surprise her with it. She loves it.

Last year's card...

This year's card...

:lol: :lol:

And in case yall hard working, loving husbands and boyfriends didnt month, March 14th is known as Steak and BJ day! LOL, look it up!
me and my girl are past all this ish, we get each other stuff throughout the year so we dont trip on today, we are going to make cookies and sip on wine tonight tho..

my girl and i dont even say those 3 words, we dont need to say that to justify how we feel about each other, 

i told her i have nothing but love for her and id rather show her how i feel about her rather than having to say some stupid phrase that everyone throws around so much nowadays 

thats its lost all meaning..

im happy shes happy we have a dog and we have like a lil family and we are the happiest he both have ever been.

we dont go out of the way to celebrate we just kick it and chill.
I didn't do anything or got my gf anything this year. I'm tired of the vday thing. I had a midterm today so denied her plan to have lunch. She thought I was going to surprise her but I'm just not in the mood. I have an ear infection that's been bothering me all week. Gotta wash my work clothes for tomorrow and Saturday which is going to be hell at the restaurant.
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