Mens Hygiene.. what are you using? so fresh and so cleannn cleannn..

What sun screen are y'all using? I've been running 4-5 days a week and looking to protect my screen

Currently using Neutrogena SPF 45
What sun screen are y'all using? I've been running 4-5 days a week and looking to protect my screen

Currently using Neutrogena SPF 45

Honestly, I’m using black girl sunscreen because it’s what my girl keeps in the cabinet. It’s great. There’s no white film on my skin after applying it.
Honestly, I’m using black girl sunscreen because it’s what my girl keeps in the cabinet. It’s great. There’s no white film on my skin after applying it.
LOL thanks I'll look into it. Might be better for my skin anyway.

I run around with so much film on me
gotta try different ones and see what works for you. I find that argon oil and almond oil work the best for me. Except for my beard I still gotta find something for that
Are Kiehl's products good?

depends what you’re getting

for your face avoid stuff with fragrances in it.. lavender for example may have a soothing smell and gets thrown in a lot of shh claiming to be calming.. but it can very easily irritate the skin

just like peppermint

body wash, have at it

Honestly I find most guys look better in the face than women without makeup (pause)

All that extra ish is unnecessary if you shower and use lotion regularly

it’s makeup that kills alot of women’s skin.. plus overdoing it/not being sufficiently cautious when it comes to the sun
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