Michael Bay to direct "El Chapó" movie coming this October

Aug 1, 2004
El Chapo Movie By Sony Reportedly Due In October
Jessica McKinney

Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán may be surrounded by four walls of concrete in Manhattan’s Metropolitan Correctional Center, but he’s still winning. The Mexican drug lord has officially solidified his G.O.A.T. status after Sony reportedly picked up the rights to produce a movie based on his infamous story.

READ: ‘El Chapo’ Series Premieres On Univision This Spring

The movie will be an adaptation based on an upcoming book, The Hollywood Reporter confirms. Sony most recently scored the book rights to Hunting El Chapo: The Thrilling Inside Story of the American Lawman Who Captures the World’s Most-Wanted Drug Lord, by Cole Merrell and Douglas Century.

While little detail concerning the production and distribution has been revealed, the movie will reportedly chronicle elements of Chapo’s wonder years as the head of the Sinaloa Cartel and various arrests. In addition to his extensive resume in drug trafficking and crime, a profession which also earned him a spot on Forbes Most Powerful People list from 2009 to 2011, Chapo was also known for his ability to escape from prison. Although he was ultimately recaptured for what most likely will be the last time in 2016, his previous escapes often prompted massive manhunts and tons of media attention.

READ: El Chapo’s Lawyer Says U.S. Jail Is Too Strict: “He’s Locked In His Cell For 23 Hours A Day”

Hunting El Chapo the movie, isn’t the only cinematic project in the works however. The Sony film will be competing with Fox’s forthcoming thriller series, The Cartel, which is an adaptation of Don Winslow’s novel that was fiction drawn from the kingpin’s life, according to THR. Univision Story House and Netflix have also joined forces to bring a crime series titled El Chapo, to the small screen.

In an attempt to separate itself from the other projects however, Sony is gunning to get Transformers and Bad Boys II director Michael Bay to lead the film.

Hunting El Chapo is reportedly due on Oct. 17.

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I can only hope this is as entertaining as Pain & Gain.

If anything, Denis Villenevue should be directing an El Chapo movie.
The Mexican drug cartel era/culture has the chance to bring back the mafioso movie era and give Latino actors/actresses a major outlet through film.
This movie had the chance to be a Goodfellas or Godfather, exchanging a potential classic movie for explosions and dollar bills....
A movie on El Chayo would be legit as well.
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