Michael Bloomberg wins NYC Mayoral Election

Oct 31, 2005
Michael Bloomberg wins the Mayoral Election and will now begin his third term an Mayor of the greatest city in the world, New York City. He outspent primaryopponent Bill Thompson ten to one (around $100 million to $10 million) but won by just a small margin (just under 4%). NYC heads, what are your thoughts? Therewas a fairly low voter turnout for this election, maybe because of Bloomberg's egregious campaign expenditure.
just shows that money means everything...we're in an economic crisis, especially our city, but you can spend that much on a campaign to be re-elected, eventhough ya time is technically up?
i think the title should have been edited to "Bloomberg lucky to win Vol. Look at that slim margin!"

But honestly, I'm surprised it was that low of a margin.
I think it was more the mentality, "bloomberg's already going to win, i don't need to vote.'' Went to his party during electio night atthe Sheraton. It was nuts, free open bar ftw!
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