Michael Jackson fans commiting suicide

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

What pops out in my mind, is at his concerts when the camera looks into the audience and there are all these people passing out. Some peoples faces are showing some deep emotional bliss, tears everywhere. Just at the sight of michael, that's one powerful dude.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Sad. Happens when you have your life wrapped up in other human beings and material instead of some higher spiritual calling.
Funny ... I call it "natural selection".
those people probably posted on the Michael Jackson forums...


read some of these posts smh:

I don't know what to do. If I decide to do it, I will and nobody can stop me. I am devistated. If it is getting worse I don't know what is gonna happen. I am very very very depressed. I am really going crazy. Everytime I hear his voice it is like somebody is stabbing me in mij heart. It hurts.. it hurts just do damn much. I truely wanna die right now. But I keep strong. It is hard.. it is so damn hard.

I am sick as well but I have a giant feeling that Michael has merged into my body as I am somehow full of energy and I feel like singing and dancing. But I can't. I'm fighting my body not to dance or sing

'I don'tt konw how the last hour has gone by.. I sit here with the sleeping pills and heavy pain killers in front of me and a bottle of whiksey. It's like I'm just dreaming.. I keep teling myeslf not to do it but I don't wannt to stay here anymore. I want to go to Michael. Whie listneng to his mussic i want to go.......... i put on stranger in moscow. tHis is too much for me.'

I'm still in total shock. I fainted last night, and spent the night throwing up. I still can't believe it, but i also can't cry. The pain is terrible. I know i've just got to get on with life, but it's so damned difficult. I just want to curl up and sleep, but i can't. I',m dressed from head to toe in white with my MJ badge on at the moment. I will be a fan forever and always. RIP Michael, I love you so very much and hope that God's looking after you up there!

went and had a shower, i lit a candle for him and prayed for him.. then got that idea and posted a thread called "an outcry" ... i donu wat to do, i can't stop crying ... and inside of me is just tearing apart. i lost my father 8 years ago so in a kind, i am familiar with death, but noooooo i can't take it. i wana go so badly, i wana travel to the skies where i can be just a spirt, a flower or a bird... but no more a humfan witnessing all this suffering. at the same time, i cant do it coz my mom will suffer what i am suffering more and i can't be that selfish. but i can't take it, i swear , i swear... i see him in my mind, i hear him in my heart ... i even started praying just to pray for him. it's all pain.. all pain. he suffered too much. and now he is gone. and we are alone... we won't see his smile again, nor see his beautiful eyes.... Michael, Michael, Michael...........................Michael can you hear me... can you take me please.........

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