Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie (Reboot Announced)

JDF can't let it go. He'll be 85 trying to hit the roundhouse kick talking about how he's in a Cameo of Saban's 2040 Power Rangers.
Son really thinks he's a power ranger in real life
JDF can't let it go. He'll be 85 trying to hit the roundhouse kick talking about how he's in a Cameo of Saban's 2040 Power Rangers.

probably going to have him argue with the white tiger head on his cane.
you have to give dude props for the dedication tho. His power rangers persona legit probably paid for 80% of his bills for the last 25 years :lol

And didn't someone say he legit carries around a power morpher? :lol

That's dedication!

Question: Were there any sparks when the rangers or megazord got hit?

Hahaha it took me a minute to figure out what you meant. No the fighting was too fast and honestly i don't remember the Rangers actually catching a punch from the putties. that woulda been hella funny tho

But hulk hogan still and always will be hulk hogan.
Green ranger isn't only JDF.
Saban should've let Ron Wasserman cut some new tracks for the movie. They should've at least used his version of the theme.
Son really thinks he's a power ranger in real life :lol

bro legit said

'idk man, when you put on the mask and spandex, you're a superhero for real'

like...no....no you're not. you're just a dude in a mask and spandex fam :lol
You know that mf got Green Ranger bed sheets and the whole nine. Probably wild out on his kids when they call him dad, "I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME TOMMY"
Bruh be at parent-teacher conferences and slides out to check his communicator and respond to alpha.
JDF probably goes strolling in the park hoping Putties jump out of nowhere with the front flips yelling Mmmmllllllmmmmmmmmm
JDF only responds in 'seek-yas' when angry or handing out fades.
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