Mike Seller Fumble??

Nov 29, 2002
I thought the NFL rule was that a play cannot be challenged if the whistle is blown...google the video of the fumble, watch how the whistle is blown once theball is show out, you then see sellers and mcalister diving at the ball BUT YOU HEAR THE WHISTLE BEING BLOWN SIGNIFYING THE END OF A PLAY. I thought theseplays could not be challenged. but you gvie the saints the ball with great field position
READ something about the rules i found:
  1. [h2]When a play can be challenged?[/h2]
  2. Even though the head coaches are given two challenges per half, they do have times when they are not allowed to use them. At the end of the second and fourth quarters--with less than two minutes--coaches are not allowed to challenge a play, no matter how obvious the mistake seems to be. There are, however, officials in the booth surrounding the stadium that can challenge if they really feel a bad play call occurred. Even if the coaches are out of challenges, the booth can still review a play at any time. [h2]Plays that can be challenged?[/h2]
  3. There are a number of circumstances when plays can be challenged: Fumbles can be challenged. Referees can look to see if a player was down or touched down before the ball came out. If the ref blows the whistle after the fumble is called, the play is done. After the whistle blows, no challenge can be issued for anything occurring after the whistle. That is why, even if referees know there weren't fumbles, they will not blow their whistles so they can get a better look at it if a coach challenges the play. Along with fumble calls, coaches can challenge a quarterback fumble. If the quarterback loses the ball, a coach can challenge the play. The quarterback's arm often goes forward so it's called a forward pass , therefore an incomplete pass.

    Ball spots can be challenged as well. If the referee puts the ball down after the play and the coach firmly believes his runner advanced the ball further, then he may throw the red challenge flag.

    Most live plays on the field can be challenged. [h2]Plays that cannot be challenged?[/h2]
  4. Penalties cannot be challenged, this includes holding, passing interference, personal fouls , false starts or off sides, and intentional grounding.
I believe that was not a fumble his forearm was down before the ball came out and a defensive player made contact with him to cause him to fall. The call onthe field was down by contact and I can't see how there was enough visual evidence to overturn. I think it took them an awful long time to call that play,the longer it takes the more I feel they are trying to justify their want to make a specific call.

I didn't like that call and I like the Cowboys.
Go to NFL.com, they have the video on there and from the sideline camera, it's CLEAR that it was a fumble. The endzone cam looks different, due to thedirection in which the ball was moving and the angle from which you're looking.

I'll admit, as a Saints fan, I thought we got lucky, but I saw the NFL video this morning, and it's a fumble.
If the whistle was blow before the ball came out, then it isn't a reviewable play. Since the ball was out on the ground when the whistle was blown, it isgiven to the team who recovered it at that point, they just can't advance the ball from at spot.
It was a fumble. It should not have been reversed. The whistle was blown and the ball was not immediately recovered.
it was not a fumble ... they showed multiple angles during the game ... that sportcenter replay
.... he used his left elbow to brace his fall and the ballcame out ... oh well ... sucks to be a ******** fan
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

it was not a fumble ... they showed multiple angles during the game ... that sportcenter replay
.... he used his left elbow to brace his fall and the ball came out ... oh well ... sucks to be a ******** fan

That fumble just helped us get a higher draft pick
I was sad to lose but we played our hearts out against a good team.
I guess you can't stop on a play even when you hear the whistle because they can go back and say the play wasn't over. Sellers still had a chance torecover the ball but stopped trying when the play was whistled dead. It was whistled dead BEFORE the Saints recovered the ball, therefore it should have beenRedskins ball.

Not that hard to call the play. If it was so easy to see that it was a fumble why did it take the refs about 10 minutes to decide. I didn't think replaywas installed so they can take that long to try and figure out how they can justify giving the ball to the Saints. It was poor officiating and everyone butSaints fans know it.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

It was clearly a fumble, yall just havent seen the right camera angle
it was definitely a fumble, but did the whistle blow before the ball was recovered? I thought it did, and I don't know why Zorn didn'trefute the change of possession.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

It was clearly a fumble, yall just havent seen the right camera angle
it was definitely a fumble, but did the whistle blow before the ball was recovered? I thought it did, and I don't know why Zorn didn't refute the change of possession.

The Cutler play last year changed the rule. You can recover the ball after a blown whistle in case the play is reviewed.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

It was clearly a fumble, yall just havent seen the right camera angle
it was definitely a fumble, but did the whistle blow before the ball was recovered? I thought it did, and I don't know why Zorn didn't refute the change of possession.

The Cutler play last year changed the rule. You can recover the ball after a blown whistle in case the play is reviewed.
If that is the case, and I am not arguing that it isn't, then what is the whistle for?

I thought it was to call the play dead, if there is any, and I mean any reason the ref should think there is a possible fumble he should NOT whistle the playdead. What happens if the whistle blows and as part of the play a QB get knocked over and injured because the player saw a fumble and went for the ball butbecause the QB heard the whistle he stopped on the play. Doesn't anyone see that it is stupid to have the rule be as such?
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

It was clearly a fumble, yall just havent seen the right camera angle
it was definitely a fumble, but did the whistle blow before the ball was recovered? I thought it did, and I don't know why Zorn didn't refute the change of possession.

The Cutler play last year changed the rule. You can recover the ball after a blown whistle in case the play is reviewed.

yup. the Ed Hocculi rule

and yea it was a fumble, the ball was clearly moving before his forearm came down. your hand can touch the ground without u being considered down
Ahhh...thanks for explaining it fellas. Question though....aside from the Hochuli/Cutler fiasco that led to the rule change, when else has that happened? Afumble is a fumble, but I can't say I'm a big fan of having possession changed after a whistle is blown.
The more I think about it, the more I think this rule sucks. If you can award possession AFTER a whistle, what's going to stop me from laying some dude outwho's trying to get the ball? 10x outta 10 a personal foul is going to be called if this happens. You're taught to play until the whistle blows....butjust wait...someone is going to get hurt
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