Mirror Scrying

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

i know someone who used to mirror scry when she was much younger, i guess she'd be around 16 or so when she was doing it. i met her about four years ago when she came and asked me and my partner to help her with something.

For almost 30 years she and her familly had been plagued by something that she had manifested into this reality: it had sytematically abused her and her familly in ways that many would find deeply disturbing. It attacked her new born baby and ripped her dogs eye out when it went to defend the little one.

This is all very true, the dog had had to have emergency surgery to save its life and will be forever blind.She had been repeatedly scratched by this thing when it had attacked her.

She invited us over to her home to get rid of this thing tht she felt was a poltegiest, and when we got there this 'thing' was growling around upstairs, making a lot of noise. There was no one in the house but for myself and a friend and this lady and yet it sounded like someone was moving funiture around upstairs.

To look at this thing was like a wolf, very long, very lean, very straggly, and it was really like something you might see in an 80's horror flick. This thing was doing its best to be scarry though it kinda lacked bite, we got rid of it fairly easilly as per any regular none physical 'house clearance'. But it goes to show what mirror scrying can do. If anything i feel that it is a much stronger and more powerful divination tool than oiuiji boards, as when you mirror scry you are actually putting your own energy into the being in the mirror. Even with a oiuji board, your energy remains uncompromised.

You have to be very sure of your intentions, and have a good understanding of protection when working mirror magik, imo.

Originally Posted by stepheezy

f this. i'm spooked - knew I shouldn't have clicked -_-....

I cant believe this seriously gets to some of yall like that... Wow... If you knew the things I know, or have seen some of the things I've seen, youwouldnt be able to sleep at night

I'm chicken #@$% at everything so that doesn't really help, but there's so many incidents that relate to mirrors that you can't help but think.....
this is mad crazy because I used to do this all the time and the same !!% would happen to me. I tried to explain it to someone but they thought I was trippinor trying to be funny.

being home alone on a saturday night at midnight sucks!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by stepheezy

f this. i'm spooked - knew I shouldn't have clicked -_-....

I cant believe this seriously gets to some of yall like that... Wow... If you knew the things I know, or have seen some of the things I've seen, you wouldnt be able to sleep at night

why don't you tell us what you've seen then. Tough guy

ive had a full body length mirror on my closet door which is basically at the foot of my bed, for like my whole life, and never had any odd occurences, whoknows
what i can say, is that the first time i ate shrooms and nothing had kicked in for a while, so i was in the bathroom at my boys and after washing my handslooked into the mirror and kept starin and got my face a bit closer staring into my eyes, and my whole face/head shook really fast, and obviously my head itself wasnt moving at all
but that mightve been my trip kicking in, thats what i always attributed it to, before seing this thread
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by stepheezy

f this. i'm spooked - knew I shouldn't have clicked -_-....

I cant believe this seriously gets to some of yall like that... Wow... If you knew the things I know, or have seen some of the things I've seen, you wouldnt be able to sleep at night

why don't you tell us what you've seen then. Tough guy
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by stepheezy

f this. i'm spooked - knew I shouldn't have clicked -_-....

I cant believe this seriously gets to some of yall like that... Wow... If you knew the things I know, or have seen some of the things I've seen, you wouldnt be able to sleep at night
Thought i'd post these..

The huge 3 mirrors are in my Girls living room right next to the computer..and the second pic is her bathroom.

After watching that video 10 minutes ago i was terrified..but im ok now
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by stepheezy

f this. i'm spooked - knew I shouldn't have clicked -_-....

I cant believe this seriously gets to some of yall like that... Wow... If you knew the things I know, or have seen some of the things I've seen, you wouldnt be able to sleep at night

True Story, NO LIE Here's The Story, All Of My Mom's Life She Has Been Plagued With Bad Things, She's Had 10+ Surgeries, And All Kinds Of Chest,Heart, Liver Problems, And Takes Several Medications A day, She Doesn't Drink, Smoke, And Do Drugs etc. Its Like She Is Never "Okay". If Its NotOne Thing, It's Another

The Story Goes The Family From My Dads Side Is Very Much Into Witch Craft, Voodo And All Those Things. My Fathers Mother Has Never Liked My Mother, My Mom HasAlways Thought That My Grandma Has Put Some Kind Of Spell On Her

My Mom Told Me Some Lady From Work Had Told Her That Is Was Very Bad To Sleep In Front Of A Mirror, (My Mom Has A 4x4 Feet Mirror In Front Of Her Bed). ThisWas Wednesday

Now I Have Always Been Very Skeptical, But When I Saw This Thread And Read Some Stuff From The Other Thread, I Commented To My Mom That I Did Research , AndHer Co-Workers Theory Might Be True

This Is The Scary Part

So On Friday My Mom Covered The Big Mirror Before She Went To Sleep, The Next Morning She Gets A Call From My Uncle Crying Saying That My Grandma (80 YearsOld) Is Very Sick And She Might Not Make It Till Sunday (She's In Mexico), So My Dad Thinks Its Serious So He Leaves To Mexico Around 9:30 AM On SaturdayWith My Uncle, Now As He Got Ready He Pulled The Cover Off The Mirror, It Stayed Uncovered For About 2 Hours, Then My Mom Covered It Again.

So She Gets A Call At About 12:00 From Mex, That Grandma Is Better And She Can Now Recognize People, So We All Get Pretty Pissed At The Fact That My Dad JustTook A Plane To Mexico For A False Alarm

We Get Another Call At About 5 PM And She Isnt Doing That Good

Final Call 3 AM SUNDAY, She's Dead

Now The Crazy Thing Is She Had All The Bad Symptoms My Mom Had: Heart, Chest, Bladder, (Maybe They Reversed)

We Developed The Theory That When We Covered The Mirror She Got Really Bad, - Dad Uncovered It And Got Resistance, - Covered It Again - Bad Again - Dead

She Was A Really Mean Woman, She Hated All Of Us Except My Dad

Now This Got My Really Spooked, Covered All The Mirrors, Can't Pass By One As Of Yet, I Promise NT This Is REAL, Really Freaked Right Now
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

eating mushrooms and looking at mirrors =

doesn't even feel like its' you that's staring back at you. that was one of the strangest experiences of my life
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

eating mushrooms and looking at mirrors =

doesn't even feel like its' you that's staring back at you. that was one of the strangest experiences of my life


toooooo strange, almost like I'm staring just at skull with a thin layer of skin.. that stuff is evil
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