Missed court date....help

Originally Posted by MrBrown

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

$900 sounds ridiculous. I thought Alameda County was on some other #%@*.

My ticket is $1,200.00
I hope theres some breezys doing community service too cause this is gonna take a while 
I did mine at the Goodwill. It wasn't so bad. There was some cool people there that I met and worked with, along with some 
chicks too; also doing community service. I even was working one day when someone brought in a bag to donate with some og nike air Space Jam's, Columbia's, and black Infrared 6's in it. Best believe those went straight into my trunk when the managers left sight
Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

Originally Posted by MrBrown

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

$900 sounds ridiculous. I thought Alameda County was on some other #%@*.

My ticket is $1,200.00
I hope theres some breezys doing community service too cause this is gonna take a while 
I did mine at the Goodwill. It wasn't so bad. There was some cool people there that I met and worked with, along with some 
chicks too; also doing community service. I even was working one day when someone brought in a bag to donate with some og nike air Space Jam's, Columbia's, and black Infrared 6's in it. Best believe those went straight into my trunk when the managers left sight

spoken like a true scumbag. you sir, are the filth of this planet
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

Originally Posted by MrBrown

My ticket is $1,200.00
I hope theres some breezys doing community service too cause this is gonna take a while 
I did mine at the Goodwill. It wasn't so bad. There was some cool people there that I met and worked with, along with some 
chicks too; also doing community service. I even was working one day when someone brought in a bag to donate with some og nike air Space Jam's, Columbia's, and black Infrared 6's in it. Best believe those went straight into my trunk when the managers left sight

spoken like a true scumbag. you sir, are the filth of this planet
for coming up on some used probably beat up j's? 

anyways OP, its not that serious. you most def dont have a warrant for your arrest for one FTA.. if you just ignore it, worst thing that can happen is having your citation sent to collections (GC services) believe me, you dont want that to happen. I had a $300 ticket turn into a $1200 fine
.. and theres absolutely no negotiating with these people, you dont pay, it just keeps going up.

The best thing you can do now is simply request another court date. get insurance. show the judge proof of insurance. apologize for missing your initial appearance date. and pay the fine (running a red light prolly like $400 - 600)

goodluck bro. Take care of this ASAP.. the longer you wait. the worst itll get.
!%@%. is it really that serious for a traffic ticket? i imagine they'll order a bench warrant. go in to the courthouse ASAP and tell them you had the wrong day, and you want to reschedule. i HIGHLY doubt you'll do any time...

i've had 2 warrants for failing to finish my DUI classes and i've had them pulled simply by going to the courthouse and seeing the judge. no extra fines, no jailtime, nothing. I can't imagine SD is much different than LA, and my circumstance was much worse than a traffic ticket, although they DO NOT !%@% around with being uninsured...
I work with the Municipal court system here in KS and may have some insight for you. If someone misses their arraignment (first appearance) here, they just have to come in on a walk-in docket which occurs every Monday at 8:00 am. Thats the time set aside for individuals to see the judge when they miss court. The only repercussions are a ten dollar late fee and you may get a letter in the mail saying you have 30 days to appear. The letter is just to inform you that you missed your original date and if you come in within the month time span, you can resolve your situation. If you fail to appear after thirty day notice is sent, then a warrant is issued, and other circumstances may follow (i.e. suspended drivers license, etc). Just like everyone else said, you kind of made it a bigger deal than what it is, but as long as you get it cleared up within a reasonable amount of time, you should be good.

Just call and see if theres a walk-in docket. 
Originally Posted by YO GetOFFmyKickZ

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

I did mine at the Goodwill. It wasn't so bad. There was some cool people there that I met and worked with, along with some 
chicks too; also doing community service. I even was working one day when someone brought in a bag to donate with some og nike air Space Jam's, Columbia's, and black Infrared 6's in it. Best believe those went straight into my trunk when the managers left sight

spoken like a true scumbag. you sir, are the filth of this planet
for coming up on some used probably beat up j's? 

anyways OP, its not that serious. you most def dont have a warrant for your arrest for one FTA.. if you just ignore it, worst thing that can happen is having your citation sent to collections (GC services) believe me, you dont want that to happen. I had a $300 ticket turn into a $1200 fine
.. and theres absolutely no negotiating with these people, you dont pay, it just keeps going up.

The best thing you can do now is simply request another court date. get insurance. show the judge proof of insurance. apologize for missing your initial appearance date. and pay the fine (running a red light prolly like $400 - 600)

goodluck bro. Take care of this ASAP.. the longer you wait. the worst itll get.
This filthy scumbag flipped the "beat up" Jay's for a cool $500 too.
I also had a legitiment reason for taking the shoes as well. C'mon now, yall looking mad troll'*#+ up there ^^..
Yall are supposed to be coming in here to help OP out and instead come in to bash me in something both obviously know nothing about; ie og Jordans value and missed court dates in Los Angeles County.
It looks like I have to wait in line

there goes 2.5 hours

bought some lube in case I need to sneak some essentials to the pen
damn i had a small claims court hearing a couple months ago i never went to 

You aren't gonna go to jail for missing a court date over a traffic ticket.

I'd still call them and let them know what happened. I think sometimes to if you don't show up, they treat it like you were to plead guilty.

They didn't just give you a fine to pay right away? Usually you only have to go to court if you want to fight the charge...

I got summoned to court once for an accident I was in, the guy who was at fault was trying to fight his ticket. The letter said 8PM, I got there, and the were like, yeah we closed at 5.

Was supposed to be 8AM but since I wasn't the one with the ticket, it didn't matter I didn't show up.
a traffic ticket? nothing is going to happen but you default on plea to guilty now and you have a fine to pay
I got a ticket for no insurance and missed my court date. I called and they told me I could pay the $750 or turn myself in before I could get pulled over because there was a warrant issued by that time. I didn't have the $ to pay so I turned myself in. Sat in jail for a few hours before court and they put me on probation for 6 months to pay off the ticket.
"Damn, I dont wanna go to court.... Forget it, got a budget for the lawyer though..." - Rick Ross.
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