Missed exam in college

I mean if you can't figure out what do during a minor situation like this, you probably don't even need to be in college fam.
Same thing happened to me in Calculus during my second semester. I didn't like going to class and mixed up dates for the first midterm, found out the next day. I had prescription medication for migraines so I made up an excuse and got to rewrite the exam two weeks later that already had the answer key online. That set me up for the rest of my time in university.

Used migraines as an excuse to skip two more midterms. One was am intermediate Macro Econ course, made my final worth 80% and I got an A+. Then the last time with an intermediate Micro Econ course it shifted the weight of the entire course to the final. Thought I could learn the whole course in two days (never attended a lecture) and I got an F.

In short, it could work if you have a doctor that will sign a note saying you get migraines.
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Study hard, I guarantee it will be different (and possibly more difficult) than the one your classmates took.
If there's anything I've ever learned from NT, it's to not believe a single excuse from a student if I ever became a professor. Seriously, I had professors that wouldn't give makeup tests unless the attending nurse in the emergency room walked into their office to verify a trip to the hospital. I saw professors fail kids left and right no matter how "legit" the reasons were. Them's the breaks.

That being said, this is why you visit the prof during office hours. If you show interest in your education, they're more inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt. It's as simple as going in and asking to clarify one thing from a single lecture. Hell, fake it, if you have to. They'll remember you, either way. I can't tell you how many test grades I had bumped up just from talking to my profs. Before and after the fact.
Study hard, I guarantee it will be different (and possibly more difficult) than the one your classmates took.

Also this. A makeup test will be much harder. In fact, if the original test was multiple choice, it's not uncommon for the makeup to be essays.
1 missed exam will be the last thing on your mind down the road in life.

Relax, everything will be okay. Just school papi, just 1 test
LOL @ Folks telling him to take an L. Damn, he shouldn't even fight it? LOL Yall are funny

Srsly. Folks giving terrible advice they probably wouldn't even follow themselves. Dudes in here telling the kid to "be and a man and move on, it's the honorable thing to do." FOH with that, it's college we're talking about here, GPA matters in this job market.
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Plead with your professor. If he knows you're always in class and your grades is decent he will probably let you make it up someway/somehow
GPA matters in the job market???? :rofl: Ask the teacher again if you can take the test but if he says no, what can you do? Nothing! Just move on and make sure you're in class when the next exam is taking place. Personally if you're cramming right before a test then you really don't know the material. Getting a few questions wrong is better than missing a whole exam.
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Tell them you got pulled over and searched by the police... when they found nothing they let you go.

I used this excuse like three different times in college.


One time I was pulled over because I was speeding (I was late for my midterm). I told the professor this and she didn't believe me, its good I had the ticket with me, she let me take the exam in her office.
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drop the class so it doesn't affect GPA..sucks I kno u will hav to retake but that's the best option
i feel like car trouble would work. one of my good buddies showed up with like 5 mins remaining in class and the teacher said too bad you get a 0
honestly college is prepping you for the real world, if you miss a meeting because you got the times wrong there's no way people at your company will redo a meeting all over again.
This happened to me once. Luckily I'm allergic to peanuts so I ate a snickers and got sick, went to the doctors and got a note, then got to resit the exam later on. Only time in my life its been allergies ftw
The only time I missed a test/major paper was when my sister passed. I went home for it. Professor still wanted the midterm on the due date. Had to be the worst paper I ever wrote, emailed it to a buddy to pass in. Only professor that didn't work with me about stuff being passed in. Was super mad about it.
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