Missed First week of College...... anyone done this?

Realtalk, for almost all classes, you have 2 sessions a week, 3 or 4 for some math classes. 1st day is syllabus day, so other than a math class, you shouldonly behind 1 session if you missed a week, easily made up by next class. Don't stress. It's any time after the first 2 add/drop weeks that you need tobe worried about missing class.
Originally Posted by slimm75

Originally Posted by ipitomi

everyone's done this..............its not a big deal.........i don't think a thread was needed for this......lol

sorry...I have actually never done this.......

If anything the first couple of weeks are when I DON'T miss class. I'm not trying to get dropped and I'm trying to get outta there in a timelymanner.
Yes, I was moving around classes. I've done this more than once. Its pretty common. Add/drop
first week ...not the worst thing...i would personally find it annoying because i hate being all lost as to what's going on
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