Mission Court Grip - Anyone usin it?

Aug 8, 2008
Just wondering if anyone is using the mission court grip stuff - how does it rate on real dusty floors? A lot of the courts I play on are multi purpose so very often guys be playing soccer or volleyball etc and thee courts get real dirty/dusty. I wonder would this stuff is any good for this problem?
That stuff is such a waste, and no it didn't work that well on dusty courts. You get a few squeaky, sticky steps after application then you are back sliding around again. You are better off doing the classic wet towel on the floor trick
Grip problems aren't usually due to the shoes, its because of the floors. Nowaways, most basketball shoes have excellent traction. It's more because of dusty floors that people slip
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

That stuff is such a waste, and no it didn't work that well on dusty courts. You get a few squeaky, sticky steps after application then you are back sliding around again. You are better off doing the classic wet towel on the floor trick

this. Waste of $15. I'd actually recommend this stuff for football gloves tho
I didn't think it was a total waste, you just have to use it correctly.

Most importantly, give it some time to dry before you step onto the court. Then reapply it after every game or so if you're running pickup.

It's not a magic product that will "change the way basketball is played" (
) but it made a difference for me.
So its false advertising once again! I was a bit sceptical about it when they claimed it worked even on dusty floors. Id say its actually dangerous to use on clean polished floors cus the grip would be to much. Everyone knows how astroturf tears football players apart with the over traction issue.
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