Mitt Romney painted his face Brown to appeal to Latino voters

That would make him half Mexican.

lol what?

Romney's dad, George Romney, was born to white american parents who were living in a mormon colony in Mexico.

George Romney is not "mexican" and Mitt isn't "half-mexican"

It's the same as people who are born in another country while their parents are in the military. For example my ex was BORN in germany to black parents because that's were they were stationed, but that doesn't make her german or even half-german.

Same thing I'm saying. :lol:
Great screen name to post context correlation.

cubans rally over ANYTHING

here in miami in "la carretera" they spend lord knows how many hours yapping that republican yap.
drinking cuban coffee talking politics and what not , hispanics make up most of south florida an tallahasee,daytona
gainesville,jacksonville etc is hick city , if cubans rally behind romney , thats florida

sincerely , cuban nter

this man knows, cubans are the only republican latinos Ive meet... :rolleyes

cubans rally over ANYTHING

here in miami in "la carretera" they spend lord knows how many hours yapping that republican yap.
drinking cuban coffee talking politics and what not , hispanics make up most of south florida an tallahasee,daytona
gainesville,jacksonville etc is hick city , if cubans rally behind romney , thats florida

sincerely , cuban nter
this man knows, cubans are the only republican latinos Ive meet...
Obama won the Florida Latino vote by 15 points in 2008.
this man knows, cubans are the only republican latinos Ive meet... :rolleyes

Obama won the Florida Latino vote by 15 points in 2008.
There are a lot of cubans in FL but they arent the only ones here.

You gotta be here to hear them out. Im talking about first generation folks. Might be wrong to stereotype but them republicans in MIA dont play, they rally hundreds or more strong.

^ :lol: this dude is an absolute clown if the pic aint shopped
It's not shopped. It's from Bron's first game back in Cleveland after the decision and Mo is being fugazy. He actually came to the arena with Bron on the secret bus, and much like the rest of the Cleveland Cavaliers was being all buddy with LeBron before and during the first half of the game. At half time, Cavaliers head coach Byron Scott chastized all them for being so buddy buddy with LeBron and so when they came back out after the half, Mo tried to snuff LeBron on the dap and act like he was bout it, but after the game son was right back on a leash following LeBron around like a lapdog and tweeting crying about how life ain't the same since Bron left. Mo Gotti was suicidal that whole first season without LeBron.
His tax plan is absurd.. He kind of told it on 60 Minutes..

Cut every brackets taxes 20%.
Then eliminate deductions
No one's taxes will go up
But revenue that comes into government will not decrease.

Then said Middle Class will see a slight break through Capital Gains tax cuts.

His tax plan is absurd.. He kind of told it on 60 Minutes..

Cut every brackets taxes 20%.
Then eliminate deductions
No one's taxes will go up
But revenue that comes into government will not decrease.

Then said Middle Class will see a slight break through Capital Gains tax cuts.


I was watching too :rofl:

he's a rich bum sure...but he's far more competent as far as executive experience is concerned.

and as numb as he is with poor folks, i trust him on handling da energy boom da economy has da potential to exploit.

Will you please stop with these house ***** antics of yours. At the end of the day whether you want to admit it or not, Romney sees you as part of the 47%. There's a difference between being a good executive and being a good politician that can execute. Romney was piss poor at job creation when he was Governor, 47th to be exact. I guess that number 47 is Romney's favorite number in more ways than one.
he's a rich bum sure...but he's far more competent as far as executive experience is concerned.

and as numb as he is with poor folks, i trust him on handling da energy boom da economy has da potential to exploit.
Will you please stop with these house ***** antics of yours. At the end of the day whether you want to admit it or not, Romney sees you as part of the 47%. There's a difference between being a good executive and being a good politician that can execute. Romney was piss poor at job creation when he was Governor, 47th to be exact. I guess that number 47 is Romney's favorite number in more ways than one.
I'm saying. 

Dude really thinks Romney and him are on the same level. 
His tax plan is absurd.. He kind of told it on 60 Minutes..

Cut every brackets taxes 20%.
Then eliminate deductions
No one's taxes will go up
But revenue that comes into government will not decrease.

Then said Middle Class will see a slight break through Capital Gains tax cuts.


I was watching too :rofl:


:smh: same, dude was trying to be serious the entire time and scott pelley was like :stoneface:

still gotta finish it tho, didn't even see the obama part.
I really don't see how Romney can appeal to ANYONE, whether you are Republican or Democrat... dude is just a terrible human being.

With that being said, if he is somehow elected, 2012 really could happen...
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