Mixing up/delaying release dates?

Feb 10, 2012
Don't you guys think that by Nike delaying/postponing or changing up these release dates are a good thing? I mean it makes the average hypebeasts and resellers work that much harder to get the sneakers. It allows people who really cherishes the shoe work hard for what they truly want and keep reseller's/hypebeasts away. What you guys think?
Originally Posted by Luigyvintage

Don't you guys think that by Nike delaying/postponing or changing up these release dates are a good thing? I mean it makes the average hypebeasts and resellers work that much harder to get the sneakers. It allows people who really cherishes the shoe work hard for what they truly want and keep reseller's/hypebeasts away. What you guys think?

i think that nike doesnt care who buys their products, hypebeasts and resellers or people who really cherishes the shoe as long as they get their money
I hear you that but I know deep inside Nike has to care about their consumers at least a little bit though 
No. This idea of having to "work hard" for every shoe needs to die, and it needs to die now. People need to work hard to earn their money, not to spend it. That's an absolutely ridiculous idea perpetuated by companies like Nike that want to create a sense of exclusivity and status around their product, when it is ultimately just an unnecessary luxury item. If hypebeasts and resellers wanted to buy up the stock of every release, then fine. That'll stop soon, just like it stopped with Pokemon cards, Yugioh cards, Beanie Babies, Comic Books... you get the idea. Sneakers are just the luxury item of the moment that people will find in their garages in 10 years and say "holy crap, why did I buy all of these." The people that actually love the design, the stories behind the shoes, even just the fashion style, they'll still be around when the fad passes. But no, Nike, FNL, and whoever else accidentally releasing shoes and mixing up release dates, or just not announcing release dates at all is either negligent or an artificial solution to the actual problem of not creating enough shoes to satisfy customer demand, and not having servers that can handle that demand.
I honestly dont think that it'll stop anytime soon and as far you comparing them to cards and comic books confused me a bit. Lol. I mean I don't think when comis books were out, people would by a boat load of comic books or cards to sell them. All I'm saying is that by Nike throwing people of with release dates and delaying them is a good thing because it helps collectors like me buy what we want with a little extra hard work without any hassle of camping out or worrying if a resellers buys the whole stock. I see it as like how it was back in the days when I had to make trips with my mom to find the new colorway of griffeys, barkley's, pippens etc and put in the extra work...
Then changing release dates has to do with them. Either their inventory has been delayed or they're still working out the kinks with their website.
And no, Nike doesn't give a rat's behind about their customers. They only care about their shareholders. If Nike can screw over all of their loyal customers and gain $20 a share doing it, they wouldn't think twice about the decision.
Either way I'm happy with w.e Nike is doing by throwing out these releases by bits and pieces to certain stores first and then confirming a release date at last minute.
Originally Posted by Luigyvintage

Either way I'm happy with w.e Nike is doing by throwing out these releases by bits and pieces to certain stores first and then confirming a release date at last minute.

a few posts ago you said that delaying releases might be a good thing, now you are happy with whatever nike is doing
No. Lol. I'm saying w.e they are doing, if it's delaying there releases on purpose or quick striking everything at last, I like it because it gives people an equal chance to cop sneakers.
Honestly if they wanted to trip resellers (which they don't) They would release it before the release date. Imagine a pair of shoes being at the finishline a week earlier than expected. It'd trip everyone up. The second it goes viral online though, it'd be chaotic.
Originally Posted by go rilla

Originally Posted by Luigyvintage

Don't you guys think that by Nike delaying/postponing or changing up these release dates are a good thing? I mean it makes the average hypebeasts and resellers work that much harder to get the sneakers. It allows people who really cherishes the shoe work hard for what they truly want and keep reseller's/hypebeasts away. What you guys think?

i think that nike doesnt care who buys their products, hypebeasts and resellers or people who really cherishes the shoe as long as they get their money
^ This. /thread.
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