MJ vs. Tiger Woods: Who was the biggest during their prime??

Nov 17, 2007
Disclaimer: This is purely MJ vs. Tiger Woods comparison...no LBJ of Kobe here...they dont compare, yet.

I was watching tv tonight and noticed a Jordan Hanes commercial followed by the Tiger Woods Gatorade commercial and start up a conversation with some buds..Whowas the biggest "superstar" of their time? I dont know if superstar is the right word, maybe most recognizable in and out of the USA.

-Shoe deal
-Clothing deal
-Baseball (?)

-Wheaties Cover

-Personal Gatorade- personal opinion- I think that's huge to put your own face on a gatorade bottle and basically your own personal gatorade
-Nike Clothing line
-own line of clubs (right?)
-know worldwide
-Own's his one school

Talk it up.....I think Tiger Woods is a bigger star/ a more recognized sports figure than Jordon was during both their respective primes...
I will say MJ because kids want to be "Like Mike." How many kids say they want to be like Tiger? Obviously you'll take his money
but notmany kids grow up wanting to be golfers? Plus I don't watch golf at all, so I'll go with MJ
Edit *I was thinking more along the lines of who has had a bigger influence. Who was bigger in there prime? Um...I don't know that is a really close onebut I will still go with MJ because I don't follow golf at all.
I think it's Jordan. Basketball has a much larger fan base than golf does, especially in the Jordan era. And every kid wanted to be like mike.
yeah i don't see kids saying they wanna be 'like Tiger' so i'll go with MJ. plus basketball is known more world-wide than golf and everyonewants Jordans.
Tiger hands down! No kid grows up wanting to be like Tiger? You have no idea, the golfing world is huge and all the kids these days look up to tiger. Oh not tomention the domination tiger has on the golf course is surreal.

oh yea tiger's wife

MJ revolutionized the way things were done. He paved the way for guys like Tiger.

It is a fair comparison though.

What puts MJ over the top for me, is the fact that MJ became a globalized commodity while playing solely in the U.S.. Tiger plays out of the country which addsto his fan base, but MJ never left the confines of the U.S. and yet he has influenced athletes internationally. Also, basketball was sport that was basicallyonly known in the U.S., while golf is played worldwide.
Great post

Both are on some straight G status... but ima roll with Tiger, dude is just taking prisoners right now.
if you're talking about popularity/recognizable, then it's MJ

if you're talking about individual dominance, I'll have to give the edge to Tiger
Jordan had the luck of coming out first. Blew up just as basketball on tv was blowing up
everybody and their moms wanted to be like mike. even current nba players want to be like him aka lebron, kobe, wade....insert anyone with no.23

plus if you're good at basketball, it makes you cool. you get ladies. but if you're good at golf...well, that's great.
i can't imagine golfers pulling girls. most golf dudes lookin lazy and not athletic.
FYALADY wrote:

plus if you're good at basketball, it makes you cool. you get ladies. but if you're good at golf...well, that's great.
i can't imagine golfers pulling girls. most golf dudes lookin lazy and not athletic.



Plus Tiger will beak your neck word to the Wu-Tang Clan
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

if you're talking about popularity/recognizable, then it's MJ

if you're talking about individual dominance, I'll have to give the edge to Tiger
I think Tiger is more popular. He reaches a larger demographic. He single handedly made people watch golf.
Originally Posted by RetroBaller

Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

if you're talking about popularity/recognizable, then it's MJ

if you're talking about individual dominance, I'll have to give the edge to Tiger
I think Tiger is more popular. He reaches a larger demographic. He single handedly made people watch golf.
pretty much. it's soooooo close and neither choice would be wrong, i don't think.

but ima roll with Eldrick.
Tiger wins. His popularity around the world is just outrageous. All the golf gods were so glad to have Tiger help catapult the sport into another stratosphere.More and more of the younger generation are into the sport because of that man. His image is clean, went to a respectable university, married a banging wife..

MJ is good but not Tiger good.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

MJ revolutionized the way things were done. He paved the way for guys like Tiger.

It is a fair comparison though.

What puts MJ over the top for me, is the fact that MJ became a globalized commodity while playing solely in the U.S.. Tiger plays out of the country which adds to his fan base, but MJ never left the confines of the U.S. and yet he has influenced athletes internationally. Also, basketball was sport that was basically only known in the U.S., while golf is played worldwide.

Why are people posting if they don't watch golf?

And these guys are my two favorite athletes of all time, so I'm having a hard time here, but I'm still going to take Tiger. Golf as a worldwide entityI think is more popular than basketball. Just look at the number of international players in golf and where they are from and compare it with the NBA. Not tomention that golf in Asia >>>>>>>>> basketball in Asia. And let's not forget that Tiger hasn't reached his plateau yet: 19major championships. Once he breaks Jack Nicklaus' record it will be more of a fair assessment, especially considering most people in here strictlyremember Jordan in his '97 Bulls days or with the Wizards.

Only time will tell...but for now I'm sticking with TW.
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