MJ vs. Tiger Woods: Who was the biggest during their prime??

What's all this "who WAS the greatest in their prime?" Ummm...Tiger is still very much in his prime. In fact, most golfers hit their prime intheir mid 30's.

Jordan was great and is a legend, but he's not close to Tiger right now...let alone Tiger in the years to come.
Tiger, no question.

It's been over a decade and his prime is still currently pulsing through every fibre of the world of pro golf.
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

if you're talking about popularity/recognizable, then it's MJ

if you're talking about individual dominance, I'll have to give the edge to Tiger

I agree, somewhat! Recognizable is obviously jordan

but, man (sigh) individual dominance is hard to say because tiger plays an individual sport, jordan playd a team sport.

i got to give them a tie on dominance! dude jordan was like 8-0 with a above 100 temp/food poising!
MJ more recognizable than TDub?

I just find it hard to believe than anyone in history is more recognizable around the world than Dub is now
I would argue Tiger isn't even in his prime yet.
co-sign which is mad scary to the golfing world...

I think what puts tiger over MJ is his world wide success...Send MJ to Dubai year after year and i dont think they would show him the same consistant love likethey do to Tiger every year..I'm pretty sure they are going to rename Dubai to Tigeri just in tigers name or if he purchases the city
(which he probably could)

someone said earlier that TW has MADE people watch golf...if that aint the truth i dont know what is. Before his time it was an old mans sport for the cc. Now?danm everyone is playin.

but come on Tiger Woods Gatorade
> thenMJ's Hanes

and dont think when you see TW leave the sport no one will wear the TW logo on their shirt. thats $$$ it will be like UNC with the jordon logo on the warmups.


Tiger is totally dominating his sport, but Jordan seems more widely known around here, I don't know about the international scene.

I'd say Tiger.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

MJ revolutionized the way things were done. He paved the way for guys like Tiger.

It is a fair comparison though.

What puts MJ over the top for me, is the fact that MJ became a globalized commodity while playing solely in the U.S.. Tiger plays out of the country which adds to his fan base, but MJ never left the confines of the U.S. and yet he has influenced athletes internationally. Also, basketball was sport that was basically only known in the U.S., while golf is played worldwide.

i'm a huge basketball fan but it's tiger woods. His dominance and what he done for golf is way bigger than what jordan did for basketball
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