Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

I didnt think this would happen, but it looks like Ill be playing the COD series for the 4th straight time. This time on PS3.

Im prepared to get destroyed
barry white cd  
ever since  you said "is that berry white on the other side of the mic?'

congrat to the new fathers
infinite care pkg, reaper, stealth bomber glitches have arrived.

also dont try the infinite prestige token glitch you will be rest or banned after the holidays

people with 60 months of 2x  XP
Originally Posted by Battousai701

wow NTers are a bunch of coward *******, smh

only player that stayed was thefreshestjerk

whoa whoa man I honestly lost connection from my router but I can get back now its working

a bag shrooms tho donut? lol

Spoiler [+]
howd u know

wow NTers are a bunch of coward *******, smh

only player that stayed was thefreshestjerk

i thought we was finna come back too.

i finally adjusted to the hit detection/timing of the game these last couple days and maaan has this game slowed down for me

shout out to illo,jmd, clear view 'n other nt'ers that helped my w/l jump to 30 points
 this past week.

congrats to bay, poot, & cuzzo- must be nice

happy holidays to the rest of you ready for this 'chip
Haven't played this since i got BF3. The game is super boring. Same !!%@ every game. And the maps all suck balls. There's no tactics in this game. If you try to flank the spawn system @!!@$ you in the #$#.
world record
That is just disgusting.

Finally got my Elite account working... been stuck at the Accept Terms page for the longest time.

Actually had a decent ping last night. Went 1.39 in 5 games last night, with the last 2 matches on 1-bar ping
(the rest on 3).

How'd you get into the NT Elite page?
Originally Posted by Dusted718

Originally Posted by Battousai701

wow NTers are a bunch of coward *******, smh

only player that stayed was thefreshestjerk

Easy buddy it is just a game....
exactly, its only a game. no reason to rage quit right? 

we were winning at the beginning, but as soon as the other team took the lead... almost everyone just backed out with the quickness.

we actually could have made a comeback.

2 against 6 
Originally Posted by Battousai701

Originally Posted by Dusted718

Originally Posted by Battousai701

wow NTers are a bunch of coward *******, smh

only player that stayed was thefreshestjerk

Easy buddy it is just a game....
exactly, its only a game. no reason to rage quit right? 

we were winning at the beginning, but as soon as the other team took the lead... almost everyone just backed out with the quickness.

we actually could have made a comeback.

2 against 6 

I got off after that dom game we played on Arkadin. I swear, Everytime I respawned I died within 1 second. Dudes weren't even good. They were just everywhere wherever I kept spawning. Got heated and just turned the ps3 off. I haven't been doing good since I prestiged but I started playing with the assault strike package and I got my mojo back. Predator, helicopter, and ah-6 get you crazy kills.
I recommend that to anyone. Also a assault rifle w/ silencer.
^^not gonna lie broskie i thought about backing out the way we was getting worked
..everyone has backed out in the middle of the game/rage quit, no big deal. i think it was the fact you threw us in a mosh pit lobby & nt'ers inability to play objective type games
(me self included) other than tdm. another shoutout to the nt'ers that know what the funk they're doing on a domination lobby, ya'll make me look good
. i rarely pick up flags unless it convenient for me to do so but when you have the right squad that knows what they're doing, you shine
. and this coming from a dude that hates playing domination. i don't go for xp i go in for kills, so when dudes know what they're doing/where to position themselves it really accommodates my gameplay cuz i have 1 strategy & a simple one at that- assault. whether it's tdm,snd,dom/ground war im gonna put up as much air assault(3/4,5,7)
as i can and demoralize the %!+$ outta you..combine this with the proper squad and you're going to do damage
...but i digress, im blown as hail right now

my bad for not accepting the invites earlier, just got done watching moneyball with the fam. right now..good movie.
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