Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

heres what the patch did for 360

Heres the notes for TU8

TU8: Networking enhancements, Theater improvements and fixes, Further improvements to "Host Disadvantage" / "Lag Comp", Increased speed of YouTube uploads from 32k to 256k, Nerf to all Akimbo weapons (reduced fire rate), Shotgun re-balance (Slight nerf to Striker, slight buff to all other shotguns), Fix that prevents some users from not receiving their prestige token after prestiging, fix stat bug that retains "games played" stat across prestiges.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by piNoy805jAys

^ whys dude so mad tho?
It's December, son is always crying about something. Chris called him out last season on this, Keef even pulled his card a few times on this too.  
WitnessMyCalm21 wrote:

You guys sure got me there..... 

PIE as hell.

%%#!@ you corny. 
Irony, is unmatched. 
Originally Posted by just reason

btw.. december are you from cali or crip? you said "cuz" like 3498237498242 times.. had me dying..


Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]
Nah but really.. People in real life say i always say son & b a lot... I switched things up and started saying bruh & cuz a lot recently lol
Originally Posted by Hyper

If you trade your game in, I'm gonna be forced to call you J-CuzzOlowokandi.


I didnt sign up for that crap man. Its the same reason why MW2 is the worst COD to me.

Nothing but clowns running around just trying to blow #+#* up. That #+#* aint fun.

Im a competitor. Team 3 has a decent roster. I wanted to see our team and their team head to head no BS. 

Its like in basketball. My team is good and we are matched up with another good team. Off the jump the other "good" team comes out and plays zone.

Zone? And youre supposed to be good? Yea right. 
a. We have the best roster by a mile; we didnt have Tap and we still rolled your team.
b. Blast Shield Pro. Look into it.

c. Trophy System. Look into it.

You want people to play exactly like you so you can prove that you are better than them at that exact setup? Problem is this game is built for several playstyles. If you cant deal with that, trade the game in or start a tournament with the rules specifically stated before people sign up.
Any actual competitive tournament that holds any merit/bragging rights should use type of variant on the MLG rules. While the game is made for many different playstyles, actual tournaments are completely different and should be compared to normal public lobbies.

It just depends how serious a tournament wants to be.
Thanks for the input, X-Box.
Once again, all grievances that should have been brought up...

Whats your point?
We didnt have Anytthing or Shoemasta (Our 2nd and 3rd pick ) and you had a man up.

That other %+%# is irrelevant. So miss me with all that.

Point blank it was lame as hell. Spin it how you want it, the conclusion would still be lame. 

Im not really in to going back and forth talking. I said what I had to say.
My point is simply the RPG's had little to no effect. I killed 3 people with them in S and D and maybe 3 or 4 in KC. Take those out and you still lose.
I am all for taking them out, just make that stuff known before the tournament begins, not 4 games in.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

How come there was no outrage when team 1 played team 5 and I used the RPG?

There was. 
Nobody has said anything before because nobody has used that #!@% except your team and Burrack.

Eh you dont really know if we lose. But whatever floats your boat man.

We play yesterday with Anything we win easily. I was getting multiple 3 and 4 pieces no problems.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Come on up, we'll do some salmon fishing.

 If I come up there, Im entering your bball rec league on whichever team you play that night and dropping 60 on you. With a couple of tea bags on whoever is in the way.
If I understood the game better I would. 

Im 6'6 with 6'11 wingspan and 40" vert though, so I would be relegated to spiking and blocking.

I dont even know if those are the right terms. 
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

a. We have the best roster by a mile; we didnt have Tap and we still rolled your team.
b. Blast Shield Pro. Look into it.

c. Trophy System. Look into it.

You want people to play exactly like you so you can prove that you are better than them at that exact setup? Problem is this game is built for several playstyles. If you cant deal with that, trade the game in or start a tournament with the rules specifically stated before people sign up.

No you don't....

Killing 3 people in S&D by the way of a RPG/launcher is lame as hell.  S&D is a game that already caters to campers, but using launchers to kill people? That takes no skill whatsoever.  You don't even have to aim directly at the person just to kill him
.  Nobody would even consider putting on Blast Shield because Assassin Pro is the most important perk for S&D.
Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by derrty6232

How come there was no outrage when team 1 played team 5 and I used the RPG?

There was. 
Nobody has said anything before because nobody has used that #!@% except your team and Burrack.

Eh you dont really know if we lose. But whatever floats your boat man.

We play yesterday with Anything we win easily. I was getting multiple 3 and 4 pieces no problems.

Yeah right. Season on pause and we can still play with your full roster. Put your roster vs. mine with no rpgs or any other crap you whining about and we still win. Lost by 25+ but talking about you would've won easily? LOL.My team>whoever...
Originally Posted by S4L3

Originally Posted by The Dauqs

Originally Posted by derrty6232

How come there was no outrage when team 1 played team 5 and I used the RPG?

There was. 
Nobody has said anything before because nobody has used that #!@% except your team and Burrack.

Eh you dont really know if we lose. But whatever floats your boat man.

We play yesterday with Anything we win easily. I was getting multiple 3 and 4 pieces no problems.

Yeah right. Season on pause and we can still play with your full roster. Put your roster vs. mine with no rpgs or any other crap you whining about and we still win. Lost by 25+ but talking about you would've won easily? LOL.My team>whoever...
Yall had 1 more man than us. Everybody knows you'll take whatever advantage you can get. We can do it again. 5v5 or 6v6. No 6v5 5v4 this time and we will see what happens 
Its not even like the games were close. RPGs werent even a factor. Team 1 lost by a long shot. No need to blame it on other things. If team 1 had won they wouldn't be complaining at all. Like Burrack said. Where were these complaints at when he used them early on in the season? Ohh that's right you guys won so no need for petty excuses.And your excuse that anything and shoemasta were missing isn't a factor either cause we also played you without our 2nd and 4th pick.
We did complain when we played him too.

Like I said. It is what it is. Yall want to cheese your way through go ahead.

The fact that you guys are acting like having a 6v5 adv.... !%%! it. 

No skill whats so ever though. No respect. 

Bay Im disappointed in you 
. You're better than that.

Donut if we play these clowns again make sure the teams are balanced. 5v5 or 6v6 and Anything is playing.
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