Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

The Juiceman back for a few days? I'll be on at the usual time.

*Sidenote...I should look into getting one of those fancy headsets everyone uses. Depending on how BO 2 is...I might have to finally scoop one up. I JUST recently started playing games on my HD computer monitor. Before that it was on the ol' tube TV...
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Lose to a bunch of bums then get called the N word in the pregame lobbies.

I'm a honky god dammit, get it right!
Im always on playa, I have the og maps and colletion 1 thats it.
Add me I stay playing kill confirm

Right on I'll add you, been playing Ground War, Domination and Kill Confirmed solo dolo was hoping to run with some of NT's finest. Still need to work on my K/D but getting there.
Put your PSN names in your posts and I'll shoot you invites to the clan. I think we're up to LVL 27 now with the clan challenges we've been killing.
^ Damn homie, you about 11 months late :lol:

I'm still on this everyday and will continue cuz im not sure about Black Crocks 2
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I know. I was getting mixed reviews about it so I kinda fell back somebody just gave it to me the other day so I figured it could hold me off until black ops 2.
somebody invite me to play with them tired of snipers and people that suck
PSN: jag09mxe
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" So you guys like using lag switches uh ? i hope you enjoy your BANCANDY"
...then the entire party dipped out of the lobby in dramatic fashion. He was so sure of himself when he said that. **** was comical bruh.

My advice for anyone who wants to run with the NT regulars is to get Proshares to put you in the clan. The benefit of that is the clan list always tells us who's online (and what your stats are) so you might get a shot if there's open space in a party. As long as you can hold your own and complement the group in some way, you'll get recognized. Also helps if you know how to play Domination and know where/when the spawns flip.
Damn i havent played with NT peeps since BO/mw2 days. Im getting used to playing mw3 again on PSN.
Whatever happened to peesn id havent seen him in a minute?
anyways ima hop on now anyone down to run hit me up psn:havik173
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@Hyper -
I saw you on Borderlands but didn't want to drag you in. You know you're good w/ me whenever though.
Whatever happened to peesn id havent seen him in a minute?
I think he got a new job or some ****...he gets on once in a blue moon.

Bobby, get these folks in the clan when you have the time fam.
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@Hyper - :lol: I saw you on Borderlands but didn't want to drag you in. You know you're good w/ me whenever though.

I think he got a new job or some ****...he gets on once in a blue moon.

Bobby, get these folks in the clan when you have the time fam. :nerd:
Damn forreal? Havent spoken to him in over a year :lol:
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