Modern Warfare 3 | PS3 OT | Title Update 1.19 | NEW Playlist Update v1.8.505.1 is LIVE

Alright...a little mini review of my time with this game thus far. The gameplay (NOT connection) is much more smooth than MW2. The lines of guns, interactions during gameplay, etc. are superior. With that said, the connectivity is absolutely horrendous right now. With probably 10k people online and rising, I cannot fathom what this game will be like with 1,000,000+ online at once. I'm talking about there are times I unload a 1/4 of a clip into an enemy only to see the killcam that shows one bullet being fired. Knifing HAS NOT been fixed. I've been knifed around corners, through windows, on a different horizontal plane, from 10 feet away, etc. Now, I am open to the idea that the connection is partly to blame, but c'mon...The guns are decent. The feel and interaction is identical to MW2 in that aspect. The killstreaks are a bit more involved and fun to @!!$ with now, but who knows how that will progress in the coming months. I don't get the black ops/MW2 baby that some people are saying this game is. Bottom line, if you liked the previous modern warfare, odds are you'll enjoy this all the same.
Do you run faster then on mw2? cause on mw2 if you didnt have marathon you would be slow as ##*@.
Can someone aware me on the killstreak and pointstreak system. Do they stack like in mw2?
Originally Posted by shoemasta72

Alright...a little mini review of my time with this game thus far. The gameplay (NOT connection) is much more smooth than MW2. The lines of guns, interactions during gameplay, etc. are superior. With that said, the connectivity is absolutely horrendous right now. With probably 10k people online and rising, I cannot fathom what this game will be like with 1,000,000+ online at once. I'm talking about there are times I unload a 1/4 of a clip into an enemy only to see the killcam that shows one bullet being fired. Knifing HAS NOT been fixed. I've been knifed around corners, through windows, on a different horizontal plane, from 10 feet away, etc. Now, I am open to the idea that the connection is partly to blame, but c'mon...The guns are decent. The feel and interaction is identical to MW2 in that aspect. The killstreaks are a bit more involved and fun to @!!$ with now, but who knows how that will progress in the coming months. I don't get the black ops/MW2 baby that some people are saying this game is. Bottom line, if you liked the previous modern warfare, odds are you'll enjoy this all the same.
All the COD's seem to lag/have connectivity issues the first week... once everything settles it should be alright.
Originally Posted by Grimey

Do you run faster then on mw2? cause on mw2 if you didnt have marathon you would be slow as ##*@.
Marathon/Unlimited Sprint is dead. Extreme Condition is pointless. Since not even the Pro Version allows for unlimited Sprint.
Lightweight is dead. Its not even a perk anymore. Its now a weapon proficiency. More Mobility but thats it. 

Expect more slow movement. 

Ive heard a lot of people say that charcters def do not move as they do in Black Ops. So i guess you can expect character movement from MW2.
Boost, need to know the tentive dates for touneyments.

I won't be able to get this game until after janury cus i put the game on layaway
Originally Posted by NT Brah

Originally Posted by jonathan0389

Yep they stack
For all classes? Though it was only for support class.
Assault & Support stack.......difference being that Support doesn't reset upon dying. So if you get killed you dont have to start over with the support class
Im glad they stack stops camping cos people would just sit and get there 11 on blops but at least with this it gives people more of an incentive to run out and get that 1 more kill
Originally Posted by jonathan0389

Im glad they stack stops camping cos people would just sit and get there 11 on blops but at least with this it gives people more of an incentive to run out and get that 1 more kill
I see what your saying, but at the same time.......someone with a Pave Low might sit someplace and wait for that Pave Low to get a few more kills toward something like an Osprey Gunner, etc. It works both ways.....only way to curb camping is via map design. If someone is camping in a room there should always be at least 2 places to flank him from.
As far as camping doesnt bother me....because if your playing with friends you can easily take one out. (One draws his attention while the others flank his position). Its hard to do by yourself when your playing with randoms. In that case, I just keep away, and check the kill feed to see if someone took him out
?? So if a pavelow or whatever is a 9 killstreak and someone who has it equipped is 8-0 that dies and respawns and gets 1 more kill, he get's that pavelow??
That can't be entirely right because if everything stacked, deaths or not, everyone would have choppers and %%@+ all over the screen... Stacking support streaks after death makes more sense.
Originally Posted by shoemasta72

Alright...a little mini review of my time with this game thus far. The gameplay (NOT connection) is much more smooth than MW2. The lines of guns, interactions during gameplay, etc. are superior. With that said, the connectivity is absolutely horrendous right now. With probably 10k people online and rising, I cannot fathom what this game will be like with 1,000,000+ online at once. I'm talking about there are times I unload a 1/4 of a clip into an enemy only to see the killcam that shows one bullet being fired. Knifing HAS NOT been fixed. I've been knifed around corners, through windows, on a different horizontal plane, from 10 feet away, etc. Now, I am open to the idea that the connection is partly to blame, but c'mon...The guns are decent. The feel and interaction is identical to MW2 in that aspect. The killstreaks are a bit more involved and fun to @!!$ with now, but who knows how that will progress in the coming months. I don't get the black ops/MW2 baby that some people are saying this game is. Bottom line, if you liked the previous modern warfare, odds are you'll enjoy this all the same.
snap, whats up legend. whats your psn?  mine is ethanrylan26
?? So if that juggernaut carepackage (the whole team gets jugg suit??) or whatever is an 18 killstreak and someone who has it equipped is 17-0 that dies and respawns and gets 1 more kill, the whole team gets that jugg suit??
Originally Posted by derrty6232

?? So if that juggernaut carepackage (the whole team gets jugg suit??) or whatever is an 18 killstreak and someone who has it equipped is 17-0 that dies and respawns and gets 1 more kill, the whole team gets that jugg suit??

Assault strike package RESETS after you die. You're 14-0, die, you'll have to start from scratch again. The whole team does NOT get the jugg suit.

Recon strike package DOES NOT reset after you die. Go 17-0, die, kill one more and get it. The whole team does NOT get the jugg suit.
- 15 points, Assault
- M60E4, MP412
- Tons of health

Juggernaut Recon:
- 18 points, Support
- Riot Shield, USP .45
- Tons of health (same as Juggernaut)
- Mobile motion sensor
1. Raadius
2. Ciear_View
3. Anything718
4. Supreme_sole
5. LosManNYC
6. jrp44
8. TapTapPull
9. Bigbobbs87
10. cubs486
13. djmackee
17. shoemasta72
18. JMD619
19. horchatakid
21. Drizzle7635
22. kvsm23vs24
23. Sneaker-Sole
25. J-Cuzzo
26. Zero23
28. Dianwei47
29. Arsnal23
30. J-thagreat
31. Noskey
32. O_Diddy10
33. BayAreaBully510
35. justreason
36. disgaea_7656
37. AlreadyHome
38. Htowns_own23
39. wesleymckenzie
41. murderous91
42. tru_blu_86
43. zk1MPLS
44. Vintagesole
45. Allergictobroke
46. sTeaR_dA_bEasT
47. skinnymane402
48. Ayocapo
49. ABPUA6
50. x177ark
51. June_The_Beast
52. TheGamingMessiaH
53. JewSeeJay
54. dc7kw
55. StarCityPA
56. ACEaceMONEYmoney
57. xSupreme87
58. Ning726
59. Zapatohead408_NT
60. HILO-69
62. laflech44
63. Robg_VA-703
64. Down-RightFierce
65. bboi4lif3
66. Seeko
67. PureMoney
68. eddigratis
69. mota2323
70. uclabruin1416
71. loaded_lux
72. alcstarheel
73. thefreshestjrk
74. LanZeR23
75. xXDeMiZe
76. BillyGunn11
77. FaceSinatra
79. TomBradysTheGOAT
80. LuokyBaby
81. Ferris-Bueller79
Originally Posted by GUTTA BOB

Boost, need to know the tentive dates for touneyments.

I won't be able to get this game until after janury cus i put the game on layaway
This *%@@$

It'll be in Jan because people will be with family for Thanksgiving / Chritsmas, but after that BE READY. I'm gonna make this the best tournament EVER.
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