mods delete


What do you gain if you do this?

What do you lose if you do this?

think about it...
cuz it ain't that serious...cuz she won't talk to you? man up and move on...

but if that didn't work PM the nudes...
the beast in me says do it

but for real you will get over and the hate will probably go away but once those pictures are on the net they are there forever. and i mean forever.
Don't do it man. Think about her parents. Be the better man and don't stoop to that level.

Edit: By the looks of her you can get some pretty good looking girls. Just forget about her and move on the to the next one.
Originally Posted by Snake201

release a rar file I made of my xgf with over 150 pics and one video online. We went out for about 18 months and 2 months ago we broke up. Now she wont talk to me at all and I guess I'm salty over it. What would I benefit of me putting her out? What would I lose? If you have something to add just say it. Right now the file is not going any where I just have it on my flashdrive and on my computer password protected with a 40 character password.

Spoiler [+]
A pic for the beast.


Originally Posted by jdcijordanz

another pic
check again

Don't do it man. Think about her parents. Be the better man and don't stoop to that level.
yea you guys are right im not going to do it. I just needed to vent a little and not keep all the feelings inside so who's better than NT forthat.
Do it.

I look at it this way. If you release the pics/vid, she will either find out that you released them or she won't. If she does find out, it will teach her alesson. If she doesn't find out, no harm done and nothing happens.
Honestly I would just drop the pictures online. Do you see yourself marrying to this chick? If not, then these pics are no use to you if you keep them. Justgo ahead and feed the beasts on NT.
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