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aye bro... to keep it funky...

i'd shoot up that +%*!% spot and keep it pushin.
if someone in the house get shot, they get shot.
its the roses of war.

!@+% that +%*!% homie.
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

wait... you're black tryin to come in between a white couple and u have the audacity to mention court?

this is STILL america...
wait.. you got your !!+ beat by 3 white kids? i woulda been too embarrassed to even show my face in court no matter how big they were
Why are you talking like ALL white people can't fight? Skin color doesn't make you a better fighter.
sounds like you got a lot of hate in your heart and its the people who talk like you who try to talk tuff & end up getting their *** handed to them.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

aye bro... to keep it funky...

i'd shoot up that +%*!% spot and keep it pushin.
if someone in the house get shot, they get shot.
its the roses of war.

!@+% that +%*!% homie.
I'm sure you would.
-stop messing with stupid jumpoffs like that. smash and leave
-take the L
-beat his @!* or never put him in your thoughts again.
take it to court and then murder everyone involved afterwards. well maybe not murder but atleast bust some windows in thier houses
Wow, your friend turned on you quick.  Tell her brother to be your witness.  If I were you, i'd beat up her scumbag boyfriend first then get one of your female friends to beat up that girl.
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