MODS PLEASE LOCK | The Oakland Raiders 2015 Season Thread: Week 17 @ Kansas City / 7-8

How many wins will the Raiders have this season?

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Was at the game yesterday & it was packed. Sucked we lost but it was good nonetheless. Really hope dj gets cut & we get another rb
The offense leaves a lot of yards/points on the field with the dropped passes. All season long we've been dealing with this, whether it's AC, Seth Roberts yesterday, hell even Crabs has had his unfortunate timely  drops.

Yesterday was on Carr, but I can live with these mistakes this season. A bit of a sophomore slump, but lets be real....3000 yards so far and 30 TD's for someone who's in his second year. Can't even complain. Next season I expect the same amount of growth. If he can match his growth from last season to this season he'll be hitting 4000 yards next season.

A lot of the offense is relied heavily on Carr, yeah Murray is about to hit his 1000 yards on the season but aren't we ranked in the high 20's as far as team rushing yards? We have no real run game...

On another note, the defense has really stepped it up as of late. Front 7 has been bustin they ***. Ben Heeny been pretty solid so far.

Lastly, anyone else feel like ARod was trying to give CW an INT when Amerson grabbed it? lol I know ARod been having a "down" year, but lets be real...he don't throw ducks up like that too often...
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Carr could still hit 4,000 this year. His reads as the game goes on are getting worse, as is his footwork. All the more reason to beef up the OL and get another RB to take pressure off him. He's a risk taker at heart, so we need to limit the situations in which he's forcing the ball as best we can.
Carr could still hit 4,000 this year. His reads as the game goes on are getting worse, as is his footwork. All the more reason to beef up the OL and get another RB to take pressure off him. He's a risk taker at heart, so we need to limit the situations in which he's forcing the ball as best we can.
Those INTs were bad but he came right back and scored 2 TDs to take the lead.
He's an Aries. This is typical. Fast starter, high energy, high risk, leadership, failing and falling  and bouncing back. He'll learn with time and more tools how to start and finish with the same energy. 
Those INTs sucked. But I'm ok with it. He bounced back very well and showed poise not letting it get to him. Threw some dimes to Coop and a dart to Rivera that I couldn't even see how he saw it in the stands.

Still think this season was a good one. Next year is gonna be a LOT of hype and will see how the young guys deal with that.

I hate the short to mid range INTs. If you're gonna get picked off I'd rather it be on 3rd and forever and you gun one deep.

Not so sure about Carr having a sophomore slump. He seems to have gotten a lot better than last year.

I did get another beenie for myself and the Mrs. from the vendors outside....Team loses and I still buy stuff...Its a damn drug.
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Didn't even realize Carr was sitting at 3500 yards already. Next 2 games are winnable for the Raiders. You right, 4000 yards is most def. achievable. 

I'll edit that and say I can expect Carr to reach 4500-5000 next season

And I don't mean he's hit a Sophomore Slump for the season, but I think he's just hit a bit of a slump these last couple of games. He's still my guy tho.
Aaron Rodgers' pass yesterday to the endzone makes so much more sense now. He wanted Charles to get the pick. Aaron doesn't make throws like that.
So, so glad I have tickets for the last home game. Woodson's last game, maybe our last game in Oakland. Gonna be a strange night.
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