Mods please lock..

Yeah ^ i do need a blog but i dont know i just thought many of you guys can relate, i was wrong
yes thats crux, and i apologize if he wanted me to blir his face out, but just want to show you guys how great this girl is and how much i apprecuate her
Thing is though you're basically airing her out over the internet on a male dominated forum that can get vicious. Ask yourself how much she wouldappreciate that. Ask yourself how much that would do for your case. You can relate to people without it getting personal. For some reason it seems like youwant her to find out about these threads you make about her and I'm not sure why. You're just suffocating her again and you don't even see it.
Originally Posted by PaidNHalf


O BTW!!! L OUCH! fam your looking at this all wrong, let her do her, and you should do other girls, and if its meant to be you 2 will end up together!
its just been tough sorry if i am airing her out but its like im in a situation where theres nothing i can do but express how i feel, and i know somehow therewill be negative effects about this tgread but knowing that other people have gone through the same and got through it would help me alot.. Thanks for theadvice
Originally Posted by hotshots24

Originally Posted by fenixconnexion

i read it... so is she with someone else now?

she said were gonne be best friends, and tell each other everything and that she needs time for school and her self
2 weeks later she doesnt wanna be best friends or anything and she finally tells me shes talking to someone new.... oh well
its her lost b...
dont worry bout it man, go out with your friends and keep yourself busy...although it hurts right now, im sure it will go away and youll find yourself a bettergirl
If you don't care to shield her from the negative effects that may come from this thread then you don't care like you think you do. Selfish when sheasked you to be selfless. Pretty easy to see why she asked for space.

You'll be alright though. You just need to quit dedicating all this time to her when she's clearly not dedicating the same to you.
Man you gotta a lot of growing to do, don't let that relationship confide you with others in the future.
and trust me alot of it was my fault and absolutely not airing her out, just trying to give other guys a heads up about my mistakes, just tryna help others outalso
i actually watched the whole video, it was really sweet.

and that was one bad !%* turtle.
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