Mom cuts her babies throat because the baby wouldnt stop crying

Originally Posted by RenaRene

soltheman wrote:

TheHavik wrote:


Why was she even allowed to have the baby if she has a mental illness?


There are many people with "mental illnesses" that are entirely capable of taking care of their children. Mental illness is a very, very broad term. Bi-polar disorders, seasonal affective disorder, schizophrenia, academia problems, stress disorders, etc. Hell, even narcissism can be considered a mental illness.

Just because one person has messed up with their child doesn't mean the entire group of people should suffer for it. If that were the case, no one would be able to have children.


Almost everybody ont his planet who ever "edumacated" themselves has had academia problems at one point or another. No, people wouldn't look at a narcisssitic person and say "oh that person has a mental illness. Lets take their kids away".

But if you a schizo you can't attempt to raise younglings..

I agree; except for the schizo part.

I know a mild schizophrenic who has a kid. She's a great parent. She's hilarious, too.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by TheHavik


Why was she even allowed to have the baby if she has a mental illness?

what? doctors gonna force an abortion on her cause she has mental issues? unfortunately we dont really have that much juristiction over birth.

They have in the past. Not even close to agreeing with that but this has illegally been the case in the past. Im just happy the baby is alright.
All thats not even necessary social services could have just taken the child away and put it up for adoption
Originally Posted by non flammable

why is it always the blacks that get reported in the media. i know other races do the same thing but wont see a newspaper
Stop complaining, similar stories of white mothers abusing and or killing their children has been in the news just as much possibly more.
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

A Brooklyn mother, apparently upset when her baby wouldn't stop crying, slashed him across the throat yesterday and then plunged a knife into her own leg, police said.

Cops took Tineka Johnson, 29, into custody after responding to an early-morning 911 call at her East Flatbush home.

She was charged with attempted murder and criminal possession of a weapon.

The baby's grandmother reported the incident on East 38th Street, and Johnson was taken away without incident, authorities said.

The 5-month-old boy was rushed to Kings County Hospital a block away where officials said he was in stable condition yesterday.

Johnson had been taking medications for a mental disorder and may have missed her dosage, sources said.

A relative at the house declined to comment.

Neighbors said they were stunned by the incident.

"She's a nice girl, but she did some strange things," said neighbor Renford Laraman, 66.

"She's always walking up and down the block with nowhere to go. How could someone harm their baby like that just because it was crying?"

man that is just not right. my little boy crys like crazy but never would think of doing that.
23kidd didn't even bother reading the article. "RIP"

Anyway, these stories always make me do a literal shake of the head in disgust/pain.
I feel like leaving work to go get my daughter out of day care just to be with her after reading some this !@!*
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Originally Posted by non flammable

why is it always the blacks that get reported in the media. i know other races do the same thing but wont see a newspaper

Really? I see all kinds man.

And how you know she was black?
"Cops took Tineka Johnson, 29, into custody"

Yea I never heard of a white woman being called Tineka yet. I don't know maybe you have.

most racist thing in this thread so far

I'm half black myself. I don't see how that is racist. Maybe the guy is very assumptive based on the woman's name but racist..
..c'mon're getting all worked up over something so trivial.

i'm far from being worked up. i could care less what color the lady's skin is. the people getting worked up are the ones complaining that only black people get portrayed like this in the news...when nowhere in the article did it state the woman's race.
Dude I'm not being racist, stop taking it overboard for no reason. I'm just saying that living and growing up in NYC I have never seen orheard a white woman or girl being called "Tineka." Now have I seen, met, or heard a black woman being called that name? Plenty of time. Is theresomeone out there that might be white and have that name? Sure but let's face it, the chance of that are so low and minuscule that I wouldn't put mymoney on it in this particular case.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Originally Posted by non flammable

why is it always the blacks that get reported in the media. i know other races do the same thing but wont see a newspaper

Really? I see all kinds man.

And how you know she was black?
"Cops took Tineka Johnson, 29, into custody"

Yea I never heard of a white woman being called Tineka yet. I don't know maybe you have.

most racist thing in this thread so far

I'm half black myself. I don't see how that is racist. Maybe the guy is very assumptive based on the woman's name but racist..
..c'mon're getting all worked up over something so trivial.

i'm far from being worked up. i could care less what color the lady's skin is. the people getting worked up are the ones complaining that only black people get portrayed like this in the news...when nowhere in the article did it state the woman's race.

One could assume Tineka from Flatbush, Brooklyn is black...and that wouldn't be out of pocket.
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

Originally Posted by TheHavik


Why was she even allowed to have the baby if she has a mental illness?

what? doctors gonna force an abortion on her cause she has mental issues? unfortunately we dont really have that much juristiction over birth.
I think he meansin the sense of custody. Which is a good question. If she has the mental illnesses that they say she has, why is she allowed to have parental rights over thechild? why not give the rights to the grandparents who may be more mentally stable.

They should kill that @*##! tho. My daughter cries a lot but u don't see me throwin her in a microwave then a freezer or slicin her throat.
Originally Posted by non flammable

why is it always the blacks that get reported in the media. i know other races do the same thing but wont see a newspaper
shut up
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Originally Posted by non flammable

why is it always the blacks that get reported in the media. i know other races do the same thing but wont see a newspaper

Really? I see all kinds man.

And how you know she was black?
"Cops took Tineka Johnson, 29, into custody"

Yea I never heard of a white woman being called Tineka yet. I don't know maybe you have.

most racist thing in this thread so far

I'm half black myself. I don't see how that is racist. Maybe the guy is very assumptive based on the woman's name but racist..
..c'mon're getting all worked up over something so trivial.

i'm far from being worked up. i could care less what color the lady's skin is. the people getting worked up are the ones complaining that only black people get portrayed like this in the news...when nowhere in the article did it state the woman's race.

One could assume Tineka from Flatbush, Brooklyn is black...and that wouldn't be out of pocket.


Some NTers try waaaay to hard to be politically correct. You don't have to be a math major to see that the probability is in favor of our assertion.
How are yall talking down on the mother when she's on medication? Did anybody read the OP?

Now if you feel sick(as in literally sick) ppl should be executed that Hitler pic is justified.

As for her race if I had to guess I'd say black. As far as blacks getting more negative media coverage this article doesn't apply. Despite w/e youassume nothing in the article says "Black woman slits 5 month old's throat" Somebody thought this was news so it was reported, no need to reachfor nonsensical prejudicial motives.
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