Mom pleas for any woman to help her son with Down's Syndrome lose his virginity.

Nov 22, 2002

Mum: Will Anyone Sleep With My Down's Son?

4:43pm UK, Tuesday March 17, 2009
A mother is appealing for women to have sex with her adopted Down's syndrome son.

Lucy Baxter and son Otto


Lucy Baxter wants her adopted son Otto to have sex

Lucy Baxter says she will even pay for a prostitute so he can lose his virginity.

The mother has now set up a Bebo page for Otto appealing for potential dates to come forward.

The leading campaigner has three other adopted sons with Down's.

She said: "I'd like all my boys to find love and enjoy sex.

Otto Baxter

Otto is heading for Las Vegas

"I always look at what other people are doing and why shouldn't they do the same things?

"I strongly believe, and have always said, that society has a learning disability when it comes to Down's syndrome.

"If he doesn't get a girlfriend, I will feel really bad, because I have sold him this thing that he is like everybody else. That's why I'mworking overtime to get this sorted for him."
Why do the NT ladies always show up in these threads....?

Someone told me I have DS once, does that get me anything?

I used to work with this lady and her daughter worked there too she has Down's syndrome, and she had a child.
I dont know much about down syndrome, does it affect your speech? I ask because he's not even that bad looking I know some ugly dudes who be pullin. Heneeds to step his game down up.
Originally Posted by cincybcats22

Why do the NT ladies always show up in these threads....?
i show up in most threads though

Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY


i'll do it.

foul joke.

foreal? what this woman is doing is not foul? like, there are more important things in life than sex.

Originally Posted by TheSouthside

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by TheSouthside

i got downsyndrome two
did you purposely misspell that to further prove your extra chromosome, or are you just plain dumb?

i presume the latter , then.
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