Money problems causing stress and depression

Feb 27, 2017
Anybody else experiencing this?

I spent the last year paying every penny I could towards debt and right when I finally get my head above water, my car breaks down and needs $2,500 of repairs so I'm right back in credit card jail. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

It gets depressing because I work hard every day and right now I don't even have enough money to buy a pack of gum [emoji]128577[/emoji]
I was pretty much in this same situation from 2014-16. Had to get 2 jobs including working with at risk youth and a night auditor for a hotel. I'm still working my way out of a hole but its getting easier now every month. Stay strong famb.
Thanks, NT famb.

It's depressing because I feel like I've done everything right and I still can't get ahead.

Started working at a small law firm about 6 years ago basically as a receptionist which everybody made fun of me for. I used that time to teach myself different things about law and basically climbed the ladder from answering phones at a small firm to being Senior Paralegal at one of the largest firms in the state.

That ish took years of hard work and not to mention being laughed at for basically being a male secretary.

I put in the work and I still can't get ahead. I guess the world doesn't care how hard you work.
what kind of car you have?

Not gonna hit you with "well you shouldn't be driving ___, and should drive 30 yo Toyota"

Just wondering.
Thanks, NT famb.

It's depressing because I feel like I've done everything right and I still can't get ahead.

Started working at a small law firm about 6 years ago basically as a receptionist which everybody made fun of me for. I used that time to teach myself different things about law and basically climbed the ladder from answering phones at a small firm to being Senior Paralegal at one of the largest firms in the state.

That ish took years of hard work and not to mention being laughed at for basically being a male secretary.

I put in the work and I still can't get ahead. I guess the world doesn't care how hard you work.

It doesn't, but I found things got easier when I maintained a positive outcome. As difficult as that sound, its much easier to deal with things when you go in thinking positive. Of course, it also help to have something that allows you to relax/blow off steam. I highly recommend learning how to meditate. It can do wonders for lower stress.
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fam if you are in debt, I don't think buying Yeezys off GOAT is the way to go

people need to fix their priorities in life
I bought those for my brother (like with his money for him) and then tried to sell them for him. I don't own any Yeezy's.
what is the debt from? Senior Paralegals do pretty decent so you should be able to climb out of this by adjusting your lifestyle if only temporary or deciding to make it permanent

there is def. a light at the end of the tunnel in your situation
To the person who asked, I drive a 2008 Jeep Compass. It's hardly even worth $2,500 but I still owe money on it and need to drive it for a couple more years.
I bought those for my brother (like with his money for him) and then tried to sell them for him. I don't own any Yeezy's.

Don't mind him, famb. Homey is a bit of a negative ned.

In your situation, the fact that you were able to climb out of debt is boss as hell.

Then you got to be a Sr. Paralegal spot, too?

You got gumption, my g.... Just keep spending less than you'll make and you'll see your net worth will turn from red to black.

It's tough cuz yiu want to ball... and like the late great philosopher Chad Butler once said... Everybody wanna ball...

But it takes some patience... Most people get complacent once they get financially freed up, but keep your hunger even after you're not broke and you'll be very comfortable financially.
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The debt is medical from when I didn't have insurance at my small law firm. Bankruptcy was always an option but I wanted to claw my way out of it. Whenever I get close, it seems like something else happens.

I still have some lingering medical debt on top of my new $2,500 car repair bill.
Cars are the worst. Mine is a money pit too. Trying to simultaneously save, pay off debt and live life can definitely be taxing. I'm not even motivated by money either. I don't need "stacks." I would just like to be comfortable and secure and spend my time on more meaningful things. Tough to do in this culture of greed.
key things to keep in mind so you wont be so down. 

- if we reverted to a life where money was meaningless and bills were non existent... what in your life currently would make you happy?

i.e (family, pets, hobbys?, love and etc)

- what do you have currently not might make you more fortunate than others? 

i.e (roof over your head, food?, again.. family? friends?)

find comfort in what you do have and focus on that more than the discomfort of what you dont have... we all want or need more in our lives but we hype focus on whats missing rather that what we have. 

- what can you be doing to stimulate your income. 

have some cash flow is better than none, this means you can stay afloat until the next month. 

if you can pay your bills ontime and be debt free for 29 days thats 29 days you have to make some extra income and stash it away. 

go to a local thrift store, find peoples WTB ads and be the person to find them what they need. 

craigstlist is a big help maybe you have things in your life that you once bought and are not using. 

ebay is another big help, etsy, amazon. 

start a small service hustle, landscaping is big money with little investment. 

car washing/detailing, dog walking, pet grooming, and etc. 
Bro do a balance transfer on the card used for repairs to alleviate building any new interest on that debt (new card which offers 0% APR 1st yr) it off in 12 equal payments
Ive been there too and still working on it. A positive outlook and a solid plan can do wonders. The credit thread is full of advice to make it easier too. You might go in there and find out you're not as bad off as you thought :lol:.

Another thing that helped me is not giving a **** about what other people are doing. There's always gonna be somebody ignorant af like people who laughed at the secretary job. Stick to your plan
I'm in the worse financial situation I've ever been in at the moment but I'm 0% stressed. I know this **** is a dark cloud and will pass. Got fired in February, went from making 850 a week to 320 a week working part time. Luckily my lease for my apt was up and I just moved back to the crib temporarily. If your biggest problems in life is financial u are gonna be ok cuz as long as u work and got a plan it's gonna work itself out as long as u stick to it. I'm should be testing out of truck driving school in 2 weeks and my part time position will turn to full time local class A and my income will go back to a livable wage as long as I keep pushing and sticking to the script. U can't let this get u down, play the long game, get a 2 year plan together.
I'm in the worse financial situation I've ever been in at the moment but I'm 0% stressed. I know this **** is a dark cloud and will pass. Got fired in February, went from making 850 a week to 320 a week working part time. Luckily my lease for my apt was up and I just moved back to the crib temporarily. If your biggest problems in life is financial u are gonna be ok cuz as long as u work and got a plan it's gonna work itself out as long as u stick to it. I'm should be testing out of truck driving school in 2 weeks and my part time position will turn to full time local class A and my income will go back to a livable wage as long as I keep pushing and sticking to the script. U can't let this get u down, play the long game, get a 2 year plan together.
Best decision I ever made. I was working at a ltl and seen what our drivers made so when I got the boot I already knew what I was doing.
Damn Will ain't even know you were going thru it like that. Stay up my boy, def sending prayers your way. The blessings gone come thru [emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]
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