Month after stop and frisk, crime jumps.

Doesn't matter.


Our economy is still crap, lots of people still out of work....crime is going to rise regardless.

I'm supposed to believe "statistics" coming from the same corrupt *** PD that was enforcing unconstitutional laws?

You gotta be a special type of stupid to take what they're saying as the absolute truth.
The statistics themselves don't even seem legit.
swear there's a button the govner hits to boost the crime rate.
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Those who give up their liberty for more security deserve neither.


You may not believe the statistics but it will rise and will be the legacy of de Blasio should he be mayor. A lot of people left the guns home because of this.
Sounds like the racist boys in blue (or at least the ones that miss their power trip) put on a show of force and took the day off.

You may not believe the statistics but it will rise and will be the legacy of de Blasio should he be mayor. A lot of people left the guns home because of this.

I guarantee you are someone who would probably never be stop and frisked.

and that's the problem nobody cares about the next man. Do you have to worry if you just got finished playing basketball and your sports attire looks like the prime attire for probable cause to be stopped and frisked?

This is the same way how everyone just happily allowed Obama to sign a bill that allows "suspected terrorists" to be detained indefinite and lose all american rights immediately.... just for being a suspect. Everyone's mindset is "i'm not a terrorist suspect so what do I care"

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
Have a lot of cop friends , (majority in the 73 and 75rd precincts) east new york brownsville area...they know were ******
:lol: you think I'm white? I'm smack dab in Crown Heights down the block from Albany Projects. Nothing but shootings in and around the housing complex this Summer. I know how to react if the cops approach me because I was taught from young by my parents. I can't go down the block to the corner store without an ID because if I get stopped without one I can get hauled off to the precinct. Because of my tendency to wear hoodies and basketball shorts I'm more likely to get stopped in a neighborhood that's gentrifying. You see what happens when you assume?
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:lol: you think I'm white? I'm smack dab in Crown Heights down the block from Albany Projects. Nothing but shootings in and around the housing complex this Summer. I know how to react if the cops approach me because I was taught from young by my parents. I can't go down the block to the corner store without an ID because if I get stopped without one I can get hauled off to the precinct. Because of my tendency to wear hoodies and basketball shorts I'm more likely to get stopped in a neighborhood that's gentrifying. You see what happens when you assume?

I didn't say you were white but I assumed you were someone in a position that you haven't or wouldn't experience being frisked.

So yeah I was wrong and I'm surprised. Mainly because

You show a real lack of empathy for others who have been harassed and in bad situations with cops and I wish I knew why.

As someone who has never been arrested or committed a crime in my life but

has been stopped, in cuffs, etc for just minding my own business I feel a bit different.

That said you just got finished telling me how there were shooting all around your house this summer, so how effective was this policy exactly.
lol @ some of the denial in this thread.

Is the stop and frisk unconstitutional? Perhaps

Does it prevent crime? ABSOLUTELY.
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That stat is all BS (and I'm a Cop if that matters)

It's unconstitutional to be patted down and detained for 60 minutes without PC. But as long as you can articulate, I can stop you for anything, and question you. Whether you answer is your choice.

I think some people are confused between Terry Stops and Frisks.
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I will say, out of all the big cities I've lived in, I feel safest in NYC....they must be doing something right.

Crime in places like DC, Atlanta, New Orleans, Chicago...
People like to pick and choose when the Constitution is convenient to an issue they feel passionate about.
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