"Most Illegal Immigrants Smuggle Drugs"

Originally Posted by 13saldana13

Originally Posted by MC miker

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by MC miker

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

a lot of them probably are smuggleing drugs.

ALL of them are here illegally.

How can you even debate about CRIMINALS!!!???

"Let them stay" "They are just trying to feed their families"


Did you guys know that Mexico deports more illegal aliens every year than the U.S??
I won't address your blanket statement.. That has no research. No fact.. Just a prejudice notion because you hate them..

Did you know we all break more than 1 law a day?... Should we be penalized (fined or jail time) for EVERY single law we break no matter how petty....

I hope you answer yes.. Because we are all criminals. We should not be even debating this.

See how easy it is to be an %%% about a subject.
Your statement has no research or no facts either. We all break 1 law a day? Well, I don't. So i guess your argument doesn't really make sense.

We are not all criminals. The only people that are all criminals being talked about in this thread are all of the illegal immigrants that come to our country.

See how easy it is to be an %%% about a subject.

1. An act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction.

2. Unlawful activity: statistics relating to violent crime.

3. A serious offense, especially one in violation of morality.

4. An unjust, senseless, or disgraceful act or condition: It's a crime to squander our country's natural resources.

Of, involving, or having the nature of crime: criminal abuse.
2. Relating to the administration of penal law.

3.a. Guilty of crime.
b. Characteristic of a criminal.

4. Shameful; disgraceful: a criminal waste of talent.

One that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.

Ok...That being said

Do you always cross the street at a crosswalk when given the proper indication that it is ok to cross?

Do you always throw all garbage (including chewed gum) into a trash receptacle?

When driving and the ability to stop at a yellow light that wouldn't result in an accident, do you go through the intersection?

When making a turn do you always come to a full stop?

When switching lanes do you have your directional on for the proper time before you switch lanes?

Do you download music or movies or computer software illegally?

Ever broken a parking law?

There are so many laws that it is impossible not to break one.. And when you break a law, you have committed a crime. Making you, I, us, citizens criminals.
Thanks for the definitions, I really needed them.

Do you always cross the street at a crosswalk when given the proper indication that it is ok to cross? Yes, people that don't are foolish. I hate when people walk in front of me when im driving so why would I do it?

Do you always throw all garbage (including chewed gum) into a trash receptacle? Yes, I hate people that litter. I also don't chew gum.

When driving and the ability to stop at a yellow light that wouldn't result in an accident, do you go through the intersection? No. Sometimes I regret stopping because I probably could have made it.

When making a turn do you always come to a full stop? Well, when it's the law, yes. At stop signs and while turning right at a red light. Not while turning left with a green arrow.

When switching lanes do you have your directional on for the proper time before you switch lanes?  Sure do.

Do you download music or movies or computer software illegally? I have done this. But not recently.

Ever broken a parking law? Nope. I have never broke a driving law and have never been pulled over. I'm proud of the fact that I am a smart and safe driver.

So you found one law that i have broken, and I admit it. I don't think you really understood my post though. I was trying to show you that you can't get on someone for not having actual facts, and then turn around and use one on them. Saying that we all break at least 1 law a day simply is not true. You can say we are all criminals, and I agree that a lot of laws are broken, but I think coming into a country illegally is a bigger deal than throwing garbage on the ground.
You are forgetting your logic. Common logic. When he said "did you know we all break 1 law a day"  common sense should kick in and tell you a couple things. A)you live in america b)1 is an average and when you think about how many people there are in America and how many of them DO break 1 law a day, why even argue. Congrats though, you proved your a great person with a character flaw.

You seem to also not understand how to look at things from another perspective, now this is not a fact, but rather an impression I get. Someone who was able to look at things from an other human beings point of view would be more compassionate, not that we care for your compassion.

Follow this. Many black men in America are criminals or former criminals. You think they all want to be criminals? I mean don't you think they'd much rather be living in suburbia, worrying about mortgages, increased unemployment, and all that other drama. They're BORN in to these situations, BORN. big bang, earth becomes habitable, dinasours, some %@%@ went down, people, societies, and then they were born in to this universe the same way you were. Except they were born in to low income families, who have to worry about survival and then on top of that, there's mortages, bills, and drama.

MAny in Latin America are born in to worse situations than the poorest Americans. I used to get a bucket a water and some soap and had to take a bath like that in Mexico. Latin America is where it is today because major powers of the world made it that. Same with Africa. There's really no drug users in Mexico, they push drugs because that's what Americans buy. America is all about the fast life (and crack). Drug use in Mexico increased because they can't get all the drugs in to the U.S. so they decided to start selling meth and crack to Mexicans, it has never been a problem, even during the crack epidemic.

In Mexico there's really no middle-class, same with most of Latin America. There's really rich, rich, poor, really poor. I mean that's basically life.

So, if we come to America, because we don't want our children to experience the violence and poverty, we're criminals. Yes. I mean Imagine if this land of opportunity and dreams is so close and you wake up everyday to poverty and crime. Wouldn't you become a criminal too?

Please, if you're going to say something like, "if i was in any of those positions you mentioned, I would work hard and go to college",keep it to yourself. that's a whole 'nother wall-o-text

How did you get to America?
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

You are forgetting your logic. Common logic. When he said "did you know we all break 1 law a day"  common sense should kick in and tell you a couple things. A)you live in america b)1 is an average and when you think about how many people there are in America and how many of them DO break 1 law a day, why even argue. Congrats though, you proved your a great person with a character flaw.

You seem to also not understand how to look at things from another perspective, now this is not a fact, but rather an impression I get. Someone who was able to look at things from an other human beings point of view would be more compassionate, not that we care for your compassion.

Follow this. Many black men in America are criminals or former criminals. You think they all want to be criminals? I mean don't you think they'd much rather be living in suburbia, worrying about mortgages, increased unemployment, and all that other drama. They're BORN in to these situations, BORN. big bang, earth becomes habitable, dinasours, some %@%@ went down, people, societies, and then they were born in to this universe the same way you were. Except they were born in to low income families, who have to worry about survival and then on top of that, there's mortages, bills, and drama.

MAny in Latin America are born in to worse situations than the poorest Americans. I used to get a bucket a water and some soap and had to take a bath like that in Mexico. Latin America is where it is today because major powers of the world made it that. Same with Africa. There's really no drug users in Mexico, they push drugs because that's what Americans buy. America is all about the fast life (and crack). Drug use in Mexico increased because they can't get all the drugs in to the U.S. so they decided to start selling meth and crack to Mexicans, it has never been a problem, even during the crack epidemic.

In Mexico there's really no middle-class, same with most of Latin America. There's really rich, rich, poor, really poor. I mean that's basically life.

So, if we come to America, because we don't want our children to experience the violence and poverty, we're criminals. Yes. I mean Imagine if this land of opportunity and dreams is so close and you wake up everyday to poverty and crime. Wouldn't you become a criminal too?

Please, if you're going to say something like, "if i was in any of those positions you mentioned, I would work hard and go to college",keep it to yourself. that's a whole 'nother wall-o-text

100% Truth

This law is ludicrous, as it's legalizing racial profiling

is that cool? this is the equivalent of having to carry freedom papers back in the day

so if i LOOK mexican, they can just stop me and force me to prove my citizenship? (correct me if I'm wrong)

that's absurd
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

You are forgetting your logic. Common logic. When he said "did you know we all break 1 law a day"  common sense should kick in and tell you a couple things. A)you live in america b)1 is an average and when you think about how many people there are in America and how many of them DO break 1 law a day, why even argue. Congrats though, you proved your a great person with a character flaw.

You seem to also not understand how to look at things from another perspective, now this is not a fact, but rather an impression I get. Someone who was able to look at things from an other human beings point of view would be more compassionate, not that we care for your compassion.

Follow this. Many black men in America are criminals or former criminals. You think they all want to be criminals? I mean don't you think they'd much rather be living in suburbia, worrying about mortgages, increased unemployment, and all that other drama. They're BORN in to these situations, BORN. big bang, earth becomes habitable, dinasours, some %@%@ went down, people, societies, and then they were born in to this universe the same way you were. Except they were born in to low income families, who have to worry about survival and then on top of that, there's mortages, bills, and drama.

MAny in Latin America are born in to worse situations than the poorest Americans. I used to get a bucket a water and some soap and had to take a bath like that in Mexico. Latin America is where it is today because major powers of the world made it that. Same with Africa. There's really no drug users in Mexico, they push drugs because that's what Americans buy. America is all about the fast life (and crack). Drug use in Mexico increased because they can't get all the drugs in to the U.S. so they decided to start selling meth and crack to Mexicans, it has never been a problem, even during the crack epidemic.

In Mexico there's really no middle-class, same with most of Latin America. There's really rich, rich, poor, really poor. I mean that's basically life.

So, if we come to America, because we don't want our children to experience the violence and poverty, we're criminals. Yes. I mean Imagine if this land of opportunity and dreams is so close and you wake up everyday to poverty and crime. Wouldn't you become a criminal too?

Please, if you're going to say something like, "if i was in any of those positions you mentioned, I would work hard and go to college",keep it to yourself. that's a whole 'nother wall-o-text

100% Truth

This law is ludicrous, as it's legalizing racial profiling

is that cool? this is the equivalent of having to carry freedom papers back in the day

so if i LOOK mexican, they can just stop me and force me to prove my citizenship? (correct me if I'm wrong)

that's absurd
Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by 13saldana13

You are forgetting your logic. Common logic. When he said "did you know we all break 1 law a day"  common sense should kick in and tell you a couple things. A)you live in america b)1 is an average and when you think about how many people there are in America and how many of them DO break 1 law a day, why even argue. Congrats though, you proved your a great person with a character flaw.

You seem to also not understand how to look at things from another perspective, now this is not a fact, but rather an impression I get. Someone who was able to look at things from an other human beings point of view would be more compassionate, not that we care for your compassion.

Follow this. Many black men in America are criminals or former criminals. You think they all want to be criminals? I mean don't you think they'd much rather be living in suburbia, worrying about mortgages, increased unemployment, and all that other drama. They're BORN in to these situations, BORN. big bang, earth becomes habitable, dinasours, some %@%@ went down, people, societies, and then they were born in to this universe the same way you were. Except they were born in to low income families, who have to worry about survival and then on top of that, there's mortages, bills, and drama.

MAny in Latin America are born in to worse situations than the poorest Americans. I used to get a bucket a water and some soap and had to take a bath like that in Mexico. Latin America is where it is today because major powers of the world made it that. Same with Africa. There's really no drug users in Mexico, they push drugs because that's what Americans buy. America is all about the fast life (and crack). Drug use in Mexico increased because they can't get all the drugs in to the U.S. so they decided to start selling meth and crack to Mexicans, it has never been a problem, even during the crack epidemic.

In Mexico there's really no middle-class, same with most of Latin America. There's really rich, rich, poor, really poor. I mean that's basically life.

So, if we come to America, because we don't want our children to experience the violence and poverty, we're criminals. Yes. I mean Imagine if this land of opportunity and dreams is so close and you wake up everyday to poverty and crime. Wouldn't you become a criminal too?

Please, if you're going to say something like, "if i was in any of those positions you mentioned, I would work hard and go to college",keep it to yourself. that's a whole 'nother wall-o-text
100% Truth

This law is ludicrous, as it's legalizing racial profiling

is that cool? this is the equivalent of having to carry freedom papers back in the day

so if i LOOK mexican, they can just stop me and force me to prove my citizenship? (correct me if I'm wrong)

that's absurd

I'm pretty sure that's not what the law is. To be honest, I haven't read the bill, and neither have you. I know you haven't because you are not completely confident in your understanding of the bill. How about both of us read the bill, then come back and discuss what it actually says. I'm pretty sure you will be surprised that it is not legalizing racial profiling. At least that's my understanding of the bill.
Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by 13saldana13

You are forgetting your logic. Common logic. When he said "did you know we all break 1 law a day"  common sense should kick in and tell you a couple things. A)you live in america b)1 is an average and when you think about how many people there are in America and how many of them DO break 1 law a day, why even argue. Congrats though, you proved your a great person with a character flaw.

You seem to also not understand how to look at things from another perspective, now this is not a fact, but rather an impression I get. Someone who was able to look at things from an other human beings point of view would be more compassionate, not that we care for your compassion.

Follow this. Many black men in America are criminals or former criminals. You think they all want to be criminals? I mean don't you think they'd much rather be living in suburbia, worrying about mortgages, increased unemployment, and all that other drama. They're BORN in to these situations, BORN. big bang, earth becomes habitable, dinasours, some %@%@ went down, people, societies, and then they were born in to this universe the same way you were. Except they were born in to low income families, who have to worry about survival and then on top of that, there's mortages, bills, and drama.

MAny in Latin America are born in to worse situations than the poorest Americans. I used to get a bucket a water and some soap and had to take a bath like that in Mexico. Latin America is where it is today because major powers of the world made it that. Same with Africa. There's really no drug users in Mexico, they push drugs because that's what Americans buy. America is all about the fast life (and crack). Drug use in Mexico increased because they can't get all the drugs in to the U.S. so they decided to start selling meth and crack to Mexicans, it has never been a problem, even during the crack epidemic.

In Mexico there's really no middle-class, same with most of Latin America. There's really rich, rich, poor, really poor. I mean that's basically life.

So, if we come to America, because we don't want our children to experience the violence and poverty, we're criminals. Yes. I mean Imagine if this land of opportunity and dreams is so close and you wake up everyday to poverty and crime. Wouldn't you become a criminal too?

Please, if you're going to say something like, "if i was in any of those positions you mentioned, I would work hard and go to college",keep it to yourself. that's a whole 'nother wall-o-text
100% Truth

This law is ludicrous, as it's legalizing racial profiling

is that cool? this is the equivalent of having to carry freedom papers back in the day

so if i LOOK mexican, they can just stop me and force me to prove my citizenship? (correct me if I'm wrong)

that's absurd

I'm pretty sure that's not what the law is. To be honest, I haven't read the bill, and neither have you. I know you haven't because you are not completely confident in your understanding of the bill. How about both of us read the bill, then come back and discuss what it actually says. I'm pretty sure you will be surprised that it is not legalizing racial profiling. At least that's my understanding of the bill.
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

You are forgetting your logic. Common logic. When he said "did you know we all break 1 law a day"  common sense should kick in and tell you a couple things. A)you live in america b)1 is an average and when you think about how many people there are in America and how many of them DO break 1 law a day, why even argue. Congrats though, you proved your a great person with a character flaw.

You seem to also not understand how to look at things from another perspective, now this is not a fact, but rather an impression I get. Someone who was able to look at things from an other human beings point of view would be more compassionate, not that we care for your compassion.

Follow this. Many black men in America are criminals or former criminals. You think they all want to be criminals? I mean don't you think they'd much rather be living in suburbia, worrying about mortgages, increased unemployment, and all that other drama. They're BORN in to these situations, BORN. big bang, earth becomes habitable, dinasours, some %@%@ went down, people, societies, and then they were born in to this universe the same way you were. Except they were born in to low income families, who have to worry about survival and then on top of that, there's mortages, bills, and drama.

MAny in Latin America are born in to worse situations than the poorest Americans. I used to get a bucket a water and some soap and had to take a bath like that in Mexico. Latin America is where it is today because major powers of the world made it that. Same with Africa. There's really no drug users in Mexico, they push drugs because that's what Americans buy. America is all about the fast life (and crack). Drug use in Mexico increased because they can't get all the drugs in to the U.S. so they decided to start selling meth and crack to Mexicans, it has never been a problem, even during the crack epidemic.

In Mexico there's really no middle-class, same with most of Latin America. There's really rich, rich, poor, really poor. I mean that's basically life.

So, if we come to America, because we don't want our children to experience the violence and poverty, we're criminals. Yes. I mean Imagine if this land of opportunity and dreams is so close and you wake up everyday to poverty and crime. Wouldn't you become a criminal too?

Please, if you're going to say something like, "if i was in any of those positions you mentioned, I would work hard and go to college",keep it to yourself. that's a whole 'nother wall-o-text

I'm a little confused. This all doesn't seem like it should be that complicated. PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong because this is all based off of my own observation:

-Illegal immigrants hurt the American economy. Why? They are getting tax-paying benefits while having to pay less taxes than a normal citizen. It can cause unwanted population growth. Also, illegal immigrants are, arguably, taking the jobs of American citizens.

-It seems to pretty much be a fact that there are downfalls of having illegal immigrants come into our country.

-The US has made this illegal for a reason, due to the points obove.

-You need to have identification on you anyway while driving. (Drivers license)

-Border patrol obviously is not very effective at all. (http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/54514)

-Arizona supposedly has a really fast growing illegal immigrant population (Don't know how credible the source is - http://www.cis.org/announcement/AZ-immigration-SB1070)

So according to these points I've come to think that passing this law is just giving an alternative to border patrol and making illegal immigration control more effective. Am I wrong? If a cop pulls you over and your a legal citizen can't you just show them proof and then move on?

I don't know much about this and it'd be nice if someone could help me understand
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

You are forgetting your logic. Common logic. When he said "did you know we all break 1 law a day"  common sense should kick in and tell you a couple things. A)you live in america b)1 is an average and when you think about how many people there are in America and how many of them DO break 1 law a day, why even argue. Congrats though, you proved your a great person with a character flaw.

You seem to also not understand how to look at things from another perspective, now this is not a fact, but rather an impression I get. Someone who was able to look at things from an other human beings point of view would be more compassionate, not that we care for your compassion.

Follow this. Many black men in America are criminals or former criminals. You think they all want to be criminals? I mean don't you think they'd much rather be living in suburbia, worrying about mortgages, increased unemployment, and all that other drama. They're BORN in to these situations, BORN. big bang, earth becomes habitable, dinasours, some %@%@ went down, people, societies, and then they were born in to this universe the same way you were. Except they were born in to low income families, who have to worry about survival and then on top of that, there's mortages, bills, and drama.

MAny in Latin America are born in to worse situations than the poorest Americans. I used to get a bucket a water and some soap and had to take a bath like that in Mexico. Latin America is where it is today because major powers of the world made it that. Same with Africa. There's really no drug users in Mexico, they push drugs because that's what Americans buy. America is all about the fast life (and crack). Drug use in Mexico increased because they can't get all the drugs in to the U.S. so they decided to start selling meth and crack to Mexicans, it has never been a problem, even during the crack epidemic.

In Mexico there's really no middle-class, same with most of Latin America. There's really rich, rich, poor, really poor. I mean that's basically life.

So, if we come to America, because we don't want our children to experience the violence and poverty, we're criminals. Yes. I mean Imagine if this land of opportunity and dreams is so close and you wake up everyday to poverty and crime. Wouldn't you become a criminal too?

Please, if you're going to say something like, "if i was in any of those positions you mentioned, I would work hard and go to college",keep it to yourself. that's a whole 'nother wall-o-text

I'm a little confused. This all doesn't seem like it should be that complicated. PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong because this is all based off of my own observation:

-Illegal immigrants hurt the American economy. Why? They are getting tax-paying benefits while having to pay less taxes than a normal citizen. It can cause unwanted population growth. Also, illegal immigrants are, arguably, taking the jobs of American citizens.

-It seems to pretty much be a fact that there are downfalls of having illegal immigrants come into our country.

-The US has made this illegal for a reason, due to the points obove.

-You need to have identification on you anyway while driving. (Drivers license)

-Border patrol obviously is not very effective at all. (http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/54514)

-Arizona supposedly has a really fast growing illegal immigrant population (Don't know how credible the source is - http://www.cis.org/announcement/AZ-immigration-SB1070)

So according to these points I've come to think that passing this law is just giving an alternative to border patrol and making illegal immigration control more effective. Am I wrong? If a cop pulls you over and your a legal citizen can't you just show them proof and then move on?

I don't know much about this and it'd be nice if someone could help me understand
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