Most overrated NBA player today?

Sep 28, 2007
Who is the most overrated NBA player?

My vote goes to Benedict Wallets

im gunna have to go with his boy. this guy complains and whines all day. and
at a 6"10 power forward who shoots more 3's than free throws in a season


Colston too...but at the same time he's the most underrated, so it adds up him being the best.
luol deng ... dude was the sole reason why a bunch of big trades havent gone down and i jsut dont think hes that good
Originally Posted by rapsa

Stephon Marbury!

by who??

but really no player mentioned in here is overated by any means...

If i had to make a case for one player though it would be Vince Carter
EDIT: And the hate for D Wade in hear is WAY too strong, i mean i got to admit thehate here is very funny, but for real you can say whatever you want about the refs and **$+, but fact is he is still a VERY nice player and hes in his 4thyear i think and hes already got a ring. If anything i would say hes the most underrated (pretty much only by this forum though)
For real, %@#@ Dwyane Wade... But yall dudes are taking this Dwyane is overrated crap WAY too far... Dwyane Wade is a star. Yall need to CALM DOWN.
dirk...josh howard makes the mavericks go imo.
I'm as hard on Dirk as anyone, but trust, if you watched Mavs games on a regular basis, you wouldn't feel that way. People love to talkabout Josh being the best player in Dallas and blah blah blah, but it's simply not the case. Josh is the king of the huge first half, slow third quarter,and ghost 4th quarter. My dude isn't in the top 50 players in the NBA in 4th quarter scoring.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

u serious?
who's a better PG right now?

The only case you can argue is Chris Paul... I only made this thread and posted Wallets based on his play in a Bulls uniform.......... I wish we had the realBen Wallace playing on the Bulls instead of Benedict Wallets
^^^ you crazy
then who is the best point guard in the league?
Steven Nash: NO
anybody else no
Kidd will go down as one of the top 3 point guards in nba history
dude is a beast
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