Mother Teaches Her Son A Lesson in "Tough Love"

Jan 11, 2013

Why does he scream when he cries, made it annoying to watch

OG putting in work though!
That's child abuse? :lol:

Not exactly how I'd go about it, but this is still tame in comparison to what I've seen and what some of my boys have gone through.

This child is under 10 years making him cry like that and sending him out the house.

I consider this child abuse
I don't get this. Is this some scripted attempt at comedy or is the mom trying to be funny?

How can a child vote for Donald? Voting at school? Why does that matter?

This seems very stupid. Why aint the mother get kicked out for not being able to explain to her child why Donald is a bigot piece of ****?
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 Why aint the mother get kicked out for not being able to explain to her child why Donald is a bigot piece of ****?
my whole thing is how do we know she didnt talk to him beforehand?

maybe she did and he still voted for trump

maybe she sat him down, explained the importance of voting, researching candidates, the democratic process after this learning experience
Either way that **** shouldn't have happened .lady lost her damn mind

He "votes" for the wrong person so you put him out? Nah .

Then she records the ****. How the **** is that teaching him a lesson?
 Why aint the mother get kicked out for not being able to explain to her child why Donald is a bigot piece of ****?

my whole thing is how do we know she didnt talk to him beforehand?
Cuz he's a child and he still didn't listen.

It's bad parenting that she ain't make it clear he would be kicked out the house if he voted for the wrong person.

maybe she did and he still voted for trump

maybe she sat him down, explained the importance of voting, researching candidates, the democratic process after this learning experience
I doubt this given the vote was for school.

Cuz if she explained that and he understood it, and still voted for Donald all he had to do was lie to her when she asked who he voted for.

Given her reaction and decision to tape the whole thing she clearly shouldn't have custody at all.
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^^ exactly.

son look sus too, that prolly another reason.

on another note, social media got too people exposing their own foolishness
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Clearly an attempt by ma dukes to get props from her facebook friends. Funny but ultimately very stupid parenting.

Lol if y'all think THIS is child abuse you wouldn't have survived with African parents...
She to busy "recording" her child for social media attention. Fukkouttahere, she failed the lil dude already. Dumb parents
Bird behavior.

As far as abuse.

It comes in many forms and effects people differently.

I think he'll be cool because of his age.

But public humiliation to kids aware of social media can be deadly.
Being a parent off camera >

Public shaming, why? Bad parenting. Nothing more, nothing less. Feel bad for the kid.
Why does it seem like vids like this always comes from the south ? They record everything down there :lol:
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