Mother Teaches Her Son A Lesson in "Tough Love"

She used her son as a prop to show how strong her political views are...and all for internet validation

That's literally the only thing we know about her

Using these context clues, I don't believe that questioning the way she treats her son is the incredible leap that y'all are making it out to be
I never understood the wave of parents publicly shaming their kids on video. Its awful enough that most parents do it in public but to put it in stone on the internet is just really feeding your ego. Nothing involving family matters should be filmed and put on blast like that :smh:

With that said, lil mans probably dont even know to an extent of who he picked and what he stood for. When I was younger, I never fully understood worldy matters and racism until I was around a teen. Not allowing your kids to have their own opinions is bad parenting too. It may not be right or what you agree with, and as a parent thats why you step in and share your knowledge, not discipline.
From what I know, which is SOLELY based off the video, she's an awful parent. What's so bad about saying that?

Because you know absolutely nothing about her and her family.

This clearly wasnt the best choice of parenting but lets not jump to conclusions and think she's an awful parent.

Poor kid is scared outta his mind and his mom is swearing at him...all for what? Getting likes on FB? That's the problem w/ folks....rather get e-props or social media "likes" to validate their decisions.

Terrible parent. I don't need to know anything else about her or her family. I've seen enough.
Mom Investigated After Video Goes Viral, Sparks Outrage Staff , KHOU  5:46 PM. CST November 14, 2016

HOUSTON - A local mother is being investigated after posting a video online of her young child being thrown out of her home after he told her he voted for Donald Trump during a mock election at his elementary school. 

On Friday, the cell phone video went viral on Facebook with more than 10 million views in less than 24 hours. 

Many people have commented on the video, saying the mother should be in jail. We spoke with neighbors who say the video is shocking. 

"I can't believe a mother would go against her son like that and put her kid through that much trauma. That's awful." said Mike Terry, a neighbor. 

The video shows the mother's reaction to learning her young son voted for president-elect Donald Trump in a mock election held at his elementary school.

"Since you voted for Trump, you can get your sh*t and get out. Uh uh, the suitcase is packed by the door." the woman says at the beginning of the video.

In the video, she repeatedly tells her son to take his suitcase and get out of the house. The child is clearly terrified and crying, pleading with his mother to let him stay.

Once outside the home, the woman made the boy hold a sign saying, "My mom kicked me out because I voted for Donald Trump." As he walks down the sidewalk, the woman says, "Bye, Donald Trump lover."   

Later in the video, the woman asks her child why he voted for Trump to which he replies because he sees Trump a lot on TV. 

The Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office and Child Protective Services are currently investigating.

Detectives say the woman told them she was just trying to make a joke. Detectives say as disturbing as the video is, there is no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing. 

One detective said he met with the family and the boy appears to be in good shape. The detective also said the mother has apologized for the video.
I see why he voted for trump. If I had a mother like her I would hate black people too.
imagine the apathy if she had just declared it a prank tho 

all the slander being thrown would be nonexistent
Detectives say the woman told them she was just trying to make a joke
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