Mother's Day

May 1, 2012
So Mother's Day is around the corner. Just wanted to have an idea of what kinds of gifts you'll be getting the greatest, most faithful woman in your life. And I wanted a bit of help on some nice Sunglasses, preferably Ray-Ban or something in the $300 range?
my brother's girl just gave birth to their little girl so i guess i'm goinna get her something...

for the mombs... prolly the usual... some perfume set from dillards...

consistent, predictable... and always gets the job done...

$70... she know i'm a struggling college student and accepts it...

I have flowers set up to be delivered to her office...she loves it when the flowers arrive at her office and she gets to show it off to her friends
A printed card means nothing except that you are too lazy to write to the woman who has done more for you than anyone in the world. And candy! You take a box to Mother—and then eat most of it yourself. A pretty sentiment.
—Anna Jarvis

...just saying.
My dads birthday is on May 12th and mothers day is on the 13th and i have no idea what im getting either of them. Gotta figure it out quick
Going out for dinner, gonna get her a box of macaroons and a really damb expensive cake nearby too...

I know she'll like it.
Mother of my son ain't getting s*** from me 

My Mom is getting a card made from both me and my son, as well as flowers. She's not big on gifts. It's the small things to her that matter. 
All my mom wants are pecans and some cereal for work

She was never materialistic and would prefer toilet paper for the house them any jewelry or gifts
come on yall...

i know yall got some tricks up yalls sleeve....

i need some info... i might switch it up this year.
Originally Posted by Based Mod

She's 800 miles away, so i'm having flowers sent to her
$34 btw.

something like this...I'm actually in a wedding the day before so I'm going to surprise her and fly in and show up the following weekend and kick it with her for a few days. 
Originally Posted by Based Mod

She's 800 miles away, so i'm having flowers sent to her
$34 btw.

Which online flower delivery service/website are u using? I'm planning to have flowers delivered to her work on top of treating her to a seafood restaurant. 
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