Motion to ban all relationship advice/problem threads.....

Jun 26, 2005
.....this is getting BEYOND ridiculous, and needs to stop. everyday its 2-3 new relationship problem threads, from people who swear they dont care what NT thinks.
- its LIFE bruh. fall, dust yourself off, try again. SIMPLE.
....taking signatures:
I don't know man.

Out of every 15 relationship problem threads 1 is pure gold and totally worth the wait.
i dont see the problem

relationships are part of everyday life an ppl come to they internet NT fam for words of advice/opinion

its just part of general just like many other topics that frequently come up
Is this a secret foreveralone thread?

You mad people are in relationships?

You mad some relationship threads are of actual quality and help people?
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Is this a secret foreveralone thread?

You mad people are in relationships?

You mad some relationship threads are of actual quality and help people?

.....nah, its just that a GANG of those threads aren't even problems foreal.
...then you have those "i usually dont ask NT for relationship advise BUT.........blah blah blah"

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Is this a secret foreveralone thread?

You mad people are in relationships?

You mad some relationship threads are of actual quality and help people?
Motion to ban OP and others who complain about posting on a message board for HELP.
Lets be honest here...there are sometimes when the best advice is from anonymous people on the internet. 

I never understood rampant complaining about the fact that people are actually USING a message board...
You dont have to click the thread you are aware of that right?

But you know that something inside is worth the read so stop crying
Originally Posted by raptors29

Nope! They're a staple of NT General.
I kinda think this too. You don't have to click a thread if you don't want to it's not like thats all there is in General.
I motion to not have girl threads unless pics are provided though
the best advice is from anonymous people on the internet

This. Sometimes people would rather get information and advice here rather than the people that are around them. They'll get the advice they need(after filtering the trolls) and go utilize it without having to worry about anyone they know thinking any different of them.

They may not appear to be problems to you because you've probably been through it enough times. Not everyone has yet or may even just need reassurance about something.
It's not like anyone forces you to enter the thread. As long as they are labelled correctly, just avoid them. 
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