Motivational quotes to keep you going.

From Quora:

I’ve interviewed nearly 400 high performers and top achievers on my podcast and nearly all of them were 35+.

After talking with all of these men over the past half decade I have found a couple of common themes that they ALL followed in order to become hyper successful (many of them were complete failures in their 20’s and then turned things around).

Here they are.

1. Take Your Health Seriously

Your metabolism slows as you age making it VITAL that you take care of your health now.

Eat 80% whole foods, supplement wisely and go to the gym at least 4 times a week.

2. Save and Invest 10%

Consider this an additional 20% tax from uncle Sam.

Put aside 10% of every paycheck into an opportunity fund and the other 10% into a low risk/high yield index fund or something similar.

3. Educate Yourself Intensely

Seriously, every day for at least 30 minutes read books, listen to podcasts or audiobooks, take online courses, or hire a coach .

You won’t regret it.

4. Start Sleeping 8 Hours+ A Night

You won’t regret it and you will perform at least 70% better than you normally do.

Try to be in bed by 11 p.m. and awake between 6:30 and 8:00 a.m. depending on your needs (if you are active you will need more sleep).

Blackout the room, turn off all screens by 9 p.m., drink a cup of hot water with 1 Tbsp honey and 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar.

Your life will never be the same.

5. Get a Coach

It might seem kinda weird at first, but having a men’s coach helped me accelerate my life and business in ways that I can’t even count.

Regardless of your current level of success, you NEED a coach to help you identify your blindspots, spot opportunities, and ensure that you stay accountable during your 30’s so that you can enjoy your 40’s.

6. Take it Easy on Yourself

10,000 years ago, simply making it to 30 years old would be considered “Success”.

Today, you aren’t a “Success” unless you have a hot wife, 7 figure bank account, and a body like Adonis.

This is a load of crap.

You aren’t doing as badly as you think and you can always do better than you realize.

Learn to relax and take it easy on yourself, love yourself, and take care of yourself.

7. Stop Listening to Broke Unhappy People

Unless you want to learn what not to do, stop listening to broke unhappy people.

Even if they are your friends or family.

8. Give Up the Major Vices

In your 20’s, you can smoke cigarettes, pound the booze, snort lines, and huff paint without too many consequences. As you break into your 30’s this is no longer the case.

Not only is your body no longer able to take the same abuse that it once could, but you are significantly increasing your risk for a premature death if you engage in these vices on a regular basis.

If you want to have a sip of bourbon with some friends or the occassional smoke, that’s fine.

But if you are a slave to any substance it needs to get cut out NOW.

9. Quit Doing Stuff You Hate

Look, life is too damn short to constantly spend it doing things that you hate.

If you hate your job, relationship, or city… Change it.

10. Be Present

The WORST thing you can do with your 30’s is what so many people do with their 20’s.

They go through this amazing decade of their lives without actually enjoying it.

They are constantly trying to get to the next thing and eventually they wake up old and dying only to realize that they never truly lived.

Don’t let this be you.

I’ll leave you with a poem that I love from Chief Tecumseh

So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
#9 is powerful
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