In life sometimes we must find the strength to solely rely on hope. We have to give situations our all and then be able to put the rest in fate and in God's hands. Sometimes no matter what we do, circumstances might not always work out in our favor or exactly how we may have wanted them to. The things that motivate us, as our dreams and goals we have or are aiming for may seem out out of reach no matter how hard we seem to try.
Have faith in the testament that all that is meant to be will come to past. Things may not transpire the exact way that you believed that they would or should, but never let this deter you from going after what is in your heart. Stay strong, and keep a positive set of thoughts, and act upon the positive, not the negative. Hold close to you the fact that what is truly meant to be will always find a way.
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There is always hope. Even in times in which we feel that we will never arise from being down in such a horrible way. There is always hope. When you feel as if you have gone as far as you can go, and all forward progress is halted. There is always hope. When you have tried to get a loved one to see that what they are doing is not only hurting themselves but is hurting everyone around them. There is always hope.[/font]
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Sometimes when it seems as if everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong, we feel that we will be stuck in this negative, downtrodden rut forever. Sure the sun stops shining sometimes, and we may get a huge thunderstorm or two, but eventually the sun will come out to shine again. It is all a matter of us staying as positive as possible in order to make it to see the sunshine.[/font]
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