Movies That Make You Cry VOL. Be a man!

Nov 1, 2008
Ok... Let's admit it. We all have 1 or more movie that makes us a bit emotional or even we might cry a bit when the movie ends!
I'll start:

1. Armageddon

2. Field of Dreams - This must have the same effect on every man here.

3. Titanic
lolz. My bad, i remember looking at those specific ones a while back..

Click, Walk to Remember, The Notebook

don't judge me
grave of the fireflies- when the little sister dies and then the brother dies after. 
Tarzan- when the big gorilla gets shot.

click- watched this at the theaters, good thing it was dark

Death Note- when light dies

there's more i just cant remember
You can get suspended for grave digging?..

Anyways I'm an emotional #+* dude, so I cry easy at movies.

But for sure for sure..

-Marley and Me - the last speech at the end
-My sister's keeper - the scene where she tells Cameron Diaz that it's ok to let her go.
-Armageddon - yeah that last scene when he talks to Liv on the screen.

I'm sure there is a ton more, but those are the Italy that pop in my head..
Man anything with sad music hits me hard. My girl just dumped me.
I was tearing when the song from Pinocchio came on yesterday
-Passion of the Christ made me shed tears
-Lion King

Theres more but I cannot think of them, will be back if I think of any
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla


   Movie is too damn sad for an Adam Sandler flick. Was not prepared for the emotional rollercoaster.
 First time I saw it I teared up. When I saw after my dad died
I straight lost it a couple times. 

Saving Private Ryan
First time i watched Forrest Gump. The scene when his mom died and he was under that tree. lol, dayum
Originally Posted by JackieBoy

Ok... Let's admit it. We all have 1 or more movie that makes us a bit emotional or even we might cry a bit when the movie ends!
I'll start:

1. Armageddon

2. Field of Dreams - This must have the same effect on every man here.

3. Titanic
That is a very good list. Co-sign on all... special co-sign on Armageddon though. I just seen it on FX, knowing what would happen, still 

A few others.. A Walk To Remember, Hard Ball ... and a couple more too embarrassing to mention 
Toy Story 3

Ive gotten worse/soft as i grow older, thats why the recent titles.

My sockets had muscles back then lol.

I remember balling my eyes out at some random filipino movie called Magnifico though.
Toy Story
Lion King
Passion of The Christ. (Only time I saw it was when it first released in theaters. I don't think I can watch it again.)
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