MSNBC: NBA fixing games? It's not that outlandish (article)

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

As a Lakers fan, I will admit Game 6 vs. the Kings was 100% rigged a couple of years back, it was disgusting

Thank you! Probably one of the worst days of my life as a sports fan.
Also, if the NBA was fixed the Knicks would have gotten the number 1 pick this year.
did anyone watch that game? spurs got a million calls, literally. it shouldve BEEN a blowout. which nullifies that bad brent barry call.

call it a day
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by NobleKane

anybody with half a brain could see that stern wanted the celtics to win the title this year since the begining of the year. putting the lakers in the equation made it that much sweeter for stern and the nba...

there is no doubt in my mind that the boston celtics will be world champs this year.

it makes too much sense not to happen

nobody thought that it was fishy when boston, after being HORRENDOUS last year, became the number one team defensively in the nba this year? i mean come your eyes...

that non call on barry just made things sweeter for stern because now people are gonna say "well its rigged because stern wants the lakers to win it all this year" when in fact he wanted the celtics to win it all along. Stern is a G. he got all of you...

I'm still salty about 2004. T-Wolves were way better than the Lakers... Refs blew that series... I hope KG gets his ring this year, even if it's rigged
2000 with the Blazers against the Lakers also man.
Maybe they should add a 4th official to each game? I dunno... That would just slow the game down with more calls being made. But it would certainly help toeliminate some of the many missed calls we see.

And speaking of conspiracies, does anyone remember the "refs make more calls on black players" claim?

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Also, if the NBA was fixed the Knicks would have gotten the number 1 pick this year.
be patient dude, give it 3 to 4 years stern will have the knicks in the finals...
I find it so laughable that people are making a huge deal out of this when the officials were horribly favoring the Spurs the entire rest of the game. I'mpretty sure I remember everyone talking about it in the game thread...maybe I'm losing my mind?

Even in the final stretch, let's talk about the shot hitting the rim, the BS goaltend call on Odom (which gave the Spurs two extra points, they should havebeen down by 4 points on Barry's shot anyways).

I just find it convenient that there's this one call at the end of the game that everyone is focusing on when it should have been the whole rest of thegame that they were focusing on.
I'm not commenting on this playoffs but the NBA has definitely helped some teams in the past like the Heat and Lakers.
i can't believe this article made it onto MSNBC.

he used hmmmmmmmmmmm in his cot dang article.


columnists these days...he failed to recognize the other side of the argument as well, no concession, so therefore...his arguement is moot.
Ok, I understand why some people may be upset about game 4, or at least the end of it. But I think of it this way. I watched the majority of that game, and youhave to be delusional to think that the Lakers had the officiating advantage the whole game.

Last I checked, 44 minutes > 4 minutes

And even with that said, did the Spurs really have an officiating advantage in the last four minutes? Did they really? Yes, there was a no call in the last twoseconds, but Brent Barry should have at least tried to sell the call. Regardless, it should have been a foul. But take a look at the sixty seconds before that,when the game was a two point game. Odom with the goaltend? If you tell me that its a goaltend, smack yourself and wake up. Fisher with the shot thats air?Again, if you think the ball didnt hit the rim, slap yourself and wake up.

Two huge things that could have made the game that much different. But two crucial officiating mistakes put the game into the two point situation to beginwith. And even with that, there were numerous questionable calls against the Lakers, where San Antonio was in the freakin bonus with AT LEAST 5 minutes left inthe quarter. Lakers, when were they in the bonus? Correct me if I'm wrong, but they were rarely in the bonus. And even if that, when the Lakers were calledon the fouls, they were damn near touch fouls. However, when San Antonio was called on fouls, it was only the obvious ones.

I understand why writers are writing about these topics; to get reactions out of people like us, who will go on a rant about how stupid it is. It maypotentially get air time, or replies in magazines, etc. But the whole "NBA is rigged" is used way too much. The best four teams in the leauge are inthe conference finals. There is no way you can deny that in any way at all. And ask yourself, does San Antonio really deserve to win this series? Game 1, blown20 point lead. Game 2, Lakers win by 30. Game 3, San Antonio plays well. Game 4, San Antonio goes on another second half drought. And Game 5, as we speak, SanAntonio has an early 15 point lead, and the Lakers are now up by 4 points with 11 minutes left. Does that description describe San Antonio at their best, andhow they should be winning this series? No.

Anyway, just my two cents
Agree or disagree if you wish
Originally Posted by NobleKane

anybody with half a brain could see that stern wanted the celtics to win the title this year since the begining of the year. putting the lakers in the equation made it that much sweeter for stern and the nba...

there is no doubt in my mind that the boston celtics will be world champs this year.

it makes too much sense not to happen

nobody thought that it was fishy when boston, after being HORRENDOUS last year, became the number one team defensively in the nba this year? i mean come your eyes...

that non call on barry just made things sweeter for stern because now people are gonna say "well its rigged because stern wants the lakers to win it all this year" when in fact he wanted the celtics to win it all along. Stern is a G. he got all of you...


This guy can't be serious
Originally Posted by Slow Motion G35

Theres no conspiracy....honestly ask yourself....are the 4 remaining teams the best in the L ???

HONESTLY.....are they not?

the only conspiracy that is remotely plausible is

how is the heat championship considered a conspiracy and not anything else?

if you looks close enough, you can find something not right in the playoffs for the past 6 years...

its up to the team to overcome Stern's wacky antics...
Originally Posted by xCautioNx

Originally Posted by grittyman20


[h1]NBA fixing games? It's not that outlandish[/h1] [h2]In post-Donaghy era, evidence just seems to pile up (see Brent Barry)[/h2]Well, it's good to see that the Tim Donaghy case hasn't forced NBA officials to make sure their officiating in the biggest games appears agenda-free.
With a majority of America drooling over the prospect of a Celtics-Lakers NBA Finals, the officiating crew of Joey Crawford, Joe Forte and Marc Wunderlich butchered the final half-minute of the fourth game in the Western Conference Finals between the Lakers and Spurs on Tuesday night.
Coincidentally, all calls favored L.A.Hmmmmm. Or at least the appearance of Hmmmmmmmmmm.

First came the no-call on Kobe Bryant's three-step odyssey to the hoop that ended with a bad miss with 33 seconds left and the Lakers up 93-89. Then came Lamar Odom obliterating Tony Parker on a breakaway with 28 seconds left. Odom got called for the goaltend but not for driving Parker through the photographers and into the first row with contact after the layup (that's part of the play, folks, being able to maintain body control after the shot attempt). Then came Kobe with the amazing, changing pivot foot as he was harassed by Manu Ginobili near midcourt. Then came Brent Barry up-faking Derek Fisher, getting LANDED ON and not getting a call.

That's four calls in a half-minute in Game 4 of a conference finals all favoring a team that was on the road.

Pre-Donaghy, I'd have laughed at anyone who said games are fixed and the league orchestrates who advances in the playoffs. NBA officials don't have agendas, they just aren't any good, I'd have countered. But the Donaghy case pretty much blew reasonable doubt out of the water, didn't it.

In these playoffs, I've watched the Celtics pummel Josh Childress within an inch of his life as they advanced past Childress' Hawks. Then I watched LeBron James get away with ridiculously implausible transgressions when the Celtics played the Cavs - a charge call that went his way when he jumped in front of Paul Pierce at crunch time in Game 6 of the Eastern Semis; a jersey pull on Pierce in Game 7 that was in clear view of the planet in Game 7. And those are just a few of the ones that spring to mind immediately.

There are going to be misconceptions about what happened in San Antonio. Laker loyalists will counter that the Spurs had a healthy advantage in free throw attempts (19 for the Lakers, 26 for the Spurs at the end, but it was a greater differential earlier in the game). The fact is, when the game was on the line, the Joeys and Mr. Wunderlich swallowed their whistles when the Lakers were on defense. Another misconception: Barry wasn't fouled attempting a 3-pointer. He up-faked. He got landed on. He dribbled once. Then he shot and missed. He was fouled on the floor and deserved the two free throws that could have tied it.

My favorite part? Time and again, the camera will focus on the white chocolate Easter egg with eyes that is the head of Joey Crawford. "One of the best," the announcers will unfailingly blurt. When your "best" is a guy who was suspended indefinitely by the commissioner last year for being an overofficious jerk (and challenging Tim Duncan to a fight, which was the cherry on top), you might have an issue.
I hate conspiracy theories
why hate conspiracies? every time someone brings up something about a conspiracy everyone wants to write it off as untrue with the quickness. The fact is they do exist in this not so perfect world we live in. Live with the wool over your eyes if you want, but some people open up their minds and do not follow blindly. I would not be surprised at all if David Stern was making sure we see a Laker vs Boston Championship.

Yup. It reminds me of all the baseball fans who refuse to believe that their favorite player is taking steroids....
$tern will do everything in his power for a Celtics and Lakers final. Once Gasol was traded for Kwame (don't even talk to me about the draft picks and$#@#%$%%
), I knew the Lakers would be in the finals. $tern needs to make up for all those titles the Spurs won.
Originally Posted by imINchucks5


-fishers shot hit rim, they should reset the clock instead of 2 second on the shot clock forcing kobe to take a quick shot
-tim duncan clearly traveled on the dunk
-brent barry traveled on the last shot...he traveled before there was even any contact..

u be the judge



You got a gjf of Fish's shot hitting the rim?
Originally Posted by stima33

Originally Posted by NobleKane

anybody with half a brain could see that stern wanted the celtics to win the title this year since the begining of the year. putting the lakers in the equation made it that much sweeter for stern and the nba...

there is no doubt in my mind that the boston celtics will be world champs this year.

it makes too much sense not to happen

nobody thought that it was fishy when boston, after being HORRENDOUS last year, became the number one team defensively in the nba this year? i mean come your eyes...

that non call on barry just made things sweeter for stern because now people are gonna say "well its rigged because stern wants the lakers to win it all this year" when in fact he wanted the celtics to win it all along. Stern is a G. he got all of you...


This guy can't be serious

not surprised coming from a boston fan. hope your at the parade this year...
Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

$tern will do everything in his power for a Celtics and Lakers final. Once Gasol was traded for Kwame (don't even talk to me about the draft picks and $#@#%$%%
), I knew the Lakers would be in the finals. $tern needs to make up for all those titles the Spurs won.


co-sign, he's definitely peeing in his pants right now...Boston is next....

that trade is just downright robbery.
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