Muslims in China

What makes you say this? From all accounts, this isn't true and has been the ironic part - America only care about the Muslims in China.

Biased observation. Just a ton of anti-islam sentiment in America over the past 2 decades. Just early this year, the US was ready to turn Iran into "Iran Corp, an Exxon Company."
There is plenty of anti Muslim sentiment here in the US, but I think we all know who those people are. There are also a lot of people here that do not feel that way.
Muslim ban? After 9/11?

That too, just add that to the list.

Anyways, it adds to the perception of America having a ton of anti-muslim sentiment. Leadership/presidency from Carter, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama, and Trump have the US bombing on muslim states or at least threaten to eradicate them. When it's at this level, no amount of goodness can erase the negative perception.

Only pro-muslim items the states have done is partner with Saudi. Gotta keep the petro dollar.
lol people comparing what the Chinese to america are funny, if the usa did half what china does in 2020 we be in a civil war, some yall watch to youtube conspiracy docs
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I’ve had conversations with people who visit China. 95% of everyone said they would never go back again.

This is clearly genocide. My heart yearns for my Islamic brothers/sisters there.

I’ve had conversations with people who visit China. 95% of everyone said they would never go back again.

This is clearly genocide. My heart yearns for my Islamic brothers/sisters there.
It's crazy how they're doing this so openly with little discretion.
Wrote an article on this topic few months ago. Terrible what's going on

what did they say?

The treatment of Black people and even some whites (especially blonde hair and blue eyes), is almost like being in a Black Mirror episode.

Depending on where you are, they’re very discriminative, as if you’re invisible. Some places in China, they stare, point, laugh, ridicule or even wants to touch your hair or skin. No respect for personal space.
H&M: Fashion giant sees China sales slump after Xinjiang boycott

Swedish fashion giant H&M saw its sales slump in China, months after it became the target of a Chinese boycott.

H&M was among several brands that raised concerns over alleged human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims in China's Xinjiang province.
Its statement led celebrities to cut ties with the brand and e-commerce platforms to drop H&M.

The sales slide came even as H&M's global business returned to profit as the impact of the pandemic eased.

China accounted for around 5% of the retail group's sales last year and is one of its biggest suppliers.

H&M's sales in China were down 23% in the local currency for the second quarter of 2021, compared to the same time last year.

One thing that confuses me the most is that no Muslim country is speaking out this. Here are a couple of videos I watched about this.

  • You're right, they're not. Most gulf countries relies heavily on China for their economic well being and care more about that than their human rights.
    • Gulf countries will always protect their own people (royal family) before anyone else.
  • Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria have their own problems to deal with.
  • Egypt has Cici so can't expect anything there.
  • Turkey has been outspoken about it but the western world is not a fan or Erdogan.
  • I haven't been following Malaysia or Indonesia too closely let alone other countries.
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