My 16 yr old Daughter just told me .......

Don't get angry at her for succumbing to peer pressure but let her know that there are certain things that shouldn't sway you and this is one of them. Sex is a part of life but it should be done because of the attraction and love not because everyone's doing it.
man i thought she was on crack

broads be losing their virginity on average at like 14
just be glad you raised someone honest enough
to share their personal life with you

also i dont think you should use her trust to share this
with a community of strangers....i doubt anyone would
appreciate's not her fault your too simple minded
to understand this is completely normal behavior for a 16
year old girl.

this is all true............
Her friends pressured her into losing her virginity ? Damn :smh: :x. Make her cut her friends off. Cause soon they are gonna lead her down the path of destruction. And teach her to think for herself. That's why I want a few sons and 1 daughter. Her brothers will be able to watch her for me while I'm not around.
You got a problem on your hands. Losing her virginity is one's the circumstances of WHY she lost it that's the problem. Peer pressure...SMH. It's good that she told you, but one minute it's sex...the next....well, who knows. You and your wife need to have a sit-down with her. She's 16 and she's going to make her own decisions, but the girl needs some guidance.

Don't get angry at her for succumbing to peer pressure but let her know that there are certain things that shouldn't sway you and this is one of them. Sex is a part of life but it should be done because of the attraction and love not because everyone's doing it.

Best advice in the thread. You know you always got an ear with me if you need to vent it out.
Rough night, good lookin on the kind words fellas and the couple of ladies who chimed in, its appreciated.

Just dealing with this wayyyy earlier than I thought I would .
Sadly in Da Bronx, young latinas and sistahs lose their virginity at the tender age of 13 14. Black girl lost.
Pushing carriages at 13

I'm actually not suprised when I hear ``Well my daughter is pregnant at 15``. I'm desensitized. ``Shawties`` start at 12 - 13, another grows out of them at 15 16.

It's more of a class issue more than anything.

You rarely hear about the suburban young females getting knocked up, dropping out school, their baby daddy leaving em. Having to get a GED and leave their baby at the daycare center in high school or community colleges.

In the suburbs, mothers are stay at home moms, behind and after their kids. Checking their homework, picking them up from school, making sure they go to sleep and eat well. They have the financial capability to do this, because their husband works, gets compensated well enough to cover the needs.

I would love to have a daughter. The daughter is not the problem. I think if you are well off, to live in the suburbs, send your children to private schools, and have a housewife to look after them. I can see them losing their v-card later on, to someone valuable an actual boyfriend or future husband. That cares and loves them.

I don't know what advice I can offer you. But you and your wife might want to move out of the bronx and possibly put her in a private school. She's headed down the wrong path. Like the weeknd said "She loving the crew...She loving the crew"
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Private school girls are just as bad and many freaks come from the depends on the person...she has to have a strong character imo
Sadly in Da Bronx, young latinas and sistahs lose their virginity at the tender age of 13 14. Black girl lost. :smh: Pushing carriages at 13 :stoneface:

I'm actually not suprised when I hear ``Well my daughter is pregnant at 15``. I'm desensitized. ``Shawties`` start at 12 - 13, another grows out of them at 15 16. :rolleyes

It's more of a class issue more than anything.

You rarely hear about the suburban young females getting knocked up, dropping out school, their baby daddy leaving em. Having to get a GED and leave their baby at the daycare center in high school or community colleges.

In the suburbs, mothers are stay at home moms, behind and after their kids. Checking their homework, picking them up from school, making sure they go to sleep and eat well. They have the financial capability to do this, because their husband works, gets compensated well enough to cover the needs.

I would love to have a daughter. The daughter is not the problem. I think if you are well off, to live in the suburbs, send your children to private schools, and have a housewife to look after them. I can see them losing their v-card later on, to someone valuable an actual boyfriend or future husband. That cares and loves them.

I don't know what advice I can offer you. But you and your wife might want to move out of the bronx and possibly put her in a private school. She's headed down the wrong path. Like the weeknd said "She loving the crew...She loving the crew"

Trust and believe the young girls in the suburbs are doing the same thing. I remember a friend in HS telling me her and her bff were on vacation w/one of their families and they decided what ever guy they met out there there would give head to. That was their first time and they just wanted to get it out the way. Another girl in that same class worked at a day care center after school and was sleeping with one of the parents of the kids there.

If anything they may be on BC or can afford abortions and have dreams/goals to attain.

I do agree its a class issue where in lower income areas where people don't see themselves leaving its just the next step in life to have a baby no matter the age which is sad.

I had friends sleeping w/teachers and coaches and sneaking out and doing all the things a lot of kids do.

Private school isn't the answer either.
I went to a private school for a while and for some odd reason the black/Latina girls are more promiscuous than what you think....self esteem and self respect is the key op
she told my wife first , then my wife made her tell me. she said she lost it to this clown cause she was the only virgin in her crew of friends and was constantly getting bothered about it.

i'm still in shock for real man. not to sound naive but i thought she'd wait, i got another daughter right behind her, 14 yrs old :x

seriously fellas, we sit here and ogle over women left and right but when you're daughter gets nailed it hurts ... really does .....

this one's gonna sting for a minute ....

Well damn. You need to let the younger one know that succumbing to peer pressure is NOT the answer. Can't believe that was her
not the fact that she lost it at 16 but the fact she lost it because of peer pressure from her female friends is mad stupid
she told my wife first , then my wife made her tell me. she said she lost it to this clown cause she was the only virgin in her crew of friends and was constantly getting bothered about it.

i'm still in shock for real man. not to sound naive but i thought she'd wait, i got another daughter right behind her, 14 yrs old :x

seriously fellas, we sit here and ogle over women left and right but when you're daughter gets nailed it hurts ... really does .....

this one's gonna sting for a minute ....

Smh peer pressure smashed your daughter. That's a damn shame. I blame on the current society we live in. Women are more sexualized than young girls think that you're a lame if you don't get your back blown out by a boy all as young as mid teens. Cold world. Its things like this that have me in no rush to become a parent.
Like many have said, at least she was honest about telling you. But doing it out of peer pressure is another issue you have to address. Peer pressure can be a very dangerous thing, especially if she was swayed to do something like this. You and your wife should have a talk with her, and have a mature discussion about it. Set boundaries, rules, and things she should avoid.
Maybe she just lied to you guys and told you peer pressure in hopes that you guys wouldnt find out she is in a relationship.

Something must have went wrong( tyrone dumped her, tyrone told people) because why would she tell your wife.
fix this asap peer pressure is not acceptable. i dont know how I would handle this if it happened to me. one of my nightmares
Damn bro, I really feel for you. I have sister who's 9 and I treat her like if she was my daughter, I hope that she doesn't lose it to some bum due to peer pressure. You're going to have sit her down and have a serious discussion about self esteem, self worth, and self respect. Her having a strong father figure is going to make all the difference, trust me. My ex is 17 and she's already pregnant with a boy on the way. She lost it when she was 16, she's still in high school by the way. Ever since her father passed away in 08, it has gone downhill for her and her older sisters. One of them didn't finish high school and the other got pregnant in high school as well. :smh:

dude, youre so dumb, get over it
:stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:
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I have a 7 year old daughter and we are VERY close. I hope when that time comes, she will tell me. At least she told you and your wife. 

Did you and/or your wife talk to her about sex as she matured? I want to try to cover every angle of what could potentially happen to my daughter. I want her to be prepared for any situation that she may possibly encounter, and for her to be able to think for herself when it comes time to make a decision. 

Thank you for sharing OP. 
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