My Apologies....

Rock has been one of the most professional and helpful people I have ever talked to on this site. He has done nothing to harm Nike or represent it in anegative way, and I'm sure that the right people will come to understand this and everything will be worked out.
I mean, I dont know Rock like that, but within the limited amount of interaction we've had, I've seen that he's been nothin but a stand up dude,and it sucks that he's even in this particular situation. I really hope it all works out for the best.
Originally Posted by ZombieJesus12

My point is this: you have every right to act like a self-important, worthwhile contributor whose posts and information are valued. However, don't be fooled into thinking that that is, in any way, true. Stop acting like a martyr or some vigilante or someone who knows more than they do.

Damn, no one who works for Wal-Mart goes around and starts acting like knowing what the next lowest priced item is makes them awesome. Get a hold of yourself

Thank god someone is finally expressing what so many of us feel. Let me add, whenever this particular someone posts, all I can envision is:


but to stay on topic, I appreciate what you do for us ROCK, but job security comes first do what you gotta do man!

Thanks for everyone's well wishes and support. I'm definately putting it in GOD's hands, as he don't like ugly.

I am going to be laying low on NT until this is completely resolved, but just for those who commented on info I have shared... THAT's the part that has mevexxed. I don't have access to some of the info even released on NT and those who know I DO know certain details about unreleased info know it hasn'tpopped up on NT to date.

I mean I would think info Slim Solejer posted is definately something only a few people would know about until it got out, but even then, most folks on Campusand even those off Campus know thats not my agenda to get e-fame or risk what I have worked hard for. But just like he mentioned in his post, info will STILLget posted here, and THEN who will KB accuse? There are probably 100 or more folks on Niketalk with accounts who work at Nike.

I had my account and was known before I moved to Beaverton and will be the same person whenever I move back to the East Coast....WITH ALL the info I hadbefore. In the very least... after the accusation, it's not this dude who is like many others sharing info who owes me an apology... Its the people whostarted and kept this crap going. As well as the heads in JR and NR that are worried I am after their jobs. Petty at best and be worried now. I wasn'tafter it before....and could have cared less.... but now?

I'll make sure SOMEONE gets it if it aint me. Too bad some of them won't even be around come June and thereafter anyway. Which is for the best anyway.But hey I've said too much anyway. No wonder certain folks in that category don't get much respect from anyone on Campus. What comes around will mostdefinately go around no matter the end result.

It's funny that this site doesn't get credit for helping push product yet draws this much attention from the same folks who claim that eh? The Irony.
Best of luck to you RD! - I've never seen or heard of you posting info you shouldn't.

MoO - Just stop man, I'm tired of your ARROGANCE and IGNORANCE. Everything you say is done in a manner for us to percieve you as being better than all ofus. I know TONS of info about Nike too and work in the athletic industry, but you don't see me going around trying to make everybody "educated"and flaunt my knowledge. I've never seen you post one bit of useful information on this board. All you do is gripe about stupid stuff. Admit you are wrongand move on.

FYI - By the time you hit 20 posts I knew you worked for nike. You're not very good at hiding your identity.
Seriously, the constant arguing in here is something I'd expect from a girl of little girls in middle school. I like how almost everyone in here isoverlooking the point of this post and that most importantly someone's livelihood is on the line. It just shows that people here are more concerned withproving a point that holds no merit with the discussion at hand, than what could happen to the job of someone on here who has worked very hard and has providedknowledge to this forum.

Rockdeep, before I started posting on here I browsed the forum on a daily basis. Personally I've never seen you post anything that was unknown to thepublic or leaked anything. From people who I know, know you and have talked to you, I know that you wouldn't put your job on the line. I hope that someoneat Nike does take a look at this thread and realize that just because you are an active part of this community that it doesn't constitute crucifying youfor it. From what I read the issue of the Lebron VI being scrapped is something Nike didn't want to get leaked, if anyone from Nike is reading this, posted that information, not Rockdeep.
best of luck to you Rock don't let them fools get you down for hating on all the hard work that you do stay focused and everything will clear itself up
I feel that I'm uniquely qualified to tell a story supporting RockDeep's position:

I worked in NIKE Basketball retail, research and development, and sports marketing. Back when I was on campus, Basketball sports marketing was in the NolanRyan (NR) building, and I caught some heat because somebody in that category was jealous that I was receiving ALOT of player exclusives. I wore the same sizeas many NBA players and I would wear them to work because your shoes identified your category and it was an unspoken competition every day to see who waswearing advanced, vintage, or rare heat.

(player exclusives=connections=influence=recognition=threat to insecure co-workers)

The shoes were surplus and were obsolete because the athletes were already promoting newer shoes on-court. They couldn't be sold at retail because theywere promotional product. So I get called into an office and reprimanded. I even offered to give every pair back. Anyway, it was just a petty attempt tocast me in a negative light when they could have just spoken with me personally.

I know for a fact that NIKE has been monitoring NIKETALK for at least a decade. I also know through personal correspondence that RockDeep is a professional,intelligent, motivated individual and those qualities can strike fear into the hearts of lesser men. Neither NIKE nor RockDeep would allow someone in hisposition to jeapordize market position. I'm pretty sure that this will all blow over.

[email protected]
Oh the perks of being a Mod!

Unseen posts are the best.

Some of you need to shut up already.

Originally Posted by SlimSolejer

I suppose the information he was blamed for according to his note to me was the Lebron VI being scrapped. That wasn't even mentioned on the conf call. How would he have known? Unless he attends those meetings and word got out around campus like fire.

To Nike,

I wanna say something to BE FAIR to NT member, RockDeep

I'm just a little LeBron fan @ other side of the world, I check his inf everyday through internet.
I don't think RockDeep released any inf about lebron 6 scrapped news
As I said before, that scrapped news should be metioned @ some China Sneaker site and

if you really spend the time to stop anything, why you don't spend more time on providing more useful information to us.
That's we don't need to ask Qs through Niketalk and we can easily to find out the answer on or customer service hotline.

Originally Posted by RockDeep

It's funny that this site doesn't get credit for helping push product yet draws this much attention from the same folks who claim that eh? The Irony.

Exactly. I agree. But I guess that's normal and only bad deeds are noticed. That's life.
Rock, like it's been said. You're a straight up dude and I hope nothing bad will happen to you.

Although we've had some beef lately you are one of the most professional and helpful people on NT and from all our posts here I know you love your jobbigtime and it's not ONLY SHOES to you like some said, it's much more.

Best of luck!
call me a n00b here, but what is rockdeeps job? does he work for nikebasketball? lebron group? kobe group? i don't know what he does, and while imasking what does menoforegon do? they must have really cool jobs to get info like that LOL
Let's get a few things clear...I can talk for days, but let me keep this short.
All of these comments are from my heart, and i was NOT notified by RockDeep about this.
I honestly did not know he was even going through this until THIS thread.


I'am no longer affiliated with Nike Inc in ANY form or fashion...That company is the past to me.
I'd love to join them in the future, but it's their choice, and i doubt they would give me a shot....We ended and started on a horrible note.

Everyone who knows me well, knows that, but just letting everyone else know that for future reference.

So i for one now what Rockdeep is going through.
Nike is sooooo serious about things of this nature you NT'ers have NO idea.


It's really unfortunate an individual of his caliber is succombed to such accusation.
Let me tell some of you a story, i hope you don't mind friend.

RockDeep is a recently hired employee, and he has not even been there for a full year.
The day he got word he receieved the job, he instantly told me and his other close friends. I was totally thrilled and i could hear the excitement in hisvoice!!!!!

Why did it matter to me?

Because after 10-20 + years of grind and relentless effort to secure the job he wanted, he FINALLY got it.
He even asked me for advice on how to adjust to the area, workplace, what to expect,etc.

I will not divulge much about myself, but let me tell you, for him to ask "ME", it lets me know that man cares about his future and wants to beimpactful in anyway he can...
It's not like i was in a top position or anything, it's the fact he wanted to know the perspective he could receive from me, which mattered the MOST.

Given the age disparity as well, it's might be suprising to others, but not to me....RockDeep has always been committed to everything he has attached tomind,body, and spirit into & his dedication alone lets me know he wouldn't put his job in such a position.

It's these conversations that we have had through email and telephone that i give you my feelings about this individual.
So one can only imagine how i would feel if i ever got to meet him in person.

It's someone i would LOVE to work with, and quite frankly learn from as well.

To end, i will say that Nike, if you let this individual go, it will be a decision you will regret.
You didn't want to continue my tenure due to idiotic reasons, don't make the same mistake twice.

The only mistake i can say he has done is converse about the brand and products on this community he is blessed to be apart of.
Quite frankly, he shouldn't be blamed for anything....This is just the usual case of jealousy Oregon employees are known for.

I have never posted ANYTHING information wise that hurt Nike nor have i EVER, i mean EVER posted items from my collection for this very topic.
It's too secure the individuals i know at Campus and beyond.
RockDeep, do what's best for your situation, and that only.
I wish you the best throughout this process my friend.

Thanks PO...

Much appreciated. What I have shared with some like yourself in the past is I let my Marketing Business back home go on Hiatus while I pursued this venture. Ihate that my situation is on front street, but hey... even the haters at Nike Inc can read about it too, since a few of them have put me here. Its all good.When HE comes to Judge us I will tell HIM I forgive them all.

If the worst is to happen, I will go back to what I was doing and return to a life my wifey would prefer anyway, one of less rain and more money! lol I will bealright, either way. I made in a year what some Directors dont make in three at Nike, so leaving will only be a disappointment if it came to that, not the endof the world. Some fight to get here and stay, because they believe their life is complete and Nike revolves around it. For me Nike was a step in my life thatliterally could become a disappointment.

Who knew that something I supported since I was a child could turn on me? Something to think about for many but I can't speak too soon or I may get myselfdone in prematurely. Just to be clear, this was purely a Nike side of the house thing, which only involves 2 MAYBE 3 other people with the aide of someone whoalso gives out info on NT and also knows me well.

They considered themselves making a name or doing a favor by trying to "out" me when it was not ME at all. We all have IP addies...and if Slim and Iever posted from the same IP addy... it may have wanted to tell someone something on Campus.... that maybe there's a few people who could be theculprit...but IF that person is also being traced back to an IP in other area's something might be up... and when that person posts at times, I am not evenON NT, SLEEP, OR Traveling IN the air.. like apparently THIS thread was done... I am quite a resourceful person to be many places at one time.

Like those who have posted things in support of me here, there are also those AT NIKE and on the Jordan side who know MUCH differently about me as well as thejealousy I have encountered already while there. Maybe I speak my mind too much and thought I could make a difference to help and that was too much for some,but if that can't be handled, hey Nike really ISN"T the place for me.

We will see. Won't we K.B. B.F. and A.M.? If I aired out all the folks I know were involved, I'd definately have some additional problems! lol Buthey....if this goes south...

Let's just say there will be ALOT on Front Street, Not just MY business.

Capone N Norega anyone?
AgentArenas wrote:Rock has been one of the most professional and helpful people I have ever talked to on this site. He has done nothing to harm Nike orrepresent it in a negative way, and I'm sure that the right people will come to understand this and everything will be worked out.


rockdeep: hope everything will be resolved..
RockDeep is a professional, intelligent, motivated individual and those qualities can strike fear into the hearts of lesser men. Neither NIKE nor RockDeep would allow someone in his position to jeapordize market position. I'm pretty sure that this will all blow over.

This is just the usual case of jealousy Oregon employees are known for.

... And it seems like there is a handful of those types on campus... andmaking piss poor decisions on product and wondering why product is underperforming..
PO and Rock: Always standup dudes.... and that is OUTSIDE of NT and shoes... which I think some folks on here will never understand....

Let's just say there will be ALOT on Front Street, Not just MY business.


.. I may hold off on vacation until this is resolved.....
RockDeep, your last posting makes me think differently now when I walk through MH at lunch. Makes me think about how jealous people are enoughto call Employee Relations and have you "investigated". That takes time and effort to do, which kind of tells you what they think of you. I'msure it'll subside soon. There seems to be no solid evidence of anything other than speculation on their part.

If it was really an issue then they should just ban or restrict employee connections to certain websites/domains such as this one(along with others) that postsadvanced information.
Hey ... Some of NT's own and people I associate with trying to make a name for themselves tried to chip in, just in case there was a valid case. It'spretty much why I keep my circle close.

Only ONE person has truely been concerned thru this who is a Nike Employee and from back home, so those who hate will have their day... I will bow out of thisthread as I have fired up enough ammo and even given enough for my own dismissal already.

Whatever happens will happen and I will be the same person I was before I got here and even better for it after leaving.

Click Clack.
You know how it is in this business Rock, and CWK knows how it works around Campus, EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF. Sadly enough,that's the bottom line. "Unity" is preached during the huddles, but after that, it's a whole `nother story.
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