My boy just got engaged...Need Nt's help please!

Mar 22, 2003
Don't need to register or anything, just scroll to the bottom and click LOVE or the heart. It will be my first wedding so I will make sure to come back with an epic story and pics
Here is the link

Thanks NT!
smh yo why does everyone post this stuff on here?

we aren't your damn minions slime.
Originally Posted by megatron

smh yo why does everyone post this stuff on here?

we aren't your damn minions slime.

Yeah I never understood, but I said why not

Thanks guys appreciate it!

I had always wanted to run a half marathon and Ric helped give me the confidence that I could do it! We signed up together and throughout the 3 months of training he helped keep me motivated, would do my long runs with me and encouraged me the whole way through. We ran all 13.1 miles together and at the end of the race, two of Ric's friends, were holding a banner that read, "Andrea Rubin Will You Marry Me?' I was absolutely shocked and I could not believe it when he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! It was honestly the best singular moment of my life, and I feel beyond blessed that my partner for life is the best person I know. Everyone who has seen our proposal photos has said we should enter them in a contest- so here is one of them!

Better story but I voted for ya boy.
Voted!! And that ring is serious!! Congrats to ur boy and be sure to bag one of the bridesmaids
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