my custom AJKO BLACK TOES!

haha, word up... just know that it has nothing to do with "retro slash hypebeast slash Kanye", it's just the way i think stuff looks good, to me. i like letting my pants sit at the top of the shoe, or slightly in because it shows the whole shoe off. i just love the way it looks... and i used to be a skater for years and years, and around here, as far back as the early 90's, we would cut out a tongue out of an old shoe and put it behind the tongue on our shoes, to make it pop, it just looked good to us... makes the shoe look chunky and fresh. i think that's where my tongue poppin' comes from mostly, and the way i lace shoes. and i'm not just gonna change my style because it's frowned upon by some guys on a shoe forum.
Originally Posted by FC3SCorey

I don't understand why people are complaining about the tucked jeans... Does it really matter? Are they your legs/jeans/shoes? lol I'd rather see jeans tucked into the kick than some guys knee high socks and hairy leg in a photo.

yeah, or boot cuts that cover up most of the shoe... or skinny's and they still try to cover up the tongue... just not a good look to me.

i dunno, my way just looks the best to me, and i'm not gonna change it, no matter how many people around here hate it. i understand i'm in the minority around here tho, so this stuff is to be expected. i got cats constantly saying stuff about it, and i don't reply to all of it, but when i do they're like sig lugar down there "stop talking about it"... uuummm, no, you stop talking about it. and stop getting mad at me for replying, why don't you get mad at everyone else for constantly trying to start stuff... haven't you guys figured out i'm not gonna change to fit in around here? just accept it, get over it, and move on...
i don't go around and harass all the people who wear their shoes and jeans in a way i think is ugly. i let people do their thang and keep it to myself.

Originally Posted by FC3SCorey

Dope shoes my man. Exactly how I'd lace them and wear them.

thanx homie!
Yeah bro I used to cut the tongues out of my old skate shoes and put them in new ones as well. It made the tongues bulge out crazy like and was even more comfortable hahaha.

Trying to pull slim fit jeans over tongues looks hilarious. I do it some times for the laughs cause it looks so ridiculous.
yeah, it was for padding too, but i think a lot of people did it cuz they just liked the look. a lot of skaters around here still do it, even cats who don't skate anymore...

i stopped cutting tongues out to put behind a tongue a long time ago tho (broke my elbow skating and gave it up shortly after, if i break it again i wouldn't be able to dj anymore prolly, or much else), and just started tying my laces behind the tongue instead. not quite the same effect, but it pops it a lil' bit, plus i think it makes the shoe look cleaner, not a big fan of floppy tying job hanging out in the front looking all sloppy, i'd rather tuck them away (although i do got a couple shoes i tie in the front, just depends how they look)...

and take a look in the wdywt thread on here and iss and you'll see cats steady trying to cover up the tongues with skinny's on. looks ridiculous imo... like the shoe's about to bust out the jeans, but they do it. to pull it off you gotta let 'em sit on top of the back of the shoe instead of covering any of the back tho, kinda silly. makes me think a lot of these cats just cover their tongues because everyone else on here does it (or they're convinced that looks best cuz they see it so much), and they don't wanna catch crap for it like i do. i just don't care, the tongue's dope and i don't wanna cover it up, you can come with the jokes all day, nothing's gonna make me conform, i like my style and that's that.
Indeed bro, what's you is you, no one else.

I rarely tie my kicks, I hate loops so I tend to knot the end of the shoe lace so it can't move (end up regretting it cause I can never get it undone
) and have the laces behind the tongue and laced through top eyelets snugly

 I'll snap a pick of how I lace my twilight's. Spent like 20 minutes trying ways to keep the tongue flying but the laces tight and not all bunched up. Seems to work best, the laces can't move anywhere. Have all my twilight's laced the same. Loops through the top two eyelets.

That lame excuse of why does it matter if its your shoe or not is pointless. If that is the case they you wouldn't need an opinion unless you have an opinion about yourself. I don't like it and everytime I see his fits, they all look terrible because he feels the need to make the tongue stick out so odd. I mean it honestly looks like a grown man going through a mid life crisis(you are 30). Not hate, just my opinion and you are entitled to yours as well. Proto was hated when he arrived because of his approach and the non stop defending of the tongue and he still is disliked more than most members. Most posters here blend in, but Proto stands out in a negative light because of his style and is insulted on every single sneaker forum I've seen him on.
Well he's got heart for shoes, enough to stick around and hold his head up high. Think the people who don't like his stuff would just stop replying to his threads instead.
Originally Posted by FC3SCorey

Well he's got heart for shoes, enough to stick around and hold his head up high. Think the people who don't like his stuff would just stop replying to his threads instead.

Nah, its funny to me.
"every single sneaker forum", LOL!!! i'm on 2 whole sneaker sites. and yeah, i know, i'm insulted about my style (tho not as much over on iss for some reason lately, i mostly get compliments on my fits over there now), because it's different. i take pride in that. i defend it sometimes because unlike others, i'm not gonna fall in line and change my whole style to be accepted on a stupid intraweb forum.

take a look at the am fam thread, look at it early on and you'll see some of it's most senior members with their tongues out, but now, most of them wear their jeans over the tongues. is it just cuz they're a tiny bit older now and that's mostly a younger people thing? LOL... no! it's my opinion it's because they conformed because that is the norm around here (and they saw it on here so much it made 'em feel like it looked better, even if they didn't really think so themselves, they just rolled with it). i'm not having a mid-life crisis because of how i wear my shoes, LOL! are you freaking kidding me? how far you gonna reach? i'm only 30 and i'm a professional DJ, of course i'm gonna dress how i want, even if it's not all grown and sophisticated all the time. i've been wearing my shoes and jeans like this for years, it has nothing to do with me being older now. even when i wore baggier jeans i had the tongue out. it's called having your style and rolling with it (you can change it if it you genuinely think it looks better, but don't do it because you want to fit in). just because i'm getting a lil' older doesn't mean all of the sudden i have to tuck my tongues behind my jeans and stop wearing gear i think is fresh. i mean, i wear some grown up stuff here and there, but for the most part i'm still a kid at heart, and love my style, no matter what anyone says.

someone was insulting jay-z in the celebrities wearing heat thread a few weeks ago, sayin' "how's jay-z gonna be 40 dressing like he's 22?" ninjahood said something i couldn't agree with more, he simply said:

"culture > age"...

that's right. the way i came up, the style i took on and developed, it's a part of me now, and i'ma rock it 'til the wheels fall off... i'll love shoes and clothes 'til i'm as old as dirt probably. shiiiiiz, i'll be the freshest old man you've ever seen (i mean, i'm sure i'll change some, but i doubt my love of shoes and gear will die completely, and i doubt i'll be dressing like most of these old retired dudes you see)...
Originally Posted by STR1NGER

Originally Posted by Air Murphy 23

Originally Posted by STR1NGER

Originally Posted by DJ Proto J


And you are gonna wear them like this?
anyone besides Proto J posting this and I bet you wouldn't have said anything

they look nice

What do you mean? I don't know or care who dude is, I just think that looks awfully silly on some Jordan 1's.
I don't see what's the problem about how they're laced..

If you walked passed me proto, I'd probably stop you and compliment you on them. Nice job hun.
Originally Posted by DJ Proto J

take a look at the am fam thread, look at it early on and you'll see some of it's most senior members with their tongues out, but now, most of them wear their jeans over the tongues. is it just cuz they're a tiny bit older now and that's mostly a younger people thing? LOL... no! it's my opinion it's because they conformed because that is the norm around here (and they saw it on here so much it made 'em feel like it looked better, even if they didn't really think so themselves, they just rolled with it)
now you're just talking out your behind one conformed to anything. sometimes people want their the tongue to show, sometimes they don't....sometimes they wear jeans that sit better over the tongue....other jeans may sit better behind it. some may fix their jeans to be behind their tongue for the pic....some may put it over the tongue for a pic. honestly tho, at the end of the day, most of the people on here just put on their clothes and shoes...snap a pic then post it...and go about their business, however the setup comes out...that's that.

there's a difference between letting the tongue pop (normal wear) and what you do where u tie ur laces behind the shoes(obviously not these KO's) so that the tongue is being choked and forced out.

don't take this as any kind of attack/flame/etc.....i just don't appreciate you coming out your face talking about "members in the fam conformed cause that's the norm on here"....there isn't anything normal on this board

i've come at you before, once or twice with intent when u posted stupidity, but mostly it was all keep doing you and that's all that counts. i've come to understand why you keep at it and i try to keep any negative comments to myself.

getting back on topic: really good job on those KO's, they look really dope with the black on the front.
@ Mayhemgatz: no disrespect meant man, but last time we had that big debate about tongue poppin' in the am thread, someone even pointed out and provided pix of how founding members used to pop their tongues (cuz ol' boy was trying to say i was ruining the thread by doing so, and how none of the OG members do it), and now they mostly don't. i think the reasons are a combination of what you said and what i said here. it really is the norm around here to keep it behind your jeans.

and fyi, putting the laces behind the tongue isn't really choking the tongue, it pushes it out some, but the laces are loose enough that it doesn't choke it (lacing your shoes all the way to the top does usually choke the tongue tho, and then tying them in the front hides the nike tag, which i don't like). i just prefer not to have the tied laces in the front, looks sloppy to me usually. and giving it that extra lil' push out is just similar to how a lot of skaters wear their shoes, and i skated my butt off for years. it's just what i like, and it's a lil' lame that people around here are soooo convinced that their way is the only way and they call anything else wack. but props for keeping negative comments to yourself, that's what i do (all i really do is defend myself on here)... cuz i swear, if i went around dissing stuff i think looks bad i wouldn't have time to do anything else.

and thanx for the compliment!
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